• 哈利·波特扮演丹尼尔称赞凯蒂非常出色有魅力的女演员

    Daniel, the actor who plays Harry Potter, said he found Katie to be "awesome" and a "really amazing actress".


  • 哈利·波特扮演丹尼尔·雷德克里夫和《钢铁侠》主演小罗伯特·唐尼分别位列第3、4位

    "Harry Potter" star Daniel Radcliffe was No 3, while "Iron Man's" Robert Downey Jr nabbed 4th.


  • 活动主办丹尼尔·维尔尼克他们收到了来自10国家将近一百份稿件虽然其中大部分来自以色列。

    Contest organizer Daniel Wiernik, said they received almost a hundred submissions from 10 different countries, though the majority of the films came from Israel.


  • 平台设计丹尼尔·拉贾提供这样的一个幻境:这款床事漂浮空气中的根本不需要床架的支撑。

    Letto platform bed from designer Daniele Lago gives the illusion that the bed is floating in the air. No need for bed frames.


  • 曾经诺贝尔奖获得肯尼斯·阿罗长久共事,也是另一位诺贝尔奖获得者丹尼尔·麦克法研究生导师

    He worked long ago with one previous winner, Kenneth Arrow, and was the graduate adviser to another, Daniel McFadden.


  • 剧中哈里的饰演丹尼尔·拉德克里夫对当天出席首映式的所有影迷表示了感谢说:“没有什么感到高兴的了。”

    Daniel Radcliffe, who plays Harry, thanked all the fans who had turned up. "if this doesn't get you exhilarated, nothing else will," he said.


  • 维克那科技公司老板,战场疏导协助机器人发明丹尼尔·西奥博尔德(Daniel Theobald)指出,多用途该款机器人核心设计理念。

    Daniel Theobald, BEAR's inventor and Vecna's boss, says that versatility is at the heart of the robot's design.


  • 榜单如今已迈入第70个年头。奥巴马影星布拉德•皮特詹姆斯邦德扮演丹尼尔克雷格、金融家阿帕德·布森,以及艺术家塞•托姆布雷携手入围“全球十佳着装男性”。

    Obama joined actors Brad Pitt and James Bond star Daniel Craig, financier Arpad Busson, and artist Cy Twombly on the list of the world's 10 best-dressed men


  • 《哈利波特》电影饰演邪恶巫师马尔福的汤姆·菲尔顿(Tom Felton)大声驳斥了哈利波特扮演丹尼尔·拉德克利夫(Daniel Radcliffe)使用大麻传闻

    Actor Tom Felton, who plays the evil wizard in the movies spoke out about the rumours that co-star Radcliffe used cannabis.


  • 非常棒问题丹尼尔。“做还是做”,这一个普遍进退两难的问题。

    Great question, Daniel! "to Stretch or Not to Stretch" is a common runner's dilemma.


  • 丹尼尔·奎格(37岁):这位007邦德的扮演可以曾经饰演过“邦女郎”贝瑞分享007影片的惊险刺激。

    Daniel Craig, 37: The Bond girl can share the thrill of the chase with the new 007.


  • 《暮光之城》中吸血鬼男主角的扮演罗伯特·帕丁森表示《哈利·波特》的男一号丹尼尔·雷德克里夫讨教经验,求教他怎么处理成名后的烦恼。

    Robert Pattinson has revealed that he wants to talk to Daniel Radcliffe about dealing with fame.


  • 丹尼尔他们个个经验丰富的出色滑雪所以他们雪崩埋葬的可能性极小

    Daniel: They are all very experienced and great skiers. So I suppose the chance for them to be buried by an avalanche is slim.


  • 西班牙殖民,法国探险家,对于那些发现这些新大陆先驱随后开拓,像丹尼尔,征服西部一部勇气苦难的史书,打造美国人性格

    For the pioneers who set out to confront these lands, following trailblazers like Daniel Boone, the conquest of the West is a story of courage and hardship that forges the character of America.


  • 组织达蒙·丹尼尔虽然有些申请人贷款已经浮动利率转为固定利率,但是16位申请人减少本金

    Damon Daniel, an organiser, says none of the 16 who applied got a write-down, though some might have their mortgages converted from an adjustable to a fixed interest rate.


