• 这家公司击败主要竞争对手垄断了整个小麦市场

    By defeating their main competitor this firm has cornered the wheat market.


  • 考虑知识产权人可能出现滥用垄断行为,垄断权滥用直接导致社会公众利益受到损害,社会整体效率出现滑坡,这样的垄断后果知识产权法的初衷产生矛盾

    The result of the abuse the monopoly right, which will harm to the public interest and lead to decrease of whole social efficiency, is conflicted with the original intention of the IP law.


  • 经济体由于公共开支私有垄断变得僵化

    The economy was hidebound by public spending and private monopolies.


  • 钢铁业公开谴责奏效了;钢铁业作出了让步垄断调查因此撤销

    His public denunciation of the steel industry worked; the industry backed down and the antitrust investigation was called off.


  • 事实上,几乎没有任何一种财富可以脱离某种形式垄断被创立,最少也以寡头的形式。

    Indeed, there has hardly ever been a fortune created without a monopoly of some sort, or at least an oligopoly.


  • 可以有助于终结微软通过控制文字处理办公套件产生的次级垄断

    Could help end the secondary monopoly whereby Microsoft controls the word processing and office suite market.


  • 烧造瓷器的配方一直不传,所以中国人垄断了瓷器的制造

    The Chinese kept their recipe secret and with that their monopoly on production.


  • 克罗斯表示微软欧盟相制定有关竞争政策50年来一家因拒不遵守垄断裁决遭到罚款的企业。

    "Microsoft is the first company in 50 years of EU competition policy that the commission has had to fine for failure to comply with an anti-trust decision," she said.


  • 世代微软作为恃强凌弱垄断广为畏惧时,它即试图整个网络提供一种名为通行证”的“一次性登陆”的解决方案,却以失败告终,因为没有人登陆它。

    At the beginning of this decade Microsoft, then feared as a bullying monopolist, tried but failed to create a "single sign-on" called "Passport" for the whole web. Nobody signed on.


  • 如果说垄断巨头,可以轻易击败

    It is argued that the monopoly, being bigger and more powerful, can easily drive me out.


  • 垄断检察官发现市场占有率低于40%、且这种方式垄断企业几乎天方夜谭。现在还没有一个投资银行的占有率40%沾上边 ---》在市场占有率低于40%的情况下采取这样的价格主导手段是罕见的。现在没有一家投行的市场占有率达到40%的水平。

    But it is rare for trustbusters to find a single firm that dominates in this way with a market share below 40%. No investment bank comes close to that threshold.


  • 一个垄断可以直接选择价格,或者通过选择销售数量来间接调控价格。 因为成本数量的函数,所以利用数量不是价格会使得计算简单点。

    So how does a monopoly choose its price and quantity?


  • 作者警告可能预示部分市场返回垄断时代整个国家可能服务提供商劫持勒取赎金的风险

    That could signal a return to the era of monopolies in some markets, with the risk that entire countries could be held ransom by their service providers, the authors warned.


  • 相反大国知道它们可能垄断地区,因争抢分享影响力小国以及中等国家则通过让那些自诩的保护人彼此相努力保持着自己的回旋余地。

    Instead, big countries jostle for a share of influence, knowing they cannot monopolise the scene; small and medium-sized powers struggle to keep room for manoeuvre by playing off would-be patrons.


  • 致力于保证未来市场竞争欧盟委员会先行垄断调查倾向对未来的影响不是过去的事件。

    The European Commission's current investigation looks forwards rather than backwards, however, with the aim of ensuring that there is competition in the future.


  • 直到最近北约基本上垄断军事欧盟一个经济实体

    Until recently NATO has largely monopolised military power, while the EU has been an economic entity.


  • 美国政策谨慎生怕公司欧洲的反垄断竞争者们则太过大胆地进行干预

    American policy is too cautious about treading on big firm's toes but Europe's trustbusters may intervene too boldly.


  • 本周一项诉讼我们想起“信任破产”19世纪最大铁路公司由于燃料附加费的价格垄断指控。

    This week, in a lawsuit that evokes memories of 19th-century trust-busting, the biggest railways are accused of price-fixing fuel surcharges.


  • 发达国家,据统计70%女性专注人文学健康学,数学管理学领域几乎被男性垄断

    In rich countries they account for over 70% of degrees in humanities and health, whereas the vast majority of degrees in mathematics and engineering go to men.


  • 市场份额并不一定意味着垄断市场份额不意味着一定不存在垄断

    A large market share is not a proof of monopoly, nor is a small market share proof that a firm lacks monopoly power.


  • 过去球员联盟通过成功提交垄断诉求否决了球员减薪政策

    In the past, its players' union has defeated policies designed to reduce salaries by filing successful antitrust claims.


  • 这样具有网络接入业务公司可能语音服务业务进行垄断经营了。相对的,依赖自有网络接入业务单纯提供语音服务业也具有了可操作性。

    So owning the access network no longer confers a monopoly on voice service; conversely, it is possible to offer a voice service without owning an access network.


  • 他们没有经历2000 年上诉和解告终的垄断危机和强制拆分危机。

    They joined after the company was found guilty in 2000 of anti-competitive practices and ordered to be split. This was overturned on appeal and a settlement was later reached.


  • 垄断夹缝中勉强生存的小型企业认为将该法获得保障。一些专家指出,目前对中国市场"强势"控制的一些跨国企业微软英特尔,却可能因为该法的实施面临挑战。

    The law, widely hailed by small enterprises, is regarded by experts as a challenge for some multinational companies, such as Microsoft and Intel, who hold overwhelming superiority in the market.


  • 一方面毫无疑问,他们不再垄断行为的焦点欢喜

    On the one hand, there's no doubt they're glad that they probably won't be targeted for monopolistic behavior.


  • 目前Show公司日本16员工中国作为生产基地有71名员工。在日本,该公司已经垄断大型特色充气气球市场

    Show Corporation now has 16 employees in Japan and 71 in China, where it has based production, and it has cornered the market for large, inflatable character balloons in Japan.


  • 去年6月曾经表示微软代表上个世纪垄断Google现在垄断威胁所在。

    Last June, before she held the post, she said that Microsoft represented an antitrust threat for the last century, but that Google was the one to watch now.


  • 去年6月曾经表示微软代表上个世纪垄断Google现在垄断威胁所在。

    Last June, before she held the post, she said that Microsoft represented an antitrust threat for the last century, but that Google was the one to watch now.


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