• 由于下雨,我们没有参观考古现场

    The rain stopped us from visiting the archaeological site .


  • 正在全世界著名考古现场之一工作

    I'm working on one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world.


  • 于是这里成了美洲受到研究最多考古现场之一。

    This has since become one of the most extensively studied archaeological sites in the Americas.


  • 放射性碳测定年代的专家发现了考古现场工作的各种优点

    Radiocarbon dating experts have also found advantages from working onsite with archaeologists.


  • 参观期间希拉克对从考古现场挖掘出来的数千件物品包括青铜制动物雕塑大加赞赏

    During the visit, Chirac admired the archeological site where thousands of objects have been dug up, including bronze animals and statues.


  • 以色列考古部门,这周中东地区狂风骤雨也造成了沿以色列海岸线的其他一些考古现场损坏

    The Israel Antiquities Authority says the strong winds and torrential rain that pummeled the Mideast this week damaged other archaeological sites along Israel's coast.


  • 电台电视上当嘉宾,到处演讲去年我们摄像机考古现场的工作进行全天候在线现场直播

    I appear on radio and TV, give lectures, and last year we broadcasted a live feed with cameras showing our fieldwork online, around the clock.


  • 并用软件实现算法用于考古同位素密度成像仪中,实现考古数据快速成像指导考古现场工作

    Software is used to realize the algorithm, which is used in the isotope density-imaging device for archaeology, to realize rapid imaging of archaeological data, and conduct work on the site.


  • 考古挖掘现场下层发现了陶器

    Archaeologists found pottery in the lowest level of the site.


  • 目前,考古人员现场一个洞中挖一些陶器碎片残破黏土他们这些东西可能会引出几十年来有关莎士比亚的一些最有意义发现

    Fragments of pottery and broken clay pipe have already been retrieved from a muddy hole on the site, which they claim could yield some of the most significant discoveries about Shakespeare in decades.


  • 尽管现场片空旷,但伯明翰考古相信,他们已经确认莎翁在16世纪使用过的垃圾场粪坑的位置。

    Although little remains of the property, the team, led by Birmingham Archaeology, believes it has identified a rubbish tip or cesspit used by the 16th century poet.


  • 尽管现场片空旷,但伯明翰考古相信,他们已经确认莎翁在16世纪使用过的垃圾场粪坑的位置。

    Although little remains of the property, the team, led by Birmingham Archaeology, believes it has identified a rubbish tip or cesspit used by the 16th century poet.


  • 以色列考古部门风暴让一座一千七百年前雕像重见天日。这场风暴已造成部分挖掘现场的损坏。

    Israel's antiquities authority says a storm that raked over part of an archaeological dig this week has exposed a 1, 700-year-old statue.


  • 阿拉斯加大学考古学家哈利·波特,走遍全阿拉斯加州,很多时间现场考察古代人类居住遗址

    Archaeologist Ben Potter of the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, spends a lot of time visiting ancient sites of human habitation throughout the state.


  • 印第安公主波卡·洪塔斯婚礼现场长期困扰学者未解之谜考古小组深信他们发现了当年的婚礼现场遗址

    A team of archaeologists believe they may have finally discovered Pocahontas' wedding site, a mystery that has long vexed scholars.


  • 考古现场碎片规格形状十分类似17世纪小型金属

    The team said that the size and shape of the pieces looks very similar to the small iron guns of the 17th century.


  • 我们已发现工匠住所遗迹,还有烧火的地方以及钢铁工艺品”,恩斯特·波尔(Ernst Pohl)德国考古家,在现场挖掘已经有几年时间

    "We found relics of the craftsmen's quarters and firing places and iron and metal artifacts," says Ernst Pohl, a German archaeologist who spent years excavating the site.


  • 意识到,如果她参观考古发掘现场就可以借机摆脱那些难以相处的英国主人纠缠

    And she realized she could escape her implacable English hosts by arranging a visit to the dig site.


  • 稍后,穿过一个黑暗隧道一切豁然开朗之际,进入考古挖掘工作的现场

    I passed through a dark tunnel. When everything was bright and back to daylight again, I was situated at an excavation site.


  • 为了辅助考古研究工作,本文数字考古中的考古发掘现场建模技术文物网上重现技术进行研究。

    In order to aid the archaeology research, this thesis focuses on the 3D modeling technique for excavation site and the relic representation technique in Internet in the field of digital archaeology.


  • 地板粗糙大理石制成本地考古留下所有足迹都保留原来位置保护现场和谐作为考古学家历史足迹的见证。

    The floor stone is in rough marble, and any existing foot print of local archeological remains will be kept at original location to preserve site harmony and archeological historical respect.


  • 青铜时代现场此次挖掘过程已经拍摄了下来而且已经将物品出,许可考古学家们能够进行他们研究

    The excavation at the Bronze Age site was filmed and the objects have been removed to allow archaeologists to carry out their studies.


  • 邱承墩原址,主持人步入墓坑中,距离感受考古发掘现场通过现场专家提问采访,一层层揭开鸿山遗址的神秘面纱

    The host went into the tomb, felt the archeological excavation without any distance in Qiu Chengdun site. Through experts' interview, they opened the mysterious veil layer by layer.


  • 船舶船体腐烂出土世界贸易中心施工现场提供了一个进入曼哈顿目睹历史考古学家

    The decayed hull of the ship was unearthed at the World Trade Center construction site, providing a glimpse into the history of Manhattan, archeologists said.


  • 船舶船体腐烂出土世界贸易中心施工现场提供了一个进入曼哈顿目睹历史考古学家

    The decayed hull of the ship was unearthed at the World Trade Center construction site, providing a glimpse into the history of Manhattan, archeologists said.


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