• 他们没有意识竞争越来越激烈要求工作标准越来越高他们孩子可能没有准备好迎接变化

    They don't realize that the competition is getting keener and the required standards of work get higher and that their children may not be prepared for the change.


  • 许多父母整日工作孩子创造好的生活条件他们孩子可能什么都不缺,唯独缺少父母的陪伴

    Many parents work all day long to provide their children with a good living condition, but their kids might want for nothing else but the company of their parents.


  • 一天车后,有时途径我家告诉孩子很快回家了,他们总是想到我的车上坐坐

    When I have a long drive near the end of the day, I sometimes go past my home to tell my two little children I'll be home soon, and they always want to come along in my car.


  • 大多数孩子进入唱诗班管弦乐队艺术工作室戏剧机会很少,他们特权同龄人却能享受到这些机会,完全错误的,也是不公平的。

    It is simply wrong and unfair that most children have a fraction of the access to choirs, orchestras, art studios and drama that their more privileged peers enjoy.


  • 小儿子拒绝其他孩子因为他们属于自己自行车没有。由于这个原因,亚历山大发明一种无可超越的自行车模型

    When his small son refused to play with other kids because all of them had bicycles of their own and he didn't, Alexander invented a model no one else could boast of.


  • 公司兼职工作因为孩子一个工作时间固定的丈夫需要弹性安排时间,他们允许这样做。

    I have two part-time jobs at small companies because they allow me the flexibility I need as a mom with a young child and a husband whose work schedule is inflexible.


  • 一些健康倡导者担心某个头发小丑孩子产生不良影响,因他们想要让小丑下课。

    Some health activists are so afraid of the impact that a certain red-haired clown has on children that they want him to retire.


  • 非洲新兴中产阶级正在取出抵押贷款搬进新建的公寓——他们想要两个孩子

    An emergent African middle class is taking out mortgages and moving into newly built flats-and two children is what they want.


  • 当然了,孩子必须混得别人好(如果从没达到过相当好的话),他们确实比别人好。

    Of course Lola's kids had to be better than everyone else (if never quite good enough), and so they were.


  • 这种命题转父母甚至担心孩子头部尺寸是否正常?’人们认为那些杜撰出来的‘妈妈’是存在的,他们无法企及,这种想法却对他们孩子造成了伤害

    There's this fear of 'Is my kid's head the right size?' People think there's some mythical Good Mother out there that they aren't living up to and that it's hurting their child.


  • 所有斜坡玩耍孩子而他们中的百分之九十九都玩得很开心。

    All the slopes are full of children having fun and 99.9 per cent have a good time.


  • 是个很好的机会因为这些孩子以前从没有社会化他们行为对于环境完全新的

    It's a remarkable opportunity because these children have never been social before, so their behavior is completely fresh to the environment.


  • 当有人上前他们拍照时,杰克逊大声地叫到:“不要这样!”然后孩子迅速离开他身边女子则购物中心后门白色跑去。

    "Please, no!" Jackson shouted to photographers before making a rapid exit with the children and woman via the back door of the mall and into a white car.


  • “儿童套餐孩子经常要求东西之一他们第一件事就是-打开玩具,”巴罕今天记者会上说到

    "Happy meals are among the those things frequently requested, and the first thing they ask me to do is open the toy," Parham said in a press conference today.


  • 更多孩子我,他们帮忙的态度也慢慢有所改进

    I asked the kids to help more, and they did with improved attitudes.


  • 这些轰动音乐会收入实际上仅仅向我们说明,婴儿时代出生的人拥有信用卡他们孩子可以使用这些信用卡。

    All that these blockbuster concert revenues really tell us is that Baby Boomers have credit CARDS and their children have access to them.


  • 孩子成了热心助手教给了他们很多东西——关于昆虫还有劳动自重自尊信任

    My children became his devoted helpers, and he taught them many things-about trees and birds and insects, but also about work and self-respect, dignity and trust.


  • 这些安老院工作人员许多年轻他们具有善良的愿望而他们经常使用声调更加适合孩子不是老人

    Many of the staff in these homes are young and, with the best intentions, often use tones of voice that are more suitable for addressing young children than elderly people.


  • 并且研究发现大多数肥胖孩子没有接触腺病毒36他们依然很胖

    And the majority of the obese children in the study hadn't been exposed to adenovirus 36, yet they were still fat.


  • 他们孩子”一样,然而他们家庭实在开心,以至于这些社交礼仪上的瑕疵可以忽略不计。

    They were like "children," and loving families could simply dismiss their lack of social graces because now they were so much happier.


  • 墨西哥一个摄影师那里得到了一些照片,似乎能肯定他们俩的婚姻后来隐约他们结了婚且还生育了两个孩子

    He got some piece of paper from a photographer's booth in Mexico that seemed to make it official, though afterwards he vaguely remembered being married already with two children.


  • 一个曼彻斯特法官来说,两个一家商店的橱窗牛仔裤孩子刑,他们只是自私只不过社交网络这代”的“症候已。

    To a Manchester judge sentencing two young girls caught stealing jeans from a shop window, they were not just "selfish" but "symptomatic of the Facebook generation".


  • 悲剧:斯迪格玛莎结婚碰到了第一桩麻烦事怀孕了,认为孩子毁掉他们生活

    The Misery: They're not even married yet when Stig and Martha hit their first hiccup: she's pregnant, he thinks a child would ruin their life.


  • 孩子手机都超过了18个月他们父母在发现他们对手机产生严重依赖之前基本没有他们使用手机作出严格的限制。

    The children had owned their phones for 18 months, and their parents had made little effort to restrict their use before noticing how serious their dependence had become.


  • 同事发现黑人亚洲孩子白人孩子更高食物过敏几率他们更少得到相应治疗

    She and her colleagues also found that black and Asian kids had higher chances of having a food allergy than white kids - but that they were less likely to have that allergy diagnosed by a doctor.


  • 同事发现黑人亚洲孩子白人孩子更高食物过敏几率他们更少得到相应治疗

    She and her colleagues also found that black and Asian kids had higher chances of having a food allergy than white kids - but that they were less likely to have that allergy diagnosed by a doctor.


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