• 几十年间,衣服平均价格已经下降廉价服饰不再被打上老土烙印

    The average price of clothing has dropped in recent decades. Cheap clothing is branded in such a way that it is no longer associated with lack of style.


  • 一些老土邻里观念多半幼稚可笑,所幸我们如今的邻里关系也在悄然)变化之中。

    Some of the old ideas about neighbors are probably silly, and it may be just as well that our relations with our neighbors are changing.


  • 特别是我们还得用非常老土方法这件事收现金单独的,不包括酒店账单内。

    And especially because the way we have to do it is out of the Middle Ages -- only cash -- and separate from the hotel billing.


  • 我们意味着至少还是有为老人存在乡村的(意味着还是有买得到老土的打字机的地方的)。

    We guess that means there's still at least one country for old men.


  • 应用仍然这种老土效果只是一个几乎是多余3d飞溅这个身份潜力非常令人兴奋

    At times the applications still have that corny effect where it's just an almost superfluous splash of 3d water but the potential in this identity is pretty exciting.


  • 所以至今,虽然现代技术日新月异(网络摄像头Skype等等),但在用老土方法——打电话他沟通。

    So even now, with all the technology in the world (web cams, Skype, etc.) I still have to talk to my brother the old fashioned way: By phone.


  • 1986年那个现在看来很老土年代女孩告诉,她们可乐,·方达(JaneFonda)的健身录像

    In the now-quaint era of 1986, the girls had told me about drinking Diet Cokes and watching Jane Fonda exercise videos.


  • 1925年,一向打扮过时老土弗吉尼亚·吴尔甚至杂志时尚编辑的陪同下,位于伦敦法国时装店购置“漂亮女人风格的衣服。

    The frumpy Virginia Woolf even went on a "Pretty Woman"-style shopping expedition at French couture houses in London with the magazine's fashion editor in 1925.


  • 讽刺意味的是,"O.K."虽然能救得了VanBuren竞选竞选却给了“O.K."新的活力——之前一直没能作为一个完成的词,比如O.W."(表示"ollwright"),那样流行起来。 (顺便说句,在我们开始觉得比19世纪的老土们牛B太多之前,"oll wright"真的就比几年前流行过的什么"excuuuse me!"

    Ironically, while "O.K." didn't save Van Buren's campaign, the campaign gave "O.K." a new lease on life -- until then, it had never been as popular as a competing phrase, "O.W." (for "oll wright").


  • 自己-充满热情:听起来会有些老土确实一切核心

    Love Yourself - with a Passion: This is so corny, but it's really at the core of everything.


  • 我们许多人都去过观赏那里闻名瀑布是否曾经停下来聆听来自著居民村落内心深处独特音乐呢?

    Many of us have passed through Wulai to view its famous waterfall, but have you ever stopped to appreciate the unique sounds coming from the heart of this ancient aboriginal village?


  • 我们非常开发出,一个良好程序帮助客户不仅仅是赚钱可能看起来有些老土,因为现在很多认为金钱至上

    We're really more worried about developing a good app to help the customer more than make money, which might seem a little backwards that a lot of people think money first.


  • 上不仅有世界运行最快计算机,也有速度最快的火车

    On its ancient land run the world's fastest computer and most rapid train.


  • 撒哈拉沙漠上空,接近几千历史

    Over the Sahara Desert approaching ancient lands and thousands of years of history.


  • 他们把什么做得最好往往取决于社会文化历史

    And what they will do best in is often deeply dependent on the socio-cultural history of this ancient land.


  • 有些看不到这样做明显好处,他们都老土,毫无希望,或者只是保护他们饭碗,不是吗?

    Anyone who can't see the obvious benefits must be hopelessly behind The Times, or just protecting their jobs, right?


  • 喜欢那种烟熏因为处理鸡肉来说老土了。

    I like to buy whole chickens that are already smoked, because dealing with raw chicken is just too medieval for me.


  • 敢打赌那些有着老土名字孩子都将因为不会受到大家休息时的作弄而感谢他们的父母

    I bet those kids with "boring" names are thanking their parents for sparing them torment at recess.


  • 拥有数千历史希腊雅典延伸埃及开罗

    Ancient lands with thousands of years of history stretching from Athens, Greece all the way around the Med to Cairo, Egypt.


  • 几部电影执行制作人威格拉姆指出奇幻当时老土了(《指环王出品)。

    Mr Wigram, executive producer of the later films, points out that fantasy was out of fashion at the time (“Lord of the Rings” had not yet appeared).


  • 本周二承认自己一点老土对于关注时尚建议,却置之不理。

    US President Barack Obama admitted Tuesday he's a little frumpy , but brushed aside suggestions that he should pay greater attention to fashion. "Here's my attitude.


  • 该市世界银行合作提高人们这些有着一百多年历史建筑历史文化价值的认知程度发挥了作用。

    Engaging with the Bank has contributed to raising awareness about the historic and cultural value of the ancient mud buildings that are over 100 years old.


  • 太空观看这个现代辉煌景色,总让人有种超乎寻常感觉

    A very surreal feeling to view the splendor of this ancient land from outer space (9-4-2010).


  • 母亲衣服往往视为老土顺手一扔便垃圾桶

    Mother bought me clothes, I often regarded as old-fashioned, dig fling it flew into the rubbish bin.


  • 至于衣服颜色,斯坦格黑色红色以及宝蓝祖母绿这样的宝石色调比较时髦南瓜黄色显得老土

    In terms of colour, black, red and jewel tones like sapphire blue and emerald GREen are in, while pumpkins and yellows are out, ms Stanger said.


  • 表明,今天女性“弱者”看法或者做法不仅仅女性种“侮辱”,更是现代美国文化格格不入的“老土”的行为。

    This shows that to treat a woman as inferior just because she is a female is not only insulting but also out of step with contemporary American culture.


  • 吧,有些题目有点老土但是这些题目却能很地证明我们大脑中的一些习性如何影响我们做出判断

    Okay, some of these are a bit corny. But they all illustrate several brain idiosyncrasies that affect how we make decisions in the world.


  • 吧,有些题目有点老土但是这些题目却能很地证明我们大脑中的一些习性如何影响我们做出判断

    Okay, some of these are a bit corny. But they all illustrate several brain idiosyncrasies that affect how we make decisions in the world.


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