• 现在一切皆为果,过去的那些选择皆为

    Everything that is happening at this moment is a result of the choices you've made in the past.


  • 如果买房养家糊口,肯定需要你过去的钱就可以帮忙了。

    If you want to buy a house and have a family, you need money to start with, which comes from saving.


  • 很快他们都会过去发现自己经焕然一新变成一个更加坚强的不再痛苦了

    Soon enough, they will die and you will find yourself a renewed and much stronger person; no longer hurt and bitter.


  • 就是为什么我们告诉特兰提斯黄金时代实际上一个未来事件而你却把它拉表象”的过去

    And this is why we tell you that the Golden Age of Atlantis is actually an event horizon from your future that you pulled into your 'seeming' past!


  • 知道我们过去经历过这样时期记得在70年代每个人多么沮丧我们找到了新的动力

    And you know, we've been through this kind of period before; I remember how depressed everyone was in the mid-70s, and yet we found new sources of dynamism.


  • 确实如果过去数月里职业迟滞不前想知道为甚无法取得持续性进展就把它归咎疲弱土星吧。

    Indeed, if you have felt that your career has been stagnating over past months and wondered why you were not able to make substantial progress, you can blame a weak Saturn.


  • 看到这个门口必须从这里穿越过去

    It's like you see this doorway, and you've just got to go through it.


  • 不要等到中年危机时才认识到这些而你的半生都已经过去仍然感到不幸福

    Don't wait until your midlife crisis to realize that half your life has passed you by and you're still unhappy.


  • 时光旅行是真的”,纸条写道,“只能单程回到过去”。

    Time travel works!“ the note read. “However you can only travel to the past and one-way.


  • 意味着比如发现天地过去“史最棒的书”却没有动过一个,就锻炼计划的日历空白一片的惨淡景象。

    That means, for example, realizing that you’re writing zero words for your novel, day in and day out, exactly as your blank calendar makes painfully clear.


  • 老板亲自过去规范一扫

    Your new boss has swept away the old code by breaking it himself.


  • 孩子一直试着决定,或者低声嘀咕不到同时,邻桌会冲大喊你过去

    Kids can sit there forever trying to decide, or they whisper and you can't hear them. Meanwhile, the people at the next table are yelling at you to come over.


  • 利润过去一周商店销售商品每周报告因此星期四更新收入每场比赛,在商品立场

    The profit from past week's sales in the merchandise shop is stated in your weekly report, and thus updated every Thursday, while revenues from your merchandise stand roll in after every match.


  • 如果过去回避的问题这些问题将再次出现,而你关系面临考验。

    Relationships can be very testy if there are problems that have been avoided in the past.


  • 过去年来奖金对于汽车经销商来说变得越来越重要利用一点

    Bonuses have become more and more important to the car dealers over the past few years. You can use this to your advantage.


  • 过去需要首先武力征服一个国家就可以控制那个国家。

    In the old days you needed to conquer a country with military force, and then you could control that country.


  • 拥有他们过去掌握他们的未来

    I have their past and you can have their future.


  • 回顾过去一个小时,就好象地球上最后一个小时,刚刚得知已经死了

    Look back at the hour that has passed, as if it was the last hour for you on the earth and that you have just acknowledged that you have died.


  • 毕竟过去只是一个回忆的好地方不会生活过去! !

    After all, the past is a great place to visit, but you don't want to live there!


  • 衰退晚会过去到时及时行动就会站着更高更远的起点竞争对手此时像骆驼一样把头沙子里,不愿面对现实。

    Sooner or later, the recession will end and when that happens speed will give you a huge head start over your competitors who have been hiding, with their heads down in the trenches.


  • 进行过去时。

    You said yes to me when, and when you are past.


  • 确实土星太阳处于相反方向最最艰难的一个位置了,过去年中需要不时地应对这种不利局面。

    Indeed, Saturn opposition the Sun is the single hardest aspect possible, and you have coped directly with this at some point over the past two years.


  • 写信时,过去记忆可能会出现而你也会发现实际上父亲母亲难过

    As you write you may find memories coming up from your past and discover that you are really upset with your own mother or father.


  • 过去过去已经别赦免了,远去了未来全能双手中。

    The past is forgiven and gone and the future is in God's omnipotent hands.


  • 过去日子有着令人喜悦陶醉见证,然而你对于上帝有现在大的价值

    You are worth far more to Him now than you were in your days of conscious delight and thrilling testimony.


  • 挫折会过去热泪会流下,也会收起,没有什么可以气馁的,因为有着长长的一生一定会

    Frustration comes and it also goes away. Warm tears run down and will also be blinked back. Nothing can discourage me. Because I have a long life and you are bound to come.


  • 挫折会过去热泪会流下,也会收起,没有什么可以气馁的,因为有着长长的一生一定会

    Frustration comes and it also goes away. Warm tears run down and will also be blinked back. Nothing can discourage me. Because I have a long life and you are bound to come.


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