• 工作他们贡献什么在于他们能得到什么。

    Work is less about what they can contribute but more about what they can take.


  • 他们工作时候,斯需要一名的人照顾当他们不在的时候,他们的犬还会去宾夕法尼亚州营地露营

    Skye has a dog walker to take care of him when they are at work. And he goes to camp in Pennsylvania when they go away.


  • 研究人员认为一些紧张生活状况产生焦虑,这些人感到潜伏的危险就在前方,无处不在——工作求助约会

    Researchers believe that some people react with anxiety to stressful life events, seeing danger lurking ahead everywhere-in applying for a job, asking for a favor, asking for a date.


  • 如果真的不在工作,你缓慢吃力

    If you don't really care about your work, you'll be dragging.


  • 米歇尔一直母亲他们结婚有三现在丈夫才刚完成了耗费精力的自传,就要开始星期几天不在家的工作

    Michelle had always wanted to be a mother, three years had passed since their wedding and now her husband - with his all-consuming memoir just finished - would be gone several days a week.


  • 目前英国55到64人中58%人都想继续工作而不在闲着法国的比率为44%,意大利33%。

    Some 58% of British 55-64-year-olds currently eschew the pipe and slippers in favour of continued employment. That compares with 44% in France and just 33% in Italy.


  • 工作的关键选择云杉不是橡树

    The job isn't hinging on whether you choose to be a spruce versus an oak


  • 工作的关键选择云杉不是橡树

    The job isn't hinging on whether you choose to be a spruce versus an oak.


  • 我们注意一种趋势越来越多家里工作不在办公室里上班。

    We've noticed a growing tendency for people to work at home instead of in offices.


  • 他们也许只是因为经济危机不得那里工作

    They may be in a financial crisis and have no choice but to work there.


  • 外教学校短暂工作期间,中途未有通知离职的外教不在少数

    In the foreign teachers in the school's short period of work, no notice and leave a small number of foreign teachers leave.


  • 番茄酱只是无聊时做的家务工作没什么帮助重要的是这我的计划之内。

    Making tomato sauce was humdrum domestic work that did not contribute to my goals and, more important, wasn't scheduled.


  • 机遇在于不在工作

    Opportunity lies in the man and not in the job.


  • 工作人员不在办公室私人电话不大可能减少企业亏损只是打小段盘忽略大处

    Asking the workers not to make private phone calls from the office is not likely to reduce the firm's losses, it is just being penny wise and pound-foolish.


  • 是否对自己工作感到骄傲或者你并结果如何如果你更倾向仅仅完成任务不是出色地完成它,那么这就是问题根源了

    Do you take pride in your work or do you not care how it turns out? If you are more interested in simply completing a project than in doing it well, you may have just found the root of your problem.


  • 如果为了营运需要不得工作,您被授予相同天数的调休可以年度使用

    If you have to work in these two days for the operation needs, you will get time off in lieu within this calendar year.


  • 父亲的现状没有关系,不要在意在我父亲身上发生什么每天早晨起床工作而不在所有,我母亲甚至要秘书工作

    And that's the key. Didn't matter how sick my dad got. No matter what happened to him, he got up every morning and went to work no matter what. And my mom had to go to work as a secretary.


  • 但是工作似乎不可避免,不得不在看人看事的方式首先保证不能沉迷于其中失去客观角度。

    But it seems inevitable in this line of work that I have to care about the way I look without getting obsessed about it.


  • 第3集严厉的莱利得到提升水疗中心努力寻找工作家庭之间平衡女儿开始不在学校

    3: Tough Love: Riley gets a promotion at the spa but struggles to find a balance between work and home when her daughter starts misbehaving at school.


  • 工作的关头不在选择云杉不是橡树

    The job isnt hinging on whether you choose to be a spruce versus an oak.


  • 前首席执行长杰克·韦尔奇(Jack Welch)对那些在职场上升迁打拼的女性提出一些直言不讳的忠告:可能不得暂时停止工作在家孩子和进军高管行列之间作出选择

    Chief Executive Jack Welch has some blunt words for women climbing the corporate ladder: you may have to choose between taking time off to raise children and reaching the corner office.


  • 前首席执行长杰克·韦尔奇(Jack Welch)对那些在职场上升迁打拼的女性提出一些直言不讳的忠告:可能不得暂时停止工作在家孩子和进军高管行列之间作出选择

    Chief Executive Jack Welch has some blunt words for women climbing the corporate ladder: you may have to choose between taking time off to raise children and reaching the corner office.


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