• 你可以时代教育增刊网站看到许多因为工作没有找到的毕业生写的哭哭啼啼的求职经历

    His findings are borne out by the many SOB stories posted on the website of the Times Educational Supplement by recent trainees who have failed to secure a single job interview.


  • 开始可能也有好的感觉,因为新的更好工作眼前,早上或者更多时间孩子起感觉好,也更多的时间思考。

    At first there may be good feelings too—a new and better job is just around the corner—it's nice to be able to lie in bed in the morning or spend more time with the children; have more time to think.


  • 失去工作痛苦不会心里蹦蹦跳跳地就业中心,为这个慷慨国家获得双倍收入高兴

    Losing a job is hurting: you don't skip down to the job centre with a song in your heart, delighted at the prospect of doubling your income from the generous state.


  • 如果人们机会获得稳定工作那么他们应该立即抓住机会,不是等待一份令人满意工作

    If people have the opportunity to get a secure job, they should take it right away rather than wait for a job that would be more satisfying.


  • 宁愿水管工伙伴一份真正需要动手的工作,也坐在桌子前学习流体静力学,知道这些东西有什么实际用途

    He would rather be a plumber's mate and do a real job that requires doing than learning about hydrostatics sitting at a desk, without understanding what practical use they are going to be.


  • 未来真正问题如果人们因为不到薪水足够工作没有的话,他们怎么买得起这些东西

    The real question in the future is how come people afford these things if they don't have money, because they can't get a job that pays enough.


  • 他们告诉必须完成学位这样才能获得一份职业,不是从事写作这样冒险工作

    They told me that I had to study for a degree so that I would achieve a career, and not something as risky as writing.


  • 为了确保简历有利(不是不利),建议你把得更提案不是份工作描述

    To ensure that your resume works for (and not against) you, I recommend writing it more like a proposal than a job description.


  • 丽亚为她父亲有一份工作感到自豪。

    Maria feels proud that her father has a good job.


  • 教育使快乐方式主要是让你找到一份更好工作更多教育也不定会带来更多快乐。

    On the other hand education mostly contributes to happiness by enabling you to get a better job, and lots of education doesn't necessarily lead to more happiness.


  • 最后工作不是

    It should be your last job, not your first.


  • 快速狡猾飞行只有努力工作才能抓住它,如果你抓住了它,一份神话般的财富你的面前展现

    It flies quick and sly, and you'll have to work hard to catch it, but if you do, a fabulous fortune will open up for you.


  • 就业法案给与企业税收优惠,让他们可以招聘退伍军人,因为如果曾经志愿战斗那么最不愿意看到的就是你回到家乡还要为份工作奋斗

    This jobs bill gives tax credits to companies that hire our veterans, because if you sign up to fight for our country, the last thing you should have to do is fight for a job when you come home.


  • 有效迅速找到在线远程工作关键词

    To search for a telecommuting job online efficiently and effectively choose the right keywords.


  • 况且,萧条2.0中间时期,真的为了赢场官司丢掉一份稳定工作吗?

    And in the midst of Depression 2.0, do you really want to lose a steady job just to make a point?


  • 曾经拥有全职工作同时积极繁忙参与其他外部工作

    I used to hold down a full-time job whilst being busy and active outside work.


  • 卡德离开学校找到通用电气工作休利特继续研究生学习

    Packard went off to take a job with General Electric, while Hewlett went on to postgraduate studies.


  • 首先至少短期之内我们预见到会有更多家庭没有住房,倒闭的企业会持续增多,保住一份工作变得困难份工作更难

    First of all, at least in the short term, we can expect more families will become homeless as foreclosures continue to mount and jobs become harder to hold and more difficult to find.


  • 同时也记住应聘着有的是问题不是份工作

    Also remember that the employer has a problem, not a job.


  • 网络课堂可以让时间兼职或者专业领域内的实习工作

    Your online education allows you the time to seek a temporary job or intern around your area.


  • 寻找一份工作时,你希望违背合同最终无果终。

    You don't want to violate your contract and end up jobless while you hunt for a new position.


  • 穿这件衣服面试得到份工作的,因此幸运

    'I clinched a job when I wore it to an interview, so it was my lucky jacket, ' she says.


  • 因为现实中,份工作社会竞争相当激烈。

    Becaust in the real world, you had to look for a job, and competition was stark.


  • 不需要整天升职或者加薪努力工作副业也能给你带来一份额外的收入

    A side business lets you make extra money without chasing a promotion or asking for a raise at work.


  • 不需要整天升职或者加薪努力工作副业也能给你带来一份额外的收入

    A side business lets you make extra money without chasing a promotion or asking for a raise at work.


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