• 我们可以掌握神秘而不可知未来,从中创出我们所能想象任何东西,一如雕刻家可以将未成型的石头雕像一样。

    We can take the mysterioushazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine, just like a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone.


  • 我们可以掌握神秘不可知将来从中开创我们所能想像任何东西,一如雕刻家可将未成形的石头雕像一样。

    We can take the mysterious, hazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine, just as a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone.


  • 我们可以把握神秘而不可知未来,从中获得我们所能想像到任何东西,如同雕刻家可以将未成型的石头雕像一样。

    We can take the mysterious, hazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine, just like a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone.


  • 我们可以掌握神秘而不可知未来,从中创出我们所能想象任何东西,一如雕刻家可以将未成型的石头雕像一样。

    We can take the mysterious, hazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine, just like a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone.


  • 出口增长模式能否满足日本世界需求以及能否日趋“平衡”的全球经济中保持持续性,严重依赖于美国消费者目前不可知

    It is not clear that the old export model of growth will meet Japan's and the world's needs or be sustainable in a more "balanced" global economy that does not rely so heavily on the U.S. consumer.


  • 不可知者们金色长袍孔雀般的翅膀金光闪闪的光环、同周遭一起吟唱着的乐器抢购着有他们图像的贺卡。

    Agnostic buyers snap them up for their golden robes, their peacock wings, their haloes raying glittery light, their instruments that hum with the music of the spheres.


  • 联盟得分王凯文杜兰特带领下雷霆到了西部决赛魔术德怀特霍华德球队未来不可知

    The Thunder reached the Western Conference finals last season behind league scoring champion Kevin Durant, while the Magic face the uncertainty of Dwight Howard's future with the team.


  • 出口增长模式能否日趋“平衡”的全球经济中保持持续性,严重依赖于美国消费者,目前尚不可知

    It is not clear that the old export model of growth will be sustainable in a more "balanced" global economy that does not rely so heavily on the U.S. consumer.


  • 该店卖出利润是否会分给穿着者尚可知至少他们中的大部分人都一整花钱牛仔裤感到开心。

    It's not clear whether some of the proceeds from the sales go to wearers, but most of them are just happy to not have to spend money on jeans for a year.


  • 一点点不可知自己却自知,能够通向我们无法认知事物就是思想上谦逊

    A little bit of agnosticism, and not knowing this, leading ways to the ways we can't know. But that's part of the intellectual humility.


  • 现代不可知试图超越主客二元分立认识方式基础上,强调主体世界的一元性,走向一种彻底的不可知论。

    Post-Modern agnosticism stressed the monad of subject world by attempting to transcend the dichotomy of subject and object, which is an extreme agnosticism.


  • 画中人人依附一个箱子飘渺的远处则存在可知威胁

    In his paintings, everyone attached to a box, and there is an unknown threat at somewhere.


  • 近代不可知通过强调认识主体性否定认识可以达到客观存在

    Modern agnosticism denied that subjective cognition could attain to objective existence by stressing the primacy of subject.


  • 已经过,即便如此,我会尽量保持用户界面技术不可知论者通过存储作为AGRB而不一个颜色

    Having said that, even then I would try to keep it UI-technology agnostic by storing colours as AGRB values instead of one of the various.


  • 导则着眼点测量结果及其评定确定度不可知误差

    E. 5.1 the focus of this Guide is on the measurement result and its evaluated uncertainty rather than on the unknowable quantities "true" value and error.


  • 因为暴雨就逃,因为焦虑改变航程使整个航行进入了危险可知的水域。

    Neither does he abandon ship because it rains. Nor does he fret and abandon plans and change course into dangerous and uncharted waters.


  • 因为暴雨就逃,因为焦虑改变航程使整个航行进入了危险可知的水域。

    Neither does he abandon ship because it rains. Nor does he fret and abandon plans and change course into dangerous and uncharted waters.


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