• 而且批评能造成很大压力从而使人心灰意懒

    Again, criticism still creates high levels of stress, which lead to burnout.


  • 作品批评抄袭而且肤浅

    His work has been criticized for being imitative and shallow.


  • 谁都批评而且问题批评起来就个完

    She criticizes everyone and the trouble is, she doesn't know when to stop.


  • 许多公共卫生运动缺陷批评正确的:它们没有调动同伴压力来促进健康习惯而且展示了对心理学严重误解

    Her critique of the lameness of many public-health campaigns is spot-on: they fail to mobilize peer pressure for healthy habits, and they demonstrate a seriously flawed understanding of psychology.


  • 而且至少这种情况下这些批评有的放矢的。

    And, in this case at least, the critics are on to something.


  • 不会接受建设性批评而且上千种沉默方法可以这座房子成为生活中的人间地狱,她的怨恨已经积蓄多年了。

    She didn't take well to constructive criticism, and she had a thousand silent ways of causing the house to make his life a living hell; she savored her grudges for ages.


  • 她们拿相机拍下达标店铺食品把照片贴到网上而且还逐条加上严厉的批评那些违规者自然会被其它买家所回避

    They photograph shops or goods that fail to make the grade, and post pictures online with detailed and withering criticism; the offender may then be shunned by other buyers.


  • 如果某人批评而且你的确存在这些毛病,你应该感到高兴、向其称谢感激评论

    If another criticizes you, and these faults are within you, rejoice, give thanks, and appreciate the comments.


  • 如果某人批评而且的确存在这些毛病,你应该感到高兴、向其称谢感激评论

    If another criticizes you and these faults are within you rejoice give thanks and appreciate the comments.


  • 巨蟹不能很好的接受批评而且一旦被伤害了,可能永远心怀不满。

    The Cancer woman cannot take criticism and once a person has hurt her, she is likely to keep a grudge against him/her forever.


  • 但是,美联储有可能再次事与愿违,而且看起来,现在批评之声已经开始铺天盖地。

    But then again, things could go terribly wrong, and it appears the criticisms are mounting.


  • 专栏中经常提到XML批评(而且不止我一个人强调这一点)xml妄图面面俱到。

    One criticism of XML that I have frequently raised in this column (and one that I am far from alone in emphasizing) is that XML is poorly focused.


  • 公司尝试抢先批评谈论他们关心的问题,而且是尽可能提前一棵树被砍伐或者第一村民被动迁以前

    Firms try to pre-empt critics' concerns, by talking to them as early as possible, long before the first tree is felled or the first villager displaced.


  • 之所以会有这种效果,归功CBS新闻主持人鲍勃·希弗。提出了犀利的问题而且如果候选人回答,他还会提出批评

    Some of the credit for this belongs to the moderator, Bob Schieffer, a CBS News anchor, who asked serious questions and even, occasionally, upbraided the candidates for not answering them.


  • 但是出其不意反馈- - -似乎不知哪儿批评而且我们自己一直未能察觉到的事情- - -最难接受的,远远超过了我们能够抵御的范围。

    But surprise feedback - criticism that seems to come from nowhere, about an issue we haven't perceived ourselves - is the hardest. We're far more likely to be defensive.


  • 我们确实正在进行筹划此事,而且我们已经准备好了推广口号。不过确定市场批评尖酸刻薄前,我们并不打算正式公布计划。

    In other words, yes, we're doing this, and yes, we've already got the marketing boilerplate prepared, but no, we don't want to officially announce it until we see how caustic the criticism will be.


  • 但是却受到评论界批评而且他人生的最后十年间,其作品的买卖也一落千丈。

    But criticism hurt and sales of his paintings fell away in his last decade.


  • 普拉蒂尼早前也对英超联赛外援过分依赖提出批评而且重申了英国球队忽视对本国球员培养担忧

    Platini, who has been critical in the past of the Premier League's over reliance on foreign talent, also reiterated his fears that English football is ignoring home-grown talent.


  • 而且总是大家面前批评

    He criticizes me in front of everyone all the time.


  • 显然这样谨慎很圆滑因为批评客户而且他们可能接受

    Obviously, this has to be done with great care and tact, since you are effectively criticizing the client, and they may take it badly.


  • 不但不允许批评而且作业数量在增长特别是低年级

    Not only is this requirement accepted uncritically, but the amount of homework is growing, particularly in the early grades.


  • 不过美国公司经常批评了解中国的经商之而且中国不够投入,只是偶尔空降型的投资者

    Still, U.S. venture firms often are criticized for not understanding the way business is done in China, and for being part-time 'fly-in' investors who aren't committed to the country.


  • 但是论点几乎不是新鲜的,而且她的单调的平铺直叙使她成了不时髦的批评

    But her arguments are scarcely original and her plodding prose makes her the least stylish of the critics.


  • 即使觉得批评苛刻不要丧气,即使你觉得批评错了也不要感到得罪,而且要一直感谢那些时间你的文章提出批评的人。

    Don't get upset even if you think the criticism is harsh, don't be offended even if you think it's wrong, and always thank those who take the time to offer it.


  • 不仅仅批评内容重要而且这些批评来源也很重要。

    It is not just the substance of the criticisms that matter, it is also their source.


  • 批评者们嘲笑计划开展时混乱,而且担心的巨额费用以耗尽预算告终

    Critics mocked the chaotic launch of that scheme, and feared its huge cost would end up wrecking the budget.


  • 批评者们嘲笑计划开展时混乱,而且担心的巨额费用以耗尽预算告终

    Critics mocked the chaotic launch of that scheme, and feared its huge cost would end up wrecking the budget.


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