• 这样一致实相梦想可以改变一个更大统一、和平欢乐崭新明天就可以诞生

    As such the consensus based dream can be altered to give birth to a new tomorrow of greater unity peace and joy.


  • 那就像是条河流承载着相当于密西西比河平时所承载到十水量一个更大超级风暴能够承载50倍的水量,补充道

    "A typical river carries five-to-ten times the amount of water vapor than the Mississippi river carries as liquid, on average," and a big one can carry fifty times, he added.


  • 很难想象还有什么一个国家海岸农场生存、人民的健康和经济稳定的战斗了。

    It's hard to imagine a bigger fight than one for the survival of a country's coasts and farms, the health of its people, and the stability of its economy.


  • 意思是如果体会一个更的天体运行,不是的围着小转,不是合理吗?

    I mean, isn't it more sensible to think that a smaller heavenly body would orbit a larger one, rather than the opposite?


  • 没有如何安排开支具体计划特别是没有新的小玩意儿玩具储蓄更大的计划。

    I didn't have any sort of concrete plan for what to do with my money, especially not one that was larger than saving for a new gadget or toy.


  • 现在我们一个国家面临更大挑战共商对策的时候,意识到建立这种团结寻求困难,尤其是华盛顿

    Now, when it comes to meeting the larger challenges we face as a nation, I realize that finding this unity is easier said than done - especially in Washington.


  • 场景发现您已经实例目录中创建数据库不是期望的那样,一个更大的、专门文件系统中创建该数据库。

    Scenario: You’ve realized that you’ve created your database in your instance’s home directory and not on a larger, dedicated file system like you intended.


  • 停下攀比试着喜欢你自己手中美味不要去想着是不是一个更大或者美味的派。

    Stop comparing, try to enjoy the delicious pie in your hand right now, rather than worrying about what if there's bigger pie or more delicious one out there.


  • 这样需要组织一个令人信服铁的团队。5个候选人地理区域不是常规区域全力以赴地竞选。

    Doing so required assembling a compelling SLATE of five candidates who campaigned vigorously over a larger geographic area than a normal district.


  • 中等肥胖者寿命将缩短9严重肥胖者受到的影响

    An averagely obese person's lifespan is shortened by around nine years while a severely obese person by many more.


  • 这些问题通常记忆提出一个更大问题是什么使得记住信息某些片段遗忘掉其他

    These questions raise a larger issue about memory in general: What makes the brain remember certain pieces of information and forget others?


  • 最小三明治平均价格也在每个2.50美元--3.00美元,如果自己做可以同样价格一个更大营养

    For the average cost of one of these babies ($2.50 to $3.00 per sandwich), you could make a bigger, better, and more nutritious version yourself.


  • 价格贫穷有着混合影响伤害任何一个食品受到的损失他因收入获得的收益更大的人。

    High prices have a mixed impact on poverty: they hurt anyone who loses more from dear food than he gains from a higher income.


  • 这种植物自己没有亲缘关系的凤仙花共用一个花盆时,它们就会使劲叶子,好与这个非亲非故的邻居竞争。

    But when those same impatiens were planted with other impatiens—but not their siblings—they put more energy into growing more and larger leaves that could crowd out the nonrelatives.


  • 难道美联储我们这个国家种不朽努力方式拯救我们自由犯下的真诚错误还是更大骗局重要组成部分

    Is the Fed an honest mistake in the state's otherwise undying efforts to preserve our liberty, or might it be a key component of a bigger racket?


  • 伦敦金融城位领军人物提出银行家高薪产生的不平等为了更大繁荣值得付出代价

    One of the City's leading figures has suggested that inequality created by bankers' huge salaries is a price worth paying for greater prosperity.


  • 如果求爱献上了一巧克力,只是搬出一小盒,那通常我们认为一个成功概率更大些。

    And usually a suitor who presents a bigger box of treats is thought to have a better chance of success than one who brandishes a smaller one.


  • 将会产生一个手机如果使用同样尺寸屏幕或者同样的手机屏幕

    This would either result in a smaller phone if the same size screen is used, or the same size phone if a bigger screen is used.


  • 政客们可能兴趣拨款新闻机构约束他们一个活动新闻机构则通过强调更大技术创新可能性来寻求支持

    Politicians may not be excited to fund news organizations to check their every move, and petitions for support might be framed by highlighting the possibility of greater technological innovation.


  • 其中之一就是对于北极熊来说,相较耐心等着击垮只肥胖毫无戒备的海豹袭击人类风险回报甚微。

    One is that, for a polar bear, the risk from attacking humans is higher, and the reward much lower, than patiently waiting to clobber a fat, unsuspecting seal.


  • 现在苹果正致力于成为一个媒体平台,乔布斯谈判中的作用显得日益重要

    That role is increasingly important, as Apple seeks to become an even bigger power in media distribution.Mr.


  • 发生一个遥远不为人国度(泰国)的事情最终蔓延许多更大国家这些国家看上去东南亚地区并没什么瓜葛,就俄罗斯巴西一样。

    Troubles that began in a far-away country of which most people knew nothing (Thailand) eventually spread to much bigger countries with no obvious connection to Southeast Asia, like Russia and Brazil.


  • 地区复杂问题,将花费一个完全自立的组织者一生精力。

    Larger areas and difficult problems can take over the life of a do-it-yourself organizer.


  • 确实当年泡沫时代创业者夸耀他们IPO规模现在更大的人则吹嘘他们拒绝了一个买家

    Indeed, whereas during the bubble entrepreneurs used to boast about the size of their IPO, now the braver ones brag about how much money they have turned down from a bidder.


  • 非农业就业率是从更大范围从业人口中调查得出的结论,失业率仅仅是从一个比较小的家庭范围内得出的结论。

    Nonfarm employment is derived from a big survey of employers, while the unemployment rate is derived from a much smaller survey of households.


  • 甚至消极剧本里这样声音都会所有其他的论调全部淹没:之后将会来者一个更大话语空间的权利。同时他们不会为了统一的和谐让渡出去属于自己的优势

    Even in a negative scenario, such voices would struggle to win all their arguments: enlargement has given the newcomers a big say, and they are not about to harmonise away all their advantages.


  • 甚至消极剧本里这样声音都会所有其他的论调全部淹没:之后将会来者一个更大话语空间的权利。同时他们不会为了统一的和谐让渡出去属于自己的优势

    Even in a negative scenario, such voices would struggle to win all their arguments: enlargement has given the newcomers a big say, and they are not about to harmonise away all their advantages.


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