• 有意识地上司一起工作获得最大效益老板公司明确的致胜战略

    Consciously working with your superior to obtain the best possible results for you, your boss and the company is a definite Winning Strategy.


  • 亲爱的安妮朋友发给写的专栏文章,文中提到了如何搞定专横老板条建议。不过顶头上司情况更加恶劣。

    Dear Annie: a friend of mine sent me your column about five ways to cope with an autocratic boss, but I'm facing a problem with my immediate supervisor that is actually quite a bit worse.


  • 指出说:“可以其他部门寻找友谊同事成为朋友但是绝对不要老板直接上司约会。”

    She states, "you can pursue friendships in other departments and with friends of your coworkers, but don't ever date a boss or a direct report."


  • 指出说:“可以其他部门寻找友谊同事成为朋友但是绝对不要老板你的直接上司约会

    She states, "You can pursue friendships in other departments and with friends ofyour coworkers, but don't ever date a boss or a direct report.


  • 莎莉喜欢上了自己上司一个感性画廊老板安东尼奥班德拉斯饰演

    Sally develops a crush on her boss, a sensual gallery owner played by Antonio Banderas.


  • 上司不是真正意义上的老板上帝才是老板

    Your boss is not really your boss; your boss is Jesus.


  • 记下上司之间所有共同点并且老板同事建立融洽关系

    Make a note of anything you and the boss have in common, and conduct a good relationship with your boss and co-workers.


  • 老板们一直都投缘,上次上司却是我被证实良好关系规则之外的特例我们就是相处不好,我知道为什么。

    I usually hit it off very well with my bosses, but this case was the exception that proved my rule of good relationships. We just didn't get on well.


  • 负责项目遗漏了关键部分或者你没按时完成一份重要报告,那么就得跟你的老板或者上司)道歉——可是最可敬、最明智的做法。

    Maybe you forgot to complete a key part of an important project, or to submit a crucial report on time. 'Fessing up to your boss is the honorable — and smart — thing to do.


  • 老板们一直都投缘,这个上司却是我良好关系规则运行中的特例我们就是相处不好,我知道为什么。

    I usually hit it off very well with my bosses, but this case was the exception that proved my rule of good relationships. We just didn't get on well.


  • 一个明智老板(或上司)会将错误视为每个员工成长必交的学费,所以他们欣赏那些百折不挠的下属。

    A smart boss regards mistakes as part of the learning curve for every employee and values those who are determined to find a way to bounce back.


  • 许多新的经理们过度地解释给上司为什他们必须一个任务,这么,会将来自老板最好保密的信息传播出去。

    Many newmanagers over-explain to direct reports why they must take on a particular taskand in doing so, pass along information from their bosses that was better keptconfidential.


  • 也许需要老板聊聊但是有时可以开个头然后汇报给你上司

    You might need to talk to your boss, but sometimes you can just start doing something and inform the higher-ups later.


  • 英国近日公布一项调查结果显示,有四分之一老板上司会因为睡觉太少而导致脾气暴躁。

    A quarter of Britain's bosses are likely to be in a bad mood at work because of too little sleep, research released on Monday showed.


  • 反抗你的上司或者老板,你厌恶被呼来唤

    You want to rebel against bosses and management. You resent being told what to do.


  • 提示面试中,不要埋怨以前的老板或者是现任上司

    Tip: in the interview, don't complain about your previous boss or current boss.


  • 应该告诉上司老板想得到提拔,登上管理者阶层

    You should tell your supervisor or boss that you want to be promoted and rise up that management ladder.


  • 工作环境太糟糕有没有试过什么谈谈比如你们老板上司

    What a terrible working environment! Have you tried talking to anyone about it? Maybe the boss of your boss?


  • 曾经就职于《财富》500强公司,当时我给顶头上司老板发了一封邮件,告诉无法出席地区销售团队会议

    When I was at a Fortune 500 company, I emailed my boss's boss once letting him know that I couldn't make it to the regional sales team meeting.


  • 为了事业将来变得更好不得不接受老板敬酒,你需要客户喝酒”,一个男人为了取悦上司每个男人需要学会喝酒。

    "For a better career future, you have to accept your boss's toast, you also need to drink with your clients", a man said, to pleased your boss, every man needs to learn to drink.


  • 学会聆听同事老板以及上司可以学到很多他们的经验

    Listen to your co-workers, your boss, and your superiors. You can learn a lot from their experience.


  • 公司里,人们接受老板决定他们认为上司就是上司

    The people would accept the decisions of their boss in a company, believing that the boss is their superior.


  • 机会认识老板上司

    Make yourself known to your boss's superiors.


  • 更好地了解老板想法有助于上司推销有利于部门整个公司程序调整建议。

    A better understanding of your boss can help you to sell process changes that can benefit the department and company.


  • 如果觉得上司共事很难,那你应该一试一位女老板那样就会在说什么了

    If you have had trouble working with a male boss, you should try working for a female. Then you would know what I am talking about.


  • 上司能够做到这个位置,一定能力使然,而且受到老板赏识。

    Your boss got the position because he or she has the right skills and impressed the superiors.


  • 不能再嫁上司是因老板还珍细他的原配婚姻。

    But can't re-marry to my boss as my boss refuse to divorce.


  • IRA希望(知道太多),犯罪老板米汉帮助他,如果执行最后对手的罪行上司

    The IRA wants him back (he knows too much) and the local crime boss, Meehan, will only help him if he performs one last hit, on a rival crime boss.


  • 他们对那些主动提供指导上司给予奖励,他们会老板如何教导员工

    They actually reward bosses for stepping in and guiding and providing coaches; they actually teach bosses how to coach people.


  • 他们对那些主动提供指导上司给予奖励,他们会老板如何教导员工

    They actually reward bosses for stepping in and guiding and providing coaches; they actually teach bosses how to coach people.


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