• 意识到,这样的话选举国际社会合法为由而不承认。

    He realized that, otherwise, the election would have been dismissed as illegitimate by the international community.


  • 中国女人到了二十多岁结婚就会面临来自家庭社会巨大压力美国女人则完全没有这种压力,因为无论多大年纪,总有追求者那里,中国女人年纪一旦大了,很难再有追求者了。

    Chinese women will face huge pressure from society and family if they haven't got married when they are over twenty. For American women, this kind of pressure is nowhere to find.


  • 他们正在社会化地解决问题,正在进行交流急于创建完全新的兼容标准

    Rather than rushing to create an entirely new set of incompatible standards they are approaching the problem socially and having a conversation.


  • 如果隶属一个小型非营利组织,你如何成功运用社会媒体耗用大规模市场预算

    If you are with a small organization, how have you used social media successfully without a big marketing budget?


  • 一些结婚仅仅是因为未婚同居已经社会上被广为接受了。

    And some have simply decided not to marry as cohabitation becomes more socially acceptable.


  • 语言统一的社会中,取消征兵制度就意味着损失了那样利益同时也有别的代价德国慈善机构沉痛地表示,年轻人躲避参军参加社区服务

    In societies divided by language, ending conscription means losing such benefits. It can mean other costs too: German charities lament that young men no longer do community service to avoid the army.


  • 此次峰会针对生物燃料出口禁令社会安全网络(几乎没有提及)等问题的收效甚微令人惊讶

    It is not surprising that the summit did little about biofuels, export bans or social-safety nets (which it hardly discussed).


  • 倘若伪娘源自内心真实朴素的心愿而不夹杂任何名利,那么他能得到社会宽容取得社会的尊重。

    If do "false" from the real wishes and mixed no fame, they can not only get social tolerance, but also can achieve social respect.


  • 对与个性最大考验在于一个人是否能够适应断变化社会规范而不牺牲自己原则

    A crucial test of character is whether one is able to adapt to changing social conventions without sacrificing one's principles.


  • 我们两国社会多元,我们恰好有条件能够向人们展示温和极端以及和平共处的好处

    As large and diverse societies, we are well placed to demonstrate the benefits of moderation and peaceful co-existence.


  • 为了生存我们跟随大流社会普遍认可事,少数敢于寻常路。

    The few of us renegades that have evolved past living based on conventions and social norms are trying to keep our heads above water.


  • 丁克家庭问问自己而不为了取悦父母应对社会压力

    Whether to choose a DINK family or not, you have to follow your own heart rather than make it to please your parents or rise to social pressure.


  • 一些人担心配戴助听器影响自己外表形象,很少考虑必须的场合助听器带来社会影响。

    Some worry about the cosmetic effect of wearing a hearing aid but give little thought to the social effect of not wearing one when needed.


  • 结果是一套全新社会科学研究方法诞生了,由此产生的研究成果愈来愈多层出穷。

    As a result, an entirely different approach to social science has emerged, and studies based on it are appearing with increasing frequency.


  • 对于个性最大考验在于一个人是否能够适应断变化社会规范而不牺牲自己原则

    A crucial test of character is whether one is able to adapt to changing social conventions without sacrificing one's principles.


  • 企业经济活动常常追求内部经济性滥用环境构成成本外部经济性留给社会

    In their economic activities, enterprises often seek after only the inner economy, abuse environment without incurring any cost, and leave the outer economy to the society.


  • 也正因此客观地取决于意识意志存在这些现象同人社会相互关系,存在社会历史实践过程中。

    Therefore, it is objectively, don't depend on man's consciousness and will exist for these phenomena and social relations, social history in the practice process.


  • 一个社会形态是否应当存在取决于人们主观意志取决于这个社会生产方式

    A social pattern whether or not should exist, it depends on mode of production in the social, not on somebody's subjective will.


  • 西方文化非常崇尚个人主义,“随遇看作是缺乏进取精力表现懒惰无能的同义语,为社会个人所

    And advocating Western culture is very individualistic, "Suioueran" be seen as a lack of entrepreneurial spirit of the performance, are lazy, incompetent fashion, society and individuals do not take.


  • 现在结婚单独立户生活人数断上升人们找出其中的原因容易,因为这种复杂社会现象涉及到很多因素

    It is no simple task to identify the reasons for the rise in the number of people living alone and establishing their own households, for it is a complicated phenomenon involving several factors.


  • 现在结婚单独立户生活人数断上升人们找出其中的原因容易,因为这种复杂社会现象涉及到很多因素

    It is no simple task to identify the reasons for the rise in the number of people living alone and establishing their own households, for it is a complicated phenomenon involving several factors.


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