• 特别而且特别

    But his most special is that he can paint a picture, and the paintings are particularly good.


  • 改变一个重要如果适当点燃转变而且其余部分保持沉默互动

    It also changes and one big thing for me is that if it is lit properly with room light, the leaf will change and the rest of the painting will stay quiet and you kind of interact with the painting.


  • 追求的表现力就像落日而且创作时充满激情。

    He looked for the dramatic, like the sunset in this painting, and painted it with great verve.


  • 不是真的房间融合好。它只是墙上而且也只当做一幅

    It doesn't really lean into the room very well. It's just a painting on the wall, and you see it as a painting.


  • 必须坚硬架,这样绷紧而且颜料不能变质开裂变色

    Paintings must have rigid stretchers so that the canvas will be taut, and the paint must not deteriorate, crack, or discolor.


  • 像巴勃罗·毕加索在一生中成名并变得非常富有,艺术家文森特·梵高一生只卖过一幅而且是卖给了他的朋友。

    Not like Pablo Picasso who became famous and very rich during his lifetime, the artist Vincent Van Gogh only sold one painting all through his life and that was to a friend.


  • 毫无疑问显示人生跑步过程一样,人们应该做出不断努力而且决不要停止前进

    Undoubtedly the cartoon conveys the meaning that life is like the process of running in which one should make constant efforts and never stop making progress.


  • 雷伯恩我们谈谈这些,我们电视看到过而且,可能张贴在邮局所有公共场所

    RAEBURN: So we want to talk about these drawings, which we've all seen on TV and, I don't know, in the post office and all over the place all our lives.


  • 严格遵守(稳)“静物传统一些充满着来自属于自己意义客体构成,其中一些源自达尔文主义者,而且猜想其他领域作品可以看到

    Sits firmly in the tradition of "still life" and is made up of objects I've come to imbue with my own meanings, some of them Darwinian in origin, and that I guess are seen in other areas of my work.


  • 复杂多样人类历史长河波澜壮阔,集中于小小卷轴之中,而且不乏细节,这个真不可能。 但是,请细看——人类历史简

    So here it is, the history of the human race, in pictures.


  • 不知道科迪为什么写信而且发送给

    I wondered why Cody addressed a letter to me and sent me a picture.


  • 然后坐下这一过程很累而且不舒服并未厌倦:“一过程使明白了这真正的创作:每次要用个月

    Then she would sit for him, tired and uncomfortable, but not alienated from the process: “it taught me that it is real work: each painting took nine months.


  • 一幅也有山脉崎岖不平,而且光秃秃的。

    The other picture had mountains, too. But these were rugged and bare.


  • 一幅也有山脉崎岖不平,而且光秃秃的。

    The other picture had mountains, too. But these were rugged and bare.


  • 首先来说,文艺复兴时期最为常见女性肖像形式是表现出被女性的美丽吸引力而且无一例外面向观众做出微笑

    The first of these, the most common sort of female portrait in the Renaissance, presents the sitter as a beautiful and desirable woman who, true to type, smiles at the viewer.


  • 而且没有哪个这些棕色家具中得到如此多的乐趣

    No painter can have got so much pleasure from painting brown furniture.


  • 碰见难题同学会嘲笑他的最近这些嘲笑集中于副小丑墓地里而且肯定喝醉出来的。

    The problem was the responses of fellow students, who have laughed at his paintings (most recently at one of a clown in a cemetery) and suggested he "must be stoned" to paint what he does.


  • 重构自动化测试特别重视动态地改进了设计而且免去了的笔记本的需要

    Added emphasis on refactoring and automated testing improves designs dramatically without the need for notebooks full of class diagrams.


  • 而且,她们更倾向或者不连贯的脚。

    Women with anorexia or bulimia tended to draw pictures without feet or with disconnected feet.


  • 而且就算真的被偷了,卢浮宫方面也不一定知道

    Nor, if a work does get stolen, is the Louvre necessarily likely to know about it.


  • 而且证明这个孩子感觉到家里有压力并且下意识渴望拥有更多值得信赖家庭关系

    Big and thick feet testify that a child feels intensity in a family and aspires to more reliable base of family relations subconsciously.


  • 毫无疑问显示人生跑步过程一样,人们应该做出不断努力而且决不要停止前进

    Undoubtedly the cartoon conveys the meaning that life is like the process of running in which one should make constant efforts and never stop making progress .


  • 老师事实上绘图机构技术员大致介绍了如何传统仪器地图而且强调了如何用GPS来制作地图

    Our lecturer, who was actually atechnician from a mapping institute, briefly introduced how to use sometraditional equipment to draw maps, and he put all emphasis on how to use GPS to make a map.


  • 研究下面卡通仔细地而且文章少于150个单词

    A. Study the following cartoon carefully and write an essay in no less than 150 words.


  • 而且同也非常令人惊喜因为……就19世纪初期来说,这幅绘制实在极为精确有人简直可以直接走进里去。

    And it was very surprising, because for... at the beginning of the 19th century for [it was] so accurate, people say you can walk into this painting.


  • 而且同也非常令人惊喜因为……就19世纪初期来说,这幅绘制实在极为精确有人简直可以直接走进里去。

    And it was very surprising, because for... at the beginning of the 19th century for [it was] so accurate, people say you can walk into this painting.


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