• 老陈顶着个啤酒牙齿黑黑的,由于抽烟过多不时发出刺耳咳嗽声。即便允许自己烟,也从没有停止过监视,抽得也是那种便宜南京烟。

    He had a paunch blackened teeth and the raspy cough of an avid smoker and he never stopped watching even when he allowed himself a cigarette smoking a cheap brand named after the city itself.


  • 那场比赛因不时有人受伤中断。

    The game was punctuated by a series of injuries.


  • 呼吸急促,脸上带着平静满意表情不时低声嘟囔一声:“噗!”

    He breathed short, his face wore a placid satisfied expression, and at intervals he faintly murmured, "Poop-poop!"


  • 法国巴黎-鲁贝自行车赛段,以选手在比赛不时点头著称对夫妇甜玉米代替赛事路面杂乱鹅卵石。

    For Paris-Roubaix, a nod to the famed French bicycle race, the couple used sweetcorn to represent the road event's notorious cobblestones.


  • 头发更易“站立不是“平躺”下去,所以保持这个发型需要不时重整

    This must be renewed from time to time as the hair’s shortness makes it want to stand up more than remain flat.


  • 只有我们需要什么时才去购买不是像购股票那样购买食品以备不时之需。

    I want to buy what we need when we need it instead of stock-piling food all the time.


  • 不时有人起身离开,走入教堂门外间屋子里,在那儿他们受到鼓励,得到神明护佑祈祷

    Occasionally someone stood and made their way out the rear of the hall to a room where they were encouraged to pray for divine intervention.


  • 他们缺陷日志中不时增加一些新的需求不是适当缺陷

    They would sometimes add new requirements instead of proper defects to the defect log.


  • 现在能让我安心工作安静环境,还有不时向往眺望窗子

    Now, I have the quiet I need to perform and a nice window to look out of every once in a while.


  • 作为父亲作为家长我们应该在他们身上花更多时间帮助他们完成作业,时不时地让他们抛开手中的游戏机电视遥控器捧上本书

    As fathers and parents, we've got to spend more time with them, and help them with their homework, and replace video game or remote control with a book in a while.


  • 可以解释,为什么男人可以时不时地抹上眼泪怀疑他们能否游刃有余地操纵这来之不易的管理大权

    And it may also be why men are allowed to shed a tear or two every now and then without anyone questioning whether they can handle their hard-won power.


  • 很小孩子哭声不时房里的某处传到餐厅嘈杂声中显得高细。

    At intervals the cry of a very young child, which was somewhere in the house, rang through the noise of the dram-shop.


  • 易见的是,有太多勒紧裤腰带美国人正在不停还债,同时还得存钱以不时之需;不是为了心仪的非必须品大肆挥霍。

    Clearly, too many chastened Americans are continuing to pay off their debts and save for rainy days, rather than splurging on things they may fancy but can easily manage without.


  • 作为父亲家长我们应该更多时间他们身上,他们完成作业不时让他们抛开电脑游戏遥控器捧上本书

    As fathers and parents, we've got to spend more time with them, and help them with their homework, and replace the video game or the remote control with a book once in awhile.


  • 雨季还有几个星期城市周围高耸险峻火山还不见云雾缭绕,不时火山灰掉落大街上

    The rainy season was a few weeks away, and so clouds had not obscured the steep volcanic cones that tower over the city, periodically showering the streets with ash.


  • 电脑现在不时死机软件Z根本用不了。

    Your computer now crashes randomly, and program Z doesn’t work at all.


  • 这种严峻考验最终减轻因为时不时离开儿子产生负疚感。

    In the end, this ordeal eased my guilt about leaving my son's side at times.


  • 崎岖生命旅途中幸运的拥有许多为指引正确方向良师益友,时不时我拉回正确的轨道,为我的成功喝彩

    Along the curves and bumps in my life journey, I have been fortunate to have mentors to steer me in the right direction, to get me back on track and to cheer me on at the finish line.


  • 不时地,封闭系统中产生出来的奇迹,就会另外的一个封闭系统带来震撼

    Every now and then marvels from one closed system will arrive with a shock into another.


  • 一个刚出生羚羊一样摇摇晃晃,手臂身子随着肌肉收紧抖动,不时地使他生气。

    He is unsteady as a newborn antelope, his arms and body shaking as muscles clench and nerves fire spasmodically.


  • 表现平静自信不时一些机智俏皮的话语。

    She did not in fact betray very much at all other than a serene confidence and a puckish wit.


  • 刨又铲又只腿个不停,鼹鼠在一旁不耐烦地等着,不时插上一句:“唉,河鼠算了吧!”

    He scratched and shovelled and explored, all four legs working busily, while the Mole waited impatiently, remarking at intervals, 'o, COME on, rat!'


  • 理念核心:人人可以给予别人更多——英国提款机自动用户提供慈善捐款选择。 (近来新闻中,英国提款机时不时会自动多吐钱;英国银行承担该损失;多取钱的用户无需负责或坐牢,也可选择捐款。

    The essence of this idea is that people can give more to one another — British A.T.M.s, for example, would automatically give customers an option of donating to charity.


  • 著名巴黎-鲁贝自行车赛段,以其选手在比赛不时点头著称他们夫妇甜玉米代替赛事路面糟糕的鹅卵石。

    For Paris, Roubaix, a nod to the famed French bicycle race, the couple used sweetcorn to represent the road event's notorious cobblestones.


  • 不要因为时间或是快点不时的落上

    Do not skip a meal here or there just because you don't have the time or you want to get thinner fast.


  • 合约条款不时监管法规法令的修订修改

    These Terms may change from time to time due to changes in regulatory rules or statutes.


  • 现实是重大灾难仍然不时发生很多参数其实是服从某种概率分布,并且有的参数随着时间改变变化

    In fact, great tragedies still happen now and then, and many parameters obey some kinds of probability distribution. Some of them change with the lapse of time.


  • 现实是重大灾难仍然不时发生很多参数其实是服从某种概率分布,并且有的参数随着时间改变变化

    In fact, great tragedies still happen now and then, and many parameters obey some kinds of probability distribution. Some of them change with the lapse of time.


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