• 想到可能需要很长时间孩子会拒绝热情消退

    Her enthusiasm is fading at the thought of how long that might take, just to have her kids reject it.


  • 目击者称周围的一脸惊恐孩子母亲玛丽亚·扎马拉当时都被

    Witnesses said people were looking on in horror as the child's mother, identified by sources as Maria Zamara, stood frozen in shock.


  • 第一演示我们可以选择孩子学习什么单词孩子可以陌生声音陌生的环境下给出指令回应单词。

    This is the first demonstration that we can choose what words the children will learn and that they can respond to them with an unfamiliar voice giving instructions in an unfamiliar setting.


  • 有可能成为祖父母的提醒如果没有孙子孙女在身边可以孩子交谈而孩子碰巧会更多时间陪伴自己父母

    Potential grandparents would be reminded that, without grandchildren around, it's possible to have a conversation with your kids, who—incidentally—would have more time for their own parents.


  • 孩子没有理解方式作出反应

    And the child doesn't respond in any way you can recognize as being part of that system.


  • 凭空对付诊断结果,孩子还没有出世…。

    You're coping with that diagnosis in a vacuum, without a baby...


  • 用手指梳理孩子凌乱的头发而孩子搂住脖子

    She ran her fingers through the child’scropped hair and he wrapped his arms around her neck.


  • 孩子父亲,阿根廷队前锋塞尔吉奥·阿圭罗也一同离开训练营

    The child's father, the striker Sergio "El Kun" Agüero, left the training camp to be with her.


  • 或者可能孩子确有胃部困扰他们无法报告疼痛孩子现在一天天越来越舒服了,所以感觉更好便行为上表现也更好了。

    Or it could be that the child did have some gastric distress, pain they were not able to report, and the child is now more comfortable day to day, and therefore feeling better, so behaving better.


  • 回答孩子第一个“为什么”开始,你就树立特有的回答问题的方式,孩子从此也就知道,他们的问题将从你那儿得到什么样的答案。

    With the first “Why?” question you answer, you establish your own unique style of giving information, and your child knows from then on what to expect from you when he asks a question.


  • 他们当然他们孩子骄傲。

    They are rightly proud of their children.


  • 因为不要孩子当作怪人

    She was treated like a freak because she didn't want children.


  • 他们癌症夺去了一个孩子肝肠寸断。

    They suffered the heartbreak of losing a child through cancer.


  • 孩子生活奔波时,就会有这种强烈内疚感

    When your child is struggling for life, you feel this overwhelming sense of guilt.


  • 现在大多数孩子喜欢电视不喜欢读书

    Nowadays most kids prefer watching TV to reading.


  • 要充满同情地倾听孩子不能发的牢骚抱怨。

    Listen sympathetically to your child's moans and groans about what she can't do.


  • 最近自己两个孩子在一起的时间感到内疚。

    She feels guilty about spending less time lately with her two kids.


  • 梅格在附近一个家庭四个孩子乔则帮助非常富有的姑妈马奇

    Meg teaches four children in a nearby family, while Jo helps her grand-aunt March, who is very rich.


  • 失去孩子嚎哭

    She was wailing for her lost child.


  • 史密斯夫妇因教养孩子方式得当受到表扬。

    The Smiths are praised for the way they bring up their children.


  • 毫无疑问父母培养自信能干可爱快乐孩子不是被宠坏痛苦的孩子

    Undoubtedly parents want to raise happy children who are confident, capable and likable rather than spoiled and miserable.


  • 其他孩子围着圆圈,一半圈里站着一个孩子

    The other children stood around the circle, one in each segment.


  • 许多妇女仍然养育孩子中断事业

    Many women still take career breaks to bring up children.


  • 离开自己孩子工作感到内疚。

    She had feelings of guilt about leaving her children and going to work.


  • 孩子宁愿不愿学习

    Kids would rather play than study.


  • 孩子丢给卷款

    He cleared out with all the money and left her with the kids.


  • 顽强地作为孩子母亲权利斗争

    She would fight doggedly for her rights as the children's mother.


  • 孩子料理得安心满足

    Tania kept the children reasonably quiet and contented.


  • 孩子没有历险受伤

    The kids were none the worse for their adventure.


  • 孩子可能会玩具娃娃头发窒息

    A small child could choke on the doll's hair.


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