• 就让我们走近看看这些奇特古怪动物吧。

    Let's take a closer look at there and other odd animals.


  • 这儿干吗?”嗓音粗暴古怪,“难道你没听见的话吗?”

    "What are you standing there for?" His voice was ugly and strange. "Didn't you hear what I said?"


  • 成为一种途径,通过它能发现这个可笑古怪哲学家真正面目,以及将要成为那种人

    It acted as a means of seeing who this funny, oddball philosopher really was, and who I needed to become.


  • 还有可能是,尽管杜特尔特狂妄古怪,但行为实际上可能符合东南亚的一种更广泛趋势

    But it is also possible that Mr Duterte, for all his wild man antics, is actually part of a larger trend in Southeast Asia.


  • 声音设计师本·伯特提供了由喉音昆虫咔哒声组成适当古怪的混音口型再次准确地实现了。

    When sound Designer Ben Burtt delivered a suitably bizarre mix of guttural speech and clicking insect sounds, the lip-sync was redone to properly match.


  • 缝合技术拥有段悠久古怪历史,可以追溯到埃及那时树枝头发任何东西都用来人类血肉重新缝合到一起

    Sutures have a long and bizarre history, dating back to ancient Egypt, where everything from tree bark to hair was used to stitch human flesh back together again.


  • 看到了巨大的力量试探巴洛特利是否天性狂暴古怪心中魔鬼是否有时会爆发。他知道改造可能产生美妙的结果

    He saw great power and touch and if Balotelli's nature was turbulent and erratic, if his demons sometimes went on the rampage, he knew a reclamation job might just produce brilliant results.


  • 从来没有见过这样房间觉得古怪阴郁

    She had never seen a room at all like it and thought it curious and gloomy.


  • 因为行为古怪人嘲笑

    She's been mocked for her kooky ways.


  • 我们古怪新颖获得声誉

    We've developed a reputation for being quirky and original.


  • 主啊多么奇妙件事啊!记忆抓住了他古怪疯狂幻想

    Lord, how marvellous a thing it is, the grip his memory doth take upon his quaint and crazy fancies!


  • 一定要真实姓名(全名),不是Ry-RyBiff 这样古怪昵称。

    Always sign with your (entire) real name, not some wacky nickname like Ry-Ry or Biff.


  • 笨拙款式异想天开古怪造型方形不是圆形)的痴迷——真是段极为多彩的历史

    The clueless stylings, the flights of fancy into odd shapes, the obsession with square versus rounded -- it is a wonderfully colorful history.


  • 现在问题为什么庞大恐龙族谱这样一个分支会先进化出如此古怪外表不是翅膀呢?

    That did raise the question, though, of why one twig of the great dinosaur tree had developed such strange outer vestments, even before it developed wings.


  • 许多事情人们觉得艺术家古怪人。古怪也许是:艺术家的唯一工作就是探索情感他们还往往关注那些不好的感情。

    Many things make people think artists are weird and the weirdest may be this: artists only job is to explore emotions, and yet they choose to focus on the ones that feel bad.


  • 有时我会脑子本厚厚的写满了古怪知识上面的内容可能很难立刻明白。

    I sometimes think of Eli as having a huge book of odd knowledge in his head. In real time the contents can be hard for people to understand.


  • 那么吗,对于这辆古怪绝妙的梅赛德斯F400来说正常反应

    That’s ok, that’s the normal reaction to the weird and wonderful Mercedes F400.


  • 一个新世界正缓慢诞生世界仍顽固地存在的古怪世界里,拉杜里探索着这些记录本发现

    Ladurie plumbs these transcripts and discovers an old world stubbornly at odds with the new world slowly being born.


  • 奥斯汀是个新潮古怪城市市民也以此标榜自己同时也是美国最大公立大学之一德克萨斯大学校园所在地。

    Austin is a funky, weird town. They pride themselves on their weirdness. But it's also home of the University of Texas campus - one of the largest public institutions in the u.


  • 那么吗,对于这辆古怪绝妙的梅赛德斯F400来说正常反应

    That's ok, that's the normal reaction to the weird and wonderful Mercedes F400.


  • 奥斯汀是个新潮古怪城市,市民以此标榜自己同时也是美国最大公立大学之一的德克萨斯大学校园所在地。

    They pride themselves on their weirdness. But it's also home of the University of Texas campus - one of the largest public institutions in the U.S..


  • 是个小孩,”李维特说道这些古怪似乎早有预兆:母亲一名通灵者父亲放屁方面的造诣引领全球

    "I was an odd child," Levitt says, and perhaps some kind of oddness was to be expected: his mother is a psychic, his father the world's leading expert on the science of farts.


  • 拾级上时,游客经过中庭那样很漂亮的,墙上稀奇古怪悬挂弗朗西斯·钱特里爵士雕刻的名人胸像

    On the ascent you pass a wonderful wall, the full height of the atrium, with Sir Francis Chantrey's busts of worthies hanging strangely in space.


  • 奥巴马说:“我们金融系统陷入了动荡,麦凯恩性格古怪,他脱离了美国经济现实。

    Our financial system is in turmoil, and John McCain was erratic and out of touch on the economy.


  • 那儿待着,个美以美会教徒似的祈祷着,不过他所祈求神明只是无知觉的灰尘已;上帝,在他提及的时候古怪自己的黑种父亲混在一起!

    There he has continued, praying like a Methodist: only the deity he implored in senseless dust and ashes; and God, when addressed, was curiously confounded with his own black father!


  • 如同巨型植物造型的威胁意味也许会使一些纤细的心灵动摇不安不过喜爱大胆“邪恶”设计的人喜欢这种古怪设计,忽视舒适度。

    There is a triffid-like menace that may unsettle delicate spirits, but lovers of the bold and bad will rejoice in the sheer wackiness, not to mention the comfort.


  • 感到十分古怪就是这样已经缝纫痴迷

    It is an odd thing to have happened to me, but it is what it is. I have become obsessed with sewing.


  • 弟弟因为摔断膝盖石膏走路样子很古怪我们便叫腿人”。

    When my brother had a cast to support his broken knee, we called him 'peg leg' because he walked funny.


  • 弟弟因为摔断膝盖石膏走路样子很古怪我们便叫腿人”。

    When my brother had a cast to support his broken knee, we called him 'peg leg' because he walked funny.


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