• 2009年,公司确定了选择领导项决定性标准性格判断力、业绩交往能力

    In 2009, Ryder identified four criteria that were deal-breakers for leaders: character, judgment, results, and the ability to form relationships.


  • 倒数第二排的同一年级杰洛伊斯正在SAS一种在线射击游戏 游戏机关枪瞄准前来袭击僵尸

    Two seats to the rear, Jerod Reyes, another freshman, was playing SAS, an online shooting game in which players fire a machine gun at attacking zombies.


  • 有一名叫瑞德·杜威的淘金回家朋友们写信说,他用了的时间补给斯卡格威运到山脚下在信中写到,他的身体受到了伤害因为搬运这些补给实在太难了。

    A man named Fred Dewey wrote to friends back home that it took him two weeks just to move his supplies from Skagway to the mountain. His wrote that his body hurt because of the extremely hard work.


  • 本周观察杂志上,喀布尔律师莎拉·法瑞德工作经验为阿富汗妇女权利进行了辩护

    In the Observer magazine this week, Shahla Farid, a Kabul-based lawyer, speaks of her experience defending women's rights.


  • 俄斯欣然应允。奥修斯要求所有追求在国王作出决定之前庄严地发誓无论谁获选,其他人都捍卫中选反对任何争吵的人。

    Tyndareus readily agreed and Odysseus proposed that, before the decision was made, all the suitors should swear a most solemn oath to defend the chosen husband against whoever should quarrel with him.


  • 之后公司管理人员精确总结鉴别候选人是否符合上述特质的方法。现在瑞德公司招收符合上述标准的领导

    Then, the company's management outlined exactly how to tell if people had those traits, and it now will only hire the ones that do.


  • 爱鸟瑞德·伯。他是华盛顿鸟类学会前任会长,专门研究一小群长尾小鹦鹉

    "For us, it's just fun," said avian devotee Fred Bird, a past President of the Washington Ornithological Society who studies the little band of parakeets.


  • ·蒙表示幕后恐吓阴谋组织清楚

    Redmond says it still is not clear who is behind these intimidating tactics.


  • 维拉尼亚认识朋友博学理想主义·费恩怎么样了?

    And what ever became of the friend he and Veronica both knew back then, a brainy, idealistic boy named Adrian Finn?


  • 斯伍认为理想意义上宽恕让当事人身处于一种冒犯承认他们的过失付出努力去弥补侵害的状况。

    Griswald holds that ideal forgiveness is one where the offender admits their wrong-doing and takes steps to repair the damage.


  • 维诺克利特餐厅,一名叫格瑞德·斯凯夫的就餐,“在家从不做饭如果在外面吃饭好多钱的话,我就希望别人。”

    At the Vinoklet, diner Grey Schafer says, “I don’t cook at home, and if I’m going to pay good money, I want someone to do the cooking for me.”


  • 明显证据表明气候变化正在影响世界其他地方的植物生活。”洛伍花园的管理保罗·NOAA新闻稿中说道

    "There is telling evidence that climate change is affecting plant life around the world and here at Longwood," Paul Redman, the director of Longwood Gardens, said in a press release.


  • 称为尼斯汉克(Nishank)(“没有疑问的。”),计划是要北阿坎变成一个对投资生态环境都友好的山脉天堂

    Pokhriyal, known as Nishank (" he who is without doubt "), has a plan to turn Uttarakhand into an investor-friendly, eco-friendly mountain paradise.


  • 瑞德可以从中选择作为背景然后音乐播放器,把喜欢的音乐放进去那样的话,你的来访就可以听到你的音乐了。

    Fred: : you can choose one type to make it as your background, and then find a music player and put your favorite songs into it, so your visitors can enjoy the music after entering into your zone.


  • 晚年的弗瑞德严重肺气肿病中存活下来,虽然长寿生活中经历过个人不幸他们抗拒不幸压倒

    Friedel later survived severe tuberculosis, and while both have experienced personal tragedy during their long lives, they have refused to be crushed by it.


  • 奥普拉温弗大卫洛克菲勒特纳一个与会说,“不是秘密,”

    Broad, Oprah Winfrey, David Rockefeller Sr. and Ted Turner. One attendee stated that, "It wasn't".


  • ·泰勒苏珊·弗化名是曾站出来揭示了其故事的终极MK精神控制受害当中最高其中之一

    Brice Taylor is the pseudonym for Susan Ford, one of the highest level MK Ultra mind controlled victims to ever come forward and reveal her story.


  • 只是在擂鼓呐喊,希望行动起来不要再等待”,共和党宣传策略专家瑞德·戴维斯上周佛罗里达州会见潜在赞助

    "I'm just beating the drum and hoping that he runs this cycle and doesn't wait," said Fred Davis, a Republican advertising strategist who met with prospective donors last week in Florida.


  • 瑞德是个有经验高级房地产投资家族管理这项资产

    Fred is a experienced senior real estate investors, he and his family will manage the assets.


  • 死亡,使应囊发现自己突然没有任何支持

    With the death of Tabinshwe Hti, Bayin Naung found himself without any supporters.


  • 麦肯先生四面楚歌,可能最大获益属共和党领军鲁迪朱利安尼以及麦肯恩的老友瑞德汤普森

    The two most likely beneficiaries of Mr McCain's troubles will be Rudy Giuliani, the front-runner, and Fred Thompson, an old friend of Mr McCain's who is expected to declare his candidacy any day now.


  • 查克拉瓦蒂。堪赫尔辛基大学计算生物学研究员研究中,参与分成两个焦点小组

    In a study done by Chakravarthi Kanduri, Computational Biology Researcher at the University of Helsinki, participants were split into two focus groups.


  • 查克拉瓦蒂。堪赫尔辛基大学计算生物学研究员研究中,参与分成两个焦点小组

    In a study done by Chakravarthi Kanduri, Computational Biology Researcher at the University of Helsinki, participants were split into two focus groups.


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