• 本文符号学角度广告翻译进行了尝试性的探索

    This dissertation made an attempt in exploration of advertisement translation from the semiotic perspective.


  • 笔者旨在通过审美主客体美学研究,对诗歌翻译的审美标准、美学特征艺术规律进行理论探索

    Based on the aesthetic recognition of verse translation, certain aesthetic theories will be applied in the study of both aesthetic objects and subjects.


  • 杨绛通过翻译创作,对灵魂不灭、灵魂归宿及灵魂归途进行了次智性的探索表达了一种积极的生死观。

    With her translation and creation, she explores intelligently the immortal soul, the end-result of soul and its return journey expressing a positive view over life and death.


  • 文章拟通过词语、句式、修辞民族文化心理探索广告语言创意翻译具有含蓄语言风格功能进行研究

    This paper explores the implicative language style in the advertising creation and translation, and studies its functions in the respects of terms, syntax, rhetoric and culture psychology of nations.


  • 作业运用了《堡垒上的哈姆雷特探索原文变化《哈姆雷特》1.4和1.5场景舞台传统电影翻译关系

    Assignment using Hamlet on the Ramparts site to explore textual variation and stage traditions in Hamlet 1.4 and 1.5. in relation to film interpretations.


  • 研究通过分析著名儿童文学小说《汤姆·索耶历险记》三个中文译本探索儿童文学翻译如何实现功能对等

    This study explores the realization of Functional Equivalence in the translation of Children's Literature, through a comparative analysis of three Chinese versions of the Adventures of Tom Sawyer.


  • 本文旨在汉语中的形意合现象进行辩证研究探索翻译实践指导意义

    This paper intends to make a dialectical study on hypotaxis and parataxis in English and Chinese, to explore their implications for translation practice.


  • 大量俄罗斯电视报刊广告标题进行具体分析,不仅有助于对广告语言研究,而且有助于对俄语功能语体进一步探索翻译研究。

    A detailed analysis of the Russian advertisement title languages will be beneficial to both advertisement language study and further exploration of Russian functional style and its translation.


  • 本文以尤金·奈等效理论以及杨氏夫妇在《红楼梦中采取翻译策略为基础,各个角度研究了习语翻译以此探索上述问题答案

    Based on Nida's Equivalence Theory and the translating strategies adopted by the Yangs, this thesis studies idiom translation from different aspects in order to find answers to the above questions.


  • 中国古典诗歌具有高度审美价值艺术特质翻译可以美学理论进行分析探索

    Chinese classical poems have high aesthetic values and artistic characteristics, whose translation can be analyzed and explored by the aesthetics.


  • 对于机器翻译不断探索无疑已经激发大量语言学研究这些研究可能一些不可预见方面有价值的。

    And certainly the quest for machine translation has prompted a lot of linguistic research that may prove valuable in unforeseen ways.


  • 本文运用图式理论中国诗词翻译进行探索分析,过程论角度分析了图式在原语解码与目的语再编码过程中所起的作用,探讨如何再现中国诗词美。

    The dissertation tries to use schema theory to explore the process of the translation of Chinese poetry, and analyzes how to reproduce the beauty of Chinese poetry through the functions of schema o.


  • 首先讨论英语习语,随后在两种交际情景探索习语翻译策略

    Following that, the question of translatability of English idioms is discussed. Finally, translation methods of idioms are explored in each communication situation respectively.


  • 对利用汉英双语语料进行翻译等价词对抽取进行了探索

    This paper examines how the translation equivalent pairs could be extracted from parallel corpus.


  • 很多学者把互文性理论引入翻译领域作出了许多宝贵探索

    Many researchers made valuable exploration in the field of translation from the point of intertextuality.


  • 首先论文研究范畴研究,是对翻译理论实践方面探索

    First of all, this graduation thesis is within the category of translation theory studies rather than the research on translation practice.


  • 目的探索克隆编码人蛋白翻译起始因子全长基因C2基因)细胞周期的影响及与细胞凋亡关系

    Objective To investigate the effect of a new cloned full length gene, C2 gene which encodes a translation initiation factor, on cell cycle and the relationship between C2gene and apoptosis.


  • 目的探索克隆编码蛋白翻译起始因子全长基因(C2基因)胃癌细胞生长特性影响

    Objective to investigate the effect of a newly cloned full length gene, C2 gene, which encodes human eukaryotic translation initiation factor, on growth of gastric cancer cells.


  • 第三本文尝试归纳了中诗英翻译方法按照词法句法二个层次,探索了运用基本翻译方法具体情况。

    Thirdly, in this paper I induce translation method and according to accidence and syntax I explore exercises of method or skills.


  • 本文尝试对此进行研究探索针对一特殊领域翻译原则

    This thesis is designed to study this field and explore the translation principles concerned.


  • 笔者认为,美学角度诗歌翻译进行探索,对于更好地理解翻译活动有着积极深刻的意义

    In the author's perspective, in order to understand the activity of translation better, the exploration of aesthetic nature in poetry translation has a dynamic and profound significance.


  • 本文归化异化角度广告翻译作一次探索

    In this thesis we will discuss the problems in advertising translation from the perspective of foreignization and domestication.


  • 本文共通作为翻译能得以实现前提,并以意象翻译理论一个全新视角对翻译进行探索的。

    This thesis is an exploration from a new perspective that takes common sense as the premise of realizing translation and image translation as the theory.


  • 中国古典诗词翻译中的意境移植问题一个相当难以探索领域困难主要源于意境内涵本身复杂性

    Due to the complexity of ideorealm in itself, it is difficult to explore in the realm of transference of ideorealm in classical Chinese poetry.


  • 本文探索文学描写语句翻译事物表象意象物象心理机制

    In this paper, some research is made on the mental mechanism in translation of the literature description from idea to subjective images, and then to objective images.


  • 本文探索动物类习语翻译过程中的文化传真相关问题。

    This paper makes a research on the culture transition in the translation of animal idiom.


  • 刘宇昆流畅翻译这本对于任何真诚探索大胆全新观点的人来说,都必读佳作。

    Ken Liu's smooth translation makes this a must-read for any who truly wish to explore bold, new perspectives.


  • 许多研究项目揭示译者完成翻译任务中的认知过程进行了探索

    Numerous research and projects have been conducted to reveal the cognitive processes that a translator goes through in fulfilling a translation task.


  • 许多研究项目揭示译者完成翻译任务中的认知过程进行了探索

    Numerous research and projects have been conducted to reveal the cognitive processes that a translator goes through in fulfilling a translation task.


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