  • 丹尼尔极为热爱片“黑暗血腥土地”,1773年,带领四十殖民卷土重来,印第安驱赶回去

    So much did Daniel love that "dark and bloody ground" that he tried to return in 1773, taking forty settlers with him, but the Indians drove them back.


  • 同样其他现任前任州长刊物希望看到的参赛——他们分别布•布什、克里斯•克斯蒂米奇丹尼尔里克•佩里

    All the same, there are other current and former governors who this newspaper wishes were in the racenotably Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Mitch Daniels and Rick Perry.


  • 美联储理事丹尼尔•塔鲁洛最近强调一些美国银行并不擅长自己压力测试,并且不仅仅模型监管判断力也是重要的因素。

    Daniel Tarullo, a Fed governor, recently emphasised that some American Banks weren't much good at doing stress tests on their own and that supervisors' judgment, not just models, was vital.


  • 教唆他们财务公司职员丹尼尔·杰克主持筹款进行竞选捐款然后公司员工进行补偿

    Biagi, solicited employees of their financial firm to make campaign donations to fund-raisers hosted by Mr. Danielczyk and then reimbursed the employees with company money.


  • 教唆他们财务公司职员丹尼尔·杰克主持的筹款进行竞选捐款然后公司员工进行补偿

    Biagi, solicited employees of their financial firm to make campaign donations to fund-raisers hosted by Mr.Danielczyk and then reimbursed the employees with company money.


  • 最佳男主角获奖《未绸谬》的丹尼尔.刘易斯

    "And the Oscar goes to Daniel Day-Lewis and There Will be Blood, " she said.


  • 年届50丹尼尔·戴·刘易斯在屏幕上完美诠释的野心勃勃、残酷成性石油开采形象使他横扫今年各大奖项

    Day-Lewis, 50, has swept this year's awards season with a performance that dominates the screen as an ambitious oil explorer with a sadistic streak.


  • 先驱包括乌普萨拉大学帕特里克尤斯林哥德堡大学的丹尼尔·法斯特·加尔,两人都瑞士

    Among the pioneers are Patrik Juslin, of Uppsala University, and Daniel Vastfjall, of Gothenburg University, both in Sweden.


  • 麦当劳提引述加州饮食业协会评论。 协会的发言人丹尼尔康威严厉谴责这一起诉误导消费

    McDonald’s referred comment to the California Restaurant Association, where spokesman Daniel Conway lambasted the charges of misleading consumers.


  • 丹尼尔·布(1734-1820),肯塔基州垦荒先驱,也是美国历史上著名拓荒之一。

    Daniel Boone (1734-1820) is the most widely known of American frontiersmen. Daniel Boone is the most widely known of American frontiersmen.


  • BEAR发明vecna老板丹尼尔·西奥博尔德(Daniel Theobald)多功能性机器人设计核心

    Daniel Theobald, BEAR's inventor and Vecna's boss, says versatility is at the heart of the robot's design.


  • 丹尼尔斯对此回应:“不然这样不然实行单一保险人制度(也就是印第安纳波利斯的抗议们所呼吁的)。”

    Mr Daniels’s response was: “You need to do this or you’ll end up with single payer [the single scheme that the protesters in Indianapolis were calling for].”


  • 求职网站简单就业网(SimplyHired)首席营销丹尼尔·格林伯格表示,许多公司知道求职想要办公室以外生活因此,公司发布招聘信息时进行相应的措辞。

    Daniel Greenberg, chief marketing officer at job-search portal SimplyHired, notes that many companies know job hunters want a life outside the office, and have worded their job postings accordingly.


  • 其中著名的要数丹尼尔·西蒙实验了,在实验中,参与甚至知道他们自己正在研究

    The most dramatic demonstration might be Daniel Simons' "experiment" that took place before participants even knew they were being studied.


  • 其中著名的要数丹尼尔·西蒙实验了,在实验中,参与甚至知道他们自己正在研究

    The most dramatic demonstration might be Daniel Simons' "experiment" that took place before participants even knew they were being studied.


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