• 报纸读者群老化如此迅速原因简单年轻人抛弃印刷媒体速度快老年人。

    The reason why newspaper readers are ageing so quickly is simple: the young are abandoning print faster than everyone else.


  • 老化的电视台主张老年族群变得有价值并不令人意外

    It is not surprising that ageing televisionnetworks should argue that the old are becoming more valuable.


  • 维生素E相互协作,提高氧化能力防止减缓老年化,通过氧化作用防止减缓身体组织老化变硬。

    Selenium works synergistically with vitamin E to boost antioxidant power and prevent or slow signs of aging and hardening of tissues through oxidation.


  • 其实,随着年龄增长,萎缩功能性衰退身体很自然的变化,并不一定是由疾病引起的,但是研究显示,这种自然老化可以加剧人们轻度认知障碍(简称MCI,即一种使记忆力衰退的疾病)老年痴呆症的机率。

    Brain shrinkage or atrophy is a natural part of ageing but it is known to be accelerated in people with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) – a kind of memory loss and forgetfulnessand Alzheimer's.


  • 世界卫生组织(世卫组织)提倡一种使老年保持积极生活态度健康活力人口老化模式

    Q: The World Health Organization (WHO) has promoted a model of ageing in which older people remain active and robust.


  • 爱丁堡大学研究者解释两个老化大脑感受器如何对应激激素皮质醇作出反应老年记忆衰退有关。

    Researchers at Edinburgh University have shown how two receptors in older brains react to the stress hormone cortisol, which has been linked to memory loss in the elderly.


  • 蓝梅不但可以减少炎症而且可以防止大脑老化预防癌症以及老年痴呆

    Blueberries: Blueberries not only reduce inflammation, but they can protect the brain from aging and prevent diseases, such as cancer and dementia.


  • 根据这些社区进行第一关于老化健康问题研究,这些老年人们面临着更高比例残疾身体精神痛苦以及难以获得一些服务

    These seniors face higher rates of disability, physical and mental distress and a lack of access to services, according to the first study on aging and health in these communities.


  • 不过这位47岁老年病学家(研究老化过程者)表示相信自己有可能1000根据科学不是根据信仰

    But the 47-year-old gerontologist (who studies the process of ageing) says his belief that he might live to the very ripe old age of 1, 000 is founded not on faith but science.


  • 老化降低生活质量造成所谓老化疾病”,癌症老年痴呆症关节炎

    Aging reduces quality of life and causes so-called "diseases of aging" such as cancer, Alzheimer's, and arthritis.


  • 目的观察补肾复方抗老年大鼠肝肾线粒体老化作用,为“肝肾同源”提供实验依据。

    Objective to observe the protective effect of the Kidney-tonifying recipe on the aging of liver and renal mitochondria in aged rats.


  • 结论老年受试对象任务复杂度增加需要消耗更多资源老化的“复杂度效应”一致

    Conclusion: Elderly subjects need consume more resources with increasing task complexity, which was in accordance with age -related complexity effect.


  • 结论球内突触小球神经元减少细胞器老化可能导致老年性嗅觉障碍主要原因

    Conclusion:The decreasing of the synaptic glomerulus and ageing of the organella maybe the main factor of causing the olfactory bulb sensation obstruction.


  • 科学家表明他们已经揭开了压力如何导致老年记忆衰退之。爱丁堡大学的研究者解释了两个老化大脑感受器如何对应激激素皮质醇作出反应老年记忆衰退有关。

    Researchers at Edinburgh University have shown how two receptors in older brains react to the stress hormone cortisol, which has been linked to memory loss in the elderly.


  • 如果儿童眼睛没有得到适当保护接触紫外线加速眼睛老化致使他们老年出现白内障

    If the child's eyes were not properly protected, UV exposure will accelerate the aging of the eye, resulting in their old age when cataract.


  • 我们寻找预防措施相反,我们现在做到通过一种药物减少糖尿病老年组织老化的现象,’斯拉米伦敦召开的瓦提斯基金会讨论会上报告说

    "Instead of looking for prevention, we can now administer a compound to reduce the stiffness we see in diabetes and aging, " Cerami reported at a recent Novartis Foundation symposium in London.


  • 劳动力外流加剧农村人口老化农村老年生活产生了重要影响

    The outflow of labor has exacerbated the rural population aging and the elderly living in rural areas had a major impact.


  • 轻度认知障碍介于正常老化老年性痴呆状况之间轻度意识精神问题但是没有明显疾病

    Mild cognitive impairment is the stage between normal ageing and dementia, with symptoms including mild memory or mental problems but no significant disability.


  • 钟面测试广泛用于研究测试老年人群中的各种认知缺陷和认知老化一种有用的筛选老年痴呆症病人工具

    Clock drawing test is used widely to study and test the cognitive deficits and the cognitive decline in old population and proved to be a useful screening tool for dementia patient.


  • 老化过程本来细胞免疫力下降有关这会诱发老年带状疱疹的发作。

    The natural process of aging is associated with a reduction in cellular immunity and this predisposes older people to herpes zoster.


  • 经典观念用衰老老化表达成年之后或老年生活活动本质

    The classical concept often USES "aging" to express the nature of the living activities of the elderly.


  • 由于老年骨质疏松全身系统功能老化已成为导致老年患者致残甚至致死重要原因

    Since older osteoporosis and aging of the whole body system functions, hip fractures is an important reason which is leading to disability and even death in patients.


  • 虽然此病大都发生老年年纪老化并不一定发生此种中心视力丧失病症。

    Although most of the disease occurred in the elderly, but age is not necessarily the aging of such centres will lose sight of the disease.


  • 老年白内障常见一种水晶体老化变硬混浊所致发生老年所谓

    Senile cataract is the most common form, is the lens caused by aging and hardening muddy, often occur in the elderly, the so-called old "-" yellow.


  • 所得渐减、健康」之老化过程老年尤其是老老人)所形成的双重经济风险压力

    Such aging process accompanied by 'income drop and deteriorated health' for the elderly is a twofold pressure on the economic risk, in particular for those age more than 80.


  • 爱丁堡大学研究者解释两个老化大脑感受器如何对应激激素皮质醇作出反应老年记忆衰退有关。

    Researchers 5 at Edinburgh University have shown how two receptors in older brains react to the stress hormone cortisol, which has been linked to memory loss in the elderly.


  • 爱丁堡大学研究者解释两个老化大脑感受器如何对应激激素皮质醇作出反应老年记忆衰退有关。

    Researchers 5 at Edinburgh University have shown how two receptors in older brains react to the stress hormone cortisol, which has been linked to memory loss in the elderly.


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