• 真的没有任何理由相信变得更黑,再次,皮肤下面的毛囊才是决定毛发颜色的,而且他们完全不会受到剃须的影响。

    There really is no reason to think it is getting darker, as once again, the hair follicles underneath your skin determine hair color and they are completely unaffected by shaving.


  • 有助于保持皮肤清洁而且医生能够提供一些建议清除这些青春痘

    It helps to keep your skin clean, and your doctor will be able to offer some Suggestions for clearing up acne.


  • 可能注意到了皱纹已经变得明显而且皮肤干。

    You may notice that your wrinkles have become more apparent and your skin is drying out.


  • 如果长期饱受粉刺的折磨,而且这种尴尬皮肤问题蒙羞,并感到痛苦

    If you are a chronic acne sufferer, you know the humiliation and pains brought by this embarrassing skin problem.


  • 紫外线不光会引发更多斑点而且会让皮肤已经有的斑点变得更深。

    UV rays not only cause more spots but also darken those you already have.


  • 而且有些健康专家认为如果食谱中缺少健康肌肤所需要特定食物那么更严重皮肤问题就会随之而来

    What's more, some health experts believe that when your diet is missing certain foods for healthy skin, other, even more serious skin problems can result.


  • 拒绝了他们反复要求,并要求他们给理由和解释,其中位警官终于告诉我,“高,而且皮肤偏黑看起来很像外国人。”

    I refused their repeated requests while demanding an explanation until one of the officers finally told me, “You are tall and dark-colored and look like a foreigner.


  • 使用一支干净彩妆不仅可以使化妆品涂抹更加均匀,而且可以确保妆容完美无瑕同时避免你的皮肤感染细菌,保持皮肤健康

    Not only does always having a clean brush help to distribute product more evenly and ensure a more flawless finish, it also helps to keep skin healthy and free of bacteria.


  • Borba不仅营养丰富,有助消化而且滋润肌肤赋予皮肤特别的红润你的皮肤到外补过水一样。

    It's not only nutrient-rich and helpful for digestion, Borba says, but it's also moisturizing and "will give your skin that extra glow, as it actually hydrates your skin from the inside out."


  • 根据护肤专家研究,如果皮肤松弛而且皱纹斑点那么我们大多数人一样季节性面部问题”的受害者

    If you're suffering from saggy, wrinkled and spotty skin, according to skincare experts, most of us have fallen victim to what they're hailing "seasonal face problems".


  • 而且如果不到皮肤总面积10%区域涂抹,对全身影响很小的。

    And if you are applying these products to less than 10 percent of your total skin surface, the risks of systemic effects are very low.


  • 意思是不仅接受癌症危险而且造成了皮肤年龄早日得到青铜色

    And by this I mean not only risking receiving cancer but also causing your skin to age early and get bronzed.


  • 不可思议的迅速强大皮肤苍白而且冰凉你的眼珠会变换颜色

    You're impossibly fast and strong. Your skin is pale white and ice-cold. Your eyes change color.


  • 不要忘了防晒霜紫外线不光会引发更多斑点而且皮肤已经有的斑点变得更深。

    Also, don't forget your sunscreen. UV rays not only cause more spots but also darken those you already have.


  • 番茄卡路里含量一种味道水果蔬菜而且皮肤如果喜欢番茄,可以尽量吃些番茄。

    It is low calorie and it is a vegetable which tastes like fruit but is a vegetable that is really good for your complexion as well so if you like tomato, just try to take as many tomato as you can.


  • 如果皮肤,那么红色头发适合而且红色头发褐色的眼睛也不匹配。

    If there is a red tint to your skin, red hair will not be flattering and does not work well with brown eyes either.


  • 保护皮肤免于寒冷和风以及避免冻伤而且皲裂

    You also want to protect your skin from the cold and wind, and also prevent frostbite and chapping.


  • 鼻子而且一直保持这种状态的话宠物有可能患上了白癜风,表现为部分皮肤细胞失去黑色素

    When a nose goes pale and stays that way, your pet may have vitiligo, a condition in which skin cells lose some of their melanin, or pigment.


  • 这个怎样能彻底清洁皮肤,又不会洗去保护表皮天然油分而且配方温和能保持皮肤柔软健康

    How about this one? It cleans thoroughly without striping your natural protective oil. the gentle formula keeps skin soft and healthy.


  • 呼吸新鲜空气晴天轻快地散步。不仅使焕发活力,而且唤醒皮肤

    Fresh air Taking a brisk walk on a fine day will not only revive you, it will wake up your skin, too.


  • 经过日光浴的皮肤极了,而且看起来苗条了不少。

    You have a great suntan and you look like you have lost weight .


  • 呼吸新鲜空气晴天轻快地散步。这不仅使焕发活力,而且唤醒皮肤

    Fresh air Taking a brisk walk on a fine day will not only revive2 you, it will wake up your skin, too.


  • 不要自己成为而且绝对主张殴打辱骂皮肤增厚一点声音平静理智时,混乱罢工

    Don't let yourself be a doormat, and definitely don't stand for physical or verbal abuse, but thicken your skin a little and be the voice of calm and reason when chaos strikes.


  • 第二营养液不仅滋润皮肤而且补充营养抗氧化物使皮肤立即感觉柔嫩舒适。

    Step 2: Replenish goes beyond moisturizing and actually nourishes your skin with powerful antioxidants to make it feel soothed and smoothed instantly.


  • 第二营养液不仅滋润皮肤而且补充营养抗氧化物使皮肤立即感觉柔嫩舒适。

    Step 2: Replenish goes beyond moisturizing and actually nourishes your skin with powerful antioxidants to make it feel soothed and smoothed instantly.


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