• 创造自己菜肴,我开始更多做饭仅仅家人

    I wanted to create my own dishes and I started cooking for more people than just my family.


  • 制药行业松绑这样他们就可以开始治疗这种疾病,仅仅是治疗疾病副作用

    It unties the hands of the pharmaceutical industry so that they can begin treating the disease and not just the side effects.


  • 制药行业松绑这样他们就可以开始治疗这种疾病,仅仅是疾病副作用。”

    "It unties the hands of the pharmaceutical industry so that they can begin treating the disease and not just the side effects," he said.


  • 2003年,医疗机制仅仅开始覆盖药物方面的花销覆盖面有着众多缺陷

    Medicare only started to cover spending on drugs in 2003, and the coverage had various defects.


  • 逐渐地人们开始仅仅使用适合自身模式语言根据需要求助于转换工具形式转化成另一种形式,这类工具的大量涌现给人留下了深刻的印象。

    Increasingly, people are just using whatever schema language suits them best and turning to an impressive crop of emerging tools to convert from one form to another according to need.


  • 别人总朋友,其实根本就没几个朋友,很多都仅仅是认识已,真正能交寥寥无几,现在恰恰这些人离开,现在才时间享受寂寞,有人曾说男人学会享受寂寞,一开始觉得这话挺可笑的,怎么会有人去享受寂寞呢?

    Now many of them are gone and I have time to enjoy solitariness. It has ever been said that man should learn to enjoy loneliness.


  • 越来越多希望开始自己的生活仅仅活着

    I think there are more people out there that want to start living instead of just existing.


  • 移动购物者开始购买钻戒汽车之类的高价商品仅仅虚拟商品铃声

    And mobile shoppers are buying high-ticket items like diamond rings and cars, not just virtual goods and ring tones.


  • 也许仅仅开始一个或者两个星期因为工作疲累或是相互冲突责任能够坚持下来。

    You might start going for a week or two, but exhaustion from work or conflicting commitments keeps you from going.


  • 由于宽带连接能够传输语音数据一些国家(譬如智利)开始铺设宽带提供资金,不是仅仅着眼于电话

    Since broadband links can carry both voice and data, some countries (such as Chile) are starting to subsidise broadband roll-out instead of just concentrating on phones.


  • 相反我们激励自己员工团队,顾客,或是我们的朋友时,我们应该发送出一些具体信息——仅仅大家开始事情的提示,应该是一些具体行为的提示。

    Instead, we should be sending specific messages when trying to motivate our staff, our team, our customers, or our friends - not just a call for action but a call for this particular action.


  • 仅仅一步,在明年完成更多的目标,因此我们已经开始下一步努力工作了。

    But this is only the first step and next year I want to achieve a lot more, so we are already working hard to make another step.


  • 为了达成一目标仅仅基于民众吃白食者”鄙夷,他们开始强力出击。

    In pursuing this mission they are off to a strong start, not least because of public disdain for "scroungers".


  • 回顾上赛季开始前,很多认为仅仅希望我们最终成为联赛冠军

    You look at last season when we went into it not hoping but thinking we were going to win the league.


  • 仅仅几个月几年之后(取决于增长速率),他们开始规划移植外部磁盘磁带通常几年以后会参与进来。

    Only months or years down the road (depending on growth rate) will they plan for a migration to external disks, and usually tapes will only be in place after numerous years.


  • 直到人们开始这些视为一种巨大城市附属他们可以参与设计仅仅是使用,我们开始进入我们认为工业社会

    It wasn't until people started thinking of this as a vast civic surplus, one they could design for rather than just dissipate, that we started to get what we think of now as an industrial society.


  • 应该不会很难做到,因为开始当作架飞机来设计不是仅仅将机翼安装汽车架构上去

    That should not present much of a difficulty, given that the Transition has been designed as an aircraft from the start-instead of merely having wings attached to a car body.


  • 虽然乔布斯的言语充满诗意扎克伯格则言谈平淡无味,扎克伯格已经开始学着调动人们激情仅仅是利用他们方便的想法。

    He's still prosaic where Jobs is poetic, but he's starting to learn to appeal to people's aspirations, not just their pedestrian desires for convenience.


  • 很好的开始但是为了一个特殊条目TreeViewer需要栏目文本时,需要提供一些内容仅仅是一个

    This is a good start, but you need to provide something other than a null value when the Tree Viewer asks for the column text for a particular item.


  • 总是尽量遵循原则如果跑步分钟后开始有些一瘸一拐,改变步态时候,那么你可能就是受伤了,仅仅疼痛

    I always try to follow one key rule: If you are gimping - altering your gait - after 10 minutes of running, then it is an injury and not just an ache or pain.


  • 五十岁时,人们开始询问建议意见仅仅他们什么。

    When you reach 50, people start to ask you for your advice and opinion, rather than just ask you to do things for them.


  • 不是康复而仅仅减轻了病症。对法伯来说,这是治愈癌症梦想开始一位研究人员称为“治愈癌症的盘尼西林”的开始

    It wasn’t a cure, only a remission; but for Farber it was the beginning of a dream of cures, of what one researcher calleda penicillin for cancer.”


  • 他们得出这样结论:对于Kinect,我们看到这些应用实现仅仅刚刚开始未来影响更多的领域,只是游戏

    They came to the conclusion that we're only just beginning to see the applications for this, which they anticipate will influence a lot more than just how we play games.


  • 对比言,苹果公司仅仅几百应用程序展示了应用程序商店GoogleAndroid操作系统商店则刚刚开始推出几十种程序。

    By comparison, Apple took the wraps off its App store with just a few hundred programs and Google's store for the Android operating system offered just a couple of dozen programs initially.


  • 一些常常向别人阿谀奉承,他们这么并不是因为他们打心底里相信自己的鬼话仅仅为了取悦别人。由此,人们便开始把这些人叫做

    Since people who excessively flatter others do so only to please and not because the really believe what they are saying, flatterers started to be called called placebos.


  • 任何地方开始他人做些事情仅仅只是享受帮助他人所带来喜悦

    People everywhere will start to do things for others just for the pleasure of bringing joy to others.


  • 争论爆发咖啡馆装修问题一些采用摇滚乐主题另一些人则坚持乡村原始风。这次分歧仅仅是个开始

    Arguments flared up over how to decorate the cafe. Some wanted a rock music theme, others insisted on a rustic look. That was only the beginning.


  • TIPA会员杂志开始TIPA大奖他们决定,他们希望行业裁决可以非常自豪的,仅仅一次

    When TIPA member magazines began the TIPA Awards, they decided that they wanted an award the industry could be very proud of and not just another one.


  • TIPA会员杂志开始TIPA大奖他们决定,他们希望行业裁决可以非常自豪的,仅仅一次

    When TIPA member magazines began the TIPA Awards, they decided that they wanted an award the industry could be very proud of and not just another one.


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