• 从不收拾自己房间也从不要求收拾。

    He never cleans his room and his mother never tries to make him.


  • 想象一下正向某人吐露心声,打电话如果要求注意,你会得到这样答复——可以一心多用

    Imagine you are pouring your heat out to someone and they are just busy on their phone, and if you ask for their attention you get the responseI can multitask.


  • 没有意识竞争越来越激烈要求工作标准越来越高孩子可能没有准备好迎接变化

    They don't realize that the competition is getting keener and the required standards of work get higher and that their children may not be prepared for the change.


  • 同样区域另一处犹太人定居点建设计划要求28户巴勒斯坦家庭搬离,而他许多已经这儿生活50多年

    Another Jewish building project in the same district requires the eviction of 28 Palestinian families, many of whom have been living there for more than 50 years.


  • 塞尔维亚要求被逮捕,这损害塞国波黑的关系

    But his arrest at the behest of Serbia will damage its relations with Bosnia.


  • 真不明白,我们一直效劳,非但不感激,还不断要求更多

    I wonderwhy. We work for him, all this time, and then, he orders to do more, ungratefully.


  • “儿童套餐孩子们经常要求东西之一第一件事就是-打开玩具,”巴罕今天记者会上说到

    "Happy meals are among the those things frequently requested, and the first thing they ask me to do is open the toy," Parham said in a press conference today.


  • 面临家庭们的要求自己对生活知之甚少

    They face demands from families back home who often have little understanding of their new lives.


  • ,45尼尔相信一趋势锐不可当,工作要求顺应潮流,主动出击。

    But at 45, Mr Sannier believes the trend is inevitable, and his job requires him to get on top of it.


  • 巴马要求以色列停止在将会成为巴勒斯坦国一部分土地修建房屋犹太人定居对此聪不闻。

    He turned a deaf ear to Mr Obama's demand that the building and expansion of Jewish settlements on the land that must become part of that Palestinian state must stop.


  • 肯定,总一天要求结束这里的工作回到家里现在还在支持着想通这个艰难抉择

    I am sure there were times when he would have liked to have told me to pack it up and come home, yet he supported me through the tough issues.


  • 对此,家庭乃至整个家族深感不满:其母对决定“把灵魂洋鬼子”哀痛不已,一位叔叔要求改名,免得辱没家族的名声。

    His family was unimpressed: his mother wept at his decision to "sell his soul to foreign devils", while an uncle ordered him to change his name, to avoid further disgracing the clan.


  • 当然我们要求这些损失作出赔偿但是太多了,而他偿还,所以也就干脆不管了。

    Of course we require him to pay us back for these damages, but he falls so far into debt that he never has any money and stops caring about it.


  • 尽管按照要求被告告知审判开始,然选择执行自己出席审判的权利

    Although the accused has duly been informed of the commencement of the trial, he has chosen not to exercise his right to be present.


  • 首相大卫·卡梅隆将要带着一系列要求奔赴布鲁塞尔欧洲同行们——不管出于什么理由——都会拒绝为乐。

    The new prime minister, David Cameron, will then go to Brussels with a series of demands that his European peers-for good and bad reasons-will take great pleasure in rejecting.


  • 本周一最高法院已提出申请,要求吊销约翰·迈克尔·法瑞恩的律师执照代理所有客户案件由指定受托处理

    The state Office of Chief Disciplinary Counsel filed papers Monday to suspend John Michael Farren's license. It wants a trustee appointed to handle his clients' cases.


  • 叔叔年轻时候死于工伤而他要求提供相应报纸文章讣告证明说法

    I had an uncle who died at a relatively young age in a workplace accident and I was asked to produce a newspaper article or obituary verifying my claim.


  • 先生着来自泰国北部居民们激动要求而他希望停止湄公河上游的建筑行为。

    Mr. Yao listened to impassioned pleas by residents of northern Thailand to stop further construction on the river.


  • 银行业热心因为重组可能要求平衡表上记录债务价值正在辛苦提高资本比率

    The banks are not keen either, since restructuring would require them to write down the value of the debt on their balance-sheet just as they are struggling to improve their capital ratios.


  • 上野先生要求职员读一读这本书,销售经理——小山内 聪子——读了这本书。

    Mr Ueno told his staff to read it. Satoko Osanai, his sales manager, did.


  • 许多雇主一致认为世代年轻人找工作要求过高,既要高工资,又要工作有趣,还要有灵活的工作时间表们自己却什么都不用

    Many employers believe the newest generation of job seekers expects too much-high pay, interesting work, flexible schedules-and without paying their dues.


  • 构建团队经常招聘代理,试图告诉对方自己哪些要求这样的问题在于:团队无法直接接触应聘者,才是一起真正干活人。

    People who have to build a new team often use recruiters and try to express what they are trying to achieve, but it is a step removed from the team that is actually physically going to do the work.


  • 各自缺陷传统笔记本电脑虽然功能全面但是携带性开始不能满足现在人们要求;上网本虽然够轻便,但是略去了很多功能,让人在日常使用时受到很多局限。

    While, they all have their own defects. Traditional laptop computers have comprehensive functions, but they failed to meet the requirement of the portability of people.


  • 问题来了,这些经理人40多岁了,薪资要求变得很高们的才能其实不是那么出众作为外企公司老板怎么选择

    Good problem, when these managers over 40, their salary demands become high, and their talent actually is not so outstanding, as a foreign company boss, what would you choose?


  • 这些培训专家们会把一个人包装成网,然后把营销、销售出去——要求报酬网红收入的分红。

    These Internet celebrity training specialists groom, market and sell Internet celebrities - and all they demand is a cut of the star's earnings.


  • 命令上车,并且恶毒的诅咒们。继愤怒要求福特开车路。

    Tillie ordered them into the vehicle, cursed at the women and angrily told Ford to drive him to Six Mile Road, she said.


  • 命令上车,并且恶毒的诅咒们。继愤怒要求福特开车路。

    Tillie ordered them into the vehicle, cursed at the women and angrily told Ford to drive him to Six Mile Road, she said.


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