• 老鼠人类类似的生化途径

    Rats and humans have similar biochemical pathways.


  • 老鼠人类眼睛种可以感光感受器。

    Mice, and humans, have three types of light-detecting receptor in the eye.


  • 马里兰大学科学家JohnsHopskins测试了老鼠人类肺部组织

    Scientists at the University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins tested mouse and human lung tissue.


  • 事实上我们看到老鼠人类有着共同反应。这充分证明我们正在是正确的道路。

    The fact that we see Shared responses in mice and humans is good evidence that we're doing something right.


  • 加拿大多伦多大学德拉斯·纳吉技术老鼠人类皮肤细胞使用了这项技术,发现编程的iPS细胞表现出胚胎干细胞一样的特性。

    He and Andras Nagy from the University of Toronto used the technique in both mouse and human skin cells and found the reprogrammed cells behaved just like embryonic stem cells.


  • 老鼠游戏结束了人类机器人之间挑战继续

    The cat and mouse game is over, but the challenge between man and robots will still go on.


  • 老鼠许多其他动物两个特性但是人类没有

    Mice and many other animals have both of these characteristics, and humans do not.


  • 对于学习记忆问题老鼠遇到原因很可能全然不同人类所遇到的原因。

    There may be different causes for the learning and memory problems in rats as opposed to that of humans.


  • 人类老鼠细胞培育干细胞试验显示这些干细胞与胚胎干细胞的表现是一致的。

    Tests on stem cells made from human and mouse cells showed they behaved in the same as embryonic stem cells.


  • 不过对于老鼠猴子研究发现似乎延长人类寿命领域这个一度视为边缘科学研究一项具有标志性意义进展

    But the mouse and monkey findings appear to mark the most substantial scientific progress yet in the search for ways to extend human life spansonce viewed as a fringe area of study.


  • 这项实验中,怀孕处于授乳期的老鼠食用营养丰富一组则食用富含高脂肪糖类的固定的几类人类食品

    In the experiment, one group of pregnant and lactating rats consumed nutritious rat chow, while another group ate certain human foods high in fat and sugar.


  • 实验动物家畜(例如、大老鼠老鼠等)对比证明,人类衰老的速度其他物种

    When comparisons have been made between humans versus lab or domestic animals (such as horses, dogs, rats and mice) humans have had slower rates of aging than these other species.


  • 纳德发现基底神经节周围与学习有关区域人类FOXP2基因导致有些神经元生长普通老鼠更长的突触。

    Enard found that in the basal ganglia and connected regions involved in learning, the human version of FOXP2 caused some neurons to develop longer branches than those found in normal mice.


  • 开始逐渐认识到,鼠类分享城市栖息地人类行为老鼠繁盛兴旺

    Rupp came to the realization that she and the rats Shared the urban habitat; it was because of human behavior that the rats were thriving.


  • 特殊培育老鼠能够研究者们带来更多的关于鼠类活动人类大脑的知识。

    The specially bred mice can teach scientists much about both mouse behavior and the human brain.


  • 瓦伦蒂诺研究侧重于 促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子CRF), 它是人类老鼠大脑紧张反应时所释放的一种激素。

    Valentino's research focuses on corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), a hormone released in the brain in responses to stress, in both humans and rats.


  • 这些老鼠展现症状人类对这种疾病反应类似通过类似的机制(即gaba不足)其进行实验。这个将有助于鉴定其潜在治疗方案

    These rats show symptoms similar to the human version of the illness, by means of similar mechanisms (namely GABA deficits), and may eventually help identify potential therapies.


  • 老鼠不同,人类不在夜间活动(译注:误xd),所以我们的XPA水平升高降低时段不同

    Unlike mice, humans are not nocturnal, so their XPA levels rise and fall at different times.


  • 虽然老鼠远非人类,但是我们知道很多药物物质他们效果人类的是相似的。

    Although mice are a long way off from being human, we all know that many effects of medication or substances on them are similar to what humans experience.


  • 这种限制可以减少动物人类身上一些慢性疾病发病因素,扩展老鼠苍蝇蠕虫酵母生命

    Such restriction has been shown to reduce risk factors for several chronic diseases in animals and humans and to increase life span in rats, mice, fish, flies, worms and yeast.


  • 这次试验中使用动物老鼠这种动物以前用于试验的线虫果蝇起来已经接近人类了。

    But that is much closer to humans than the nematode worms and fruit flies which were the subjects of previous successful experiments on drug-induced life extension.


  • 年长的人类一样,衰老的老鼠经常记得某件发生自己所处的位置

    Like older humans, elderly mice often don't remember where they were when something happened.


  • 老鼠当做实验品他们发现强光增强了老鼠恐惧焦虑,因为老鼠属于昼伏夜出的生物,同样,因为人类通常白天活动,黑暗增加了他们的恐惧焦虑。

    Using mice as models, they learned that intense light enhances fear or anxiety in mice, which are nocturnal, in much the same way that darkness can intensify fear or anxiety in diurnal humans.


  • 虽然这个研究揭示苍蝇老鼠人类植物蓝光反应是一样,但是黄素类物质的减少对生物节律的作用却不同

    While this research reveals a similarity in the responses of flies, mice, humans, and plants to blue light, the decrease in flavins affects circadian rhythms differently.


  • 人类大脑中的不同部分释放出一种相似的化学物质功能影响老鼠大脑中运行机制也相同

    Different parts of the human brain release a similar chemical that has the same functions and the same impact as it does in mice.


  • 其中有老鼠嗅嗅”,另一个叫“匆匆”。 还有两个老鼠一般大小的小矮人,模样行为看上去今天人类

    Two were mice, namedSniff 3” and “Scurry4” and two were littlepeople-beings5 who were as small as mice but who looked and acted a lot like people today.


  • 其中有老鼠嗅嗅”,另一个叫“匆匆”。 还有两个老鼠一般大小的小矮人,模样行为看上去今天人类

    Two were mice, namedSniff 3” and “Scurry4” and two were littlepeople-beings5 who were as small as mice but who looked and acted a lot like people today.


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