• 不是城市神秘一面城市生活会变得越来越危险危险源头只是抢劫犯飞车党等人为因素。

    It ISN't just an urban myth: life in a city really is getting more dangerous, and the sources of peril are not just human ones like muggers and reckless motorists.


  • 玻璃外墙装饰的摩天大楼里种植粮食作物将大大减少化石燃料的排放循环利用城市废水不是现在那样直接排入下水道

    Growing food in glass high-rises could drastically reduce fossil-fuel emissions and recycle city wastewater that now pollutes waterways.


  • 估计芝加哥这样大都会地区每天应当放出20单交易意味着城市每年有将近5000个零售商现在大部分城市只有250个。

    He estimates that a metro area like Chicago should yield 20 deals a day; that implies nearly 5,000 retailers per city per year, up from the 250 in most cities now.


  • 估计芝加哥这样大都会地区每天应当放出20单交易意味着城市每年要有将近5000个零售商现在大部分城市只有250个。

    He estimates that a metro area like Chicago should yield 20 deals a day; that implies nearly 5, 000 retailers per city per year, up from the 250 in most cities now.


  • 即使圣保罗一样平常勤奋工作城市超市从早上七点营业交通拥挤已经司空见惯,照样因为巴西足球队出赛停顿下来。

    Even a normally hard-working city like São Paulo, where supermarkets open at 7.00am and heavy traffic is a way of life, came to a standstill for Brazil’s matches.


  • 现在已经到了匈牙利首都布达佩斯。一个城市那样,那么巨大令人印象深刻充满生机富有大都会气派。

    I'm now in Budapest, the capital of Hungary, which is huge and impressive and bustling and cosmopolitan and everything a big city should be.


  • 米兰罗马都灵这样城市维罗纳影响力维罗纳又比其他的小城市更有影响力。

    Big towns like Milan, Rome, and Turin had more influence than Verona, and Verona had more influence than many smaller places.


  • 我们宇宙中大多数星系一起形成星团,绵延的城市一样点缀在无垠的太空,通常围绕包含一个巨大黑洞古老可怕星系旋转。

    Most galaxies in our universe are bound together into clusters that dot the cosmic landscape like urban sprawls, usually centred around one old, monstrous galaxy containing a massive black hole.


  • 但是这种移民不会这样:移民观念适合原来居住城市不是他们后来迁入的城市

    But such migration would also make it less likely that immigrants' preferences matched those of the country they left behind rather than those of the country they came to live in.


  • 曾经目睹过北京那样因工业污染窒息城市加拿大古老寒温带森林夷为平地,印度尼西亚的热带雨林焚烧殆尽

    I've seen cities like Beijing choked by industrial pollution, ancient Boreal forests in Canada that have been clear-cut, and rainforests in Indonesia that have been incinerated.


  • 中国人喜欢的、能填饱肚子午餐许多英国现在可能三明治特别是如果他们一个伦敦一样繁华城市工:作。

    While Chinese people like a hot, filling lunch, many British people today may just have a sandwich, especially if they work in a busy city like London.


  • 真的一生都同一城市城镇不是别人那样去结识朋友品尝新食物,去领悟体验生活吗?

    Do you really want to stay in the same town or city your whole life, without meeting new people, tasting new foods and seeing and experiencing life as others do?


  • 设想的结局应该彻底改变,黑暗城市”一样,不是让观众置身于一连串绝妙动作当中。

    I wanted an ending that was transformational, like "Dark City's," and not one that simply throws us a sensational action sequence.


  • 可以想象在经过一个长的时间后,水族零售店将会更多分布城市的各个小区,不是现在那样集中几个大的批发市场里面。

    I could imagine that over a longer period of time aquarium shops will open in different locations in a city, rather than all concentrated in one aquarium market ast is now in most cases.


  • 唐绅(音)操练士兵那样一个城市广场上踱着步严肃审视着面前紧张的女孩们,并低声威严发出各种指令

    Like an urban drill sergeant, Tang Shenbin paced on a city square, sternly inspecting his nervous charges, issuing sotto voice commands with military authority.


  • 威廉佩恩计划, 76人一个英文农村城镇不是城市

    William Penn's plan was that Philadelphia would be like an English rural town instead of a city.


  • 威廉佩恩计划, 76人一个英文农村城镇不是城市

    William Penn's plan was that Philadelphia would be like an English rural town instead of a city.


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