• 穿过地理梯度莱文斯预料有分布区不重叠的小群种

    Across geographic gradients, Levins expects allopatric RACES or coenospecies exist.


  • 目的探讨小腿慢性静脉溃疡中的常见细菌量与溃疡愈合关系

    OBJECTIVE: To explore the relationship between the bacterial groups frequently recovered from chronic venous leg ulcers and ulcer healing.


  • 新疆半灌木荒漠草地建群种伊犁绢为材料,探讨割强度对其根系贮藏营养物质影响。

    The change of storage nutrition substance in Seriphidium transilien's roots, such as soluble proteins, soluble sugar, deoxidizing sugar and starch, were studied under various defoliation intensities.


  • 翅果油树形成落,山西南部暖温带落叶阔叶林地带低山丘陵区代表植被类型之一

    The community composed of Elaeagnus mollis as the constructive species is one of the typical vegetation types in the hills and lower-mountains of southern of Shanxi.


  • 通过引物设计P CR基因克隆测序获得10鸢尾属植物1外类群种ITS序列

    ITS sequences of ten kinds of Iris plants and an outgroup were obtained by primer design, PCR, gene cloning, sequencing and cluster analysis.


  • 植被盖度由原来的42.5%增加83.5%,将蒿属植物为建变为沙打旺—野艾蒿—万年蓬组成的落。

    Plant cover was signifisantly changed after improved. Total cover was increased from 42.5 to 83.5%. Plant community was also changed.


  • 地区集中分布古老遗物这些大多群种优势,对维持草原化荒漠区脆弱的生态系统具有重要作用。

    Many ancient relic species centrally distributed in the area, most of them were the constructive or dominant species of desert community, their existence played an import.


  • 短短的时间内,一完全为人知的人已始创了一新式幽默

    Within a short space of time a group of complete unknowns had established a wholly original form of humour.


  • 暴民疯狂杀戮欲驱使着占领城市

    The mobs became driven by a crazed bloodlust to take the city.


  • 签名重要签名。

    Group signature is an important type of signature.


  • 产生生物的概念——植物动物共存结合体

    This resulted in the "biome," a combination of coexisting flora and fauna.


  • 如果有两个飞行昆虫居住相距不远的不同山谷中,那么任一中的个体都有可能来回飞行,从而使基因流动继续

    If two flying insect populations took up residence in separate nearby valleys, chances are that individuals from each population would fly back and forth, continuing gene flow.


  • 这些区域研究人员应该定位保护中心区域,这维持珊瑚礁方法

    These should be the area of concentration for researchers to locate and protect those regions as a way to sustain coral reefs.


  • 因为包饺子游戏活动通常朋友或家庭成员愉快进行

    Because making sweet dumplings is like a game or an activity, they are usually done happily by a group of friends or family members.


  • 艾曼纽-琼斯加入逃离城市生活的富豪,他们英国农业带来了一新的商业诀窍

    Emmanuel-Jones joins a herd of wealthy fugitives from city life who are bringing a new commercial know-how to British farming.


  • 第二的是两个以上,他们处于非个人关系中,一个特定的实际目的走到一起

    A secondary group entails two or more people who are involved in an impersonal relationship and have come together for a specific, practical purpose.


  • 案例中自然资源保护主义者已经自己采取行动,通过协助迁徙的方式拯救濒临灭绝——佛罗里达香榧树。

    In one case, a group of conservationists has already taken it upon itself to try on their own to save an endangered tree, the Florida Torreya tree, through Assisted Migration.


  • 自然保护生物学提出了雄心勃勃的计划——或者有人,这是一个激进计划——即,把大型脊椎动物巨型动物包含在计划中,作为修复部分损害的一方法

    As a way of repairing some of that damage, a group of conservation biologists has proposed an ambitious, or some might say, a radical plan, involving large vertebrates, or, megafauna.


  • 解释说:“如果已经找到了可靠方法确定食物之间最佳路线那么公司经理们就会想为什么利用知识呢?”

    He explains, "If ant colonies had worked out a reliable way to identify the best routes between their nest and food sources, the company managers figured, why not take advantage of that knowledge?"


  • 些动物学家试图完全研究透一动物,有些试图研究一动物,而有些试图研究新类的动物是从哪里来的,还有一些对动物是如何患病的感兴趣。

    Some try to learn everything about one animal and some learn about a group of animals, some try to understand where new kinds of animals come from and other zoologists are interested in how animals can get sick.


  • 动物化石可鉴定的10个属于中国东北更新世晚期猛犸象—披毛犀动物成员

    There are at least 10 species Paleontology fossils, members of Mammuthus-Coelodonta groups in late Pleistocene in northeast of China.


  • 我们应该学习己共荣的处事态度。

    We should learn a gregariously self-assured philosophy.


  • 集体智能能够作为启发帮助我们解决人类所面临的复杂问题

    The collective intelligence of an ant colony can serve as inspiration to help us solve complex human problems.


  • 根据研究超过抗生素抵抗力的变异鸡肉最为普遍其次猪肉牛肉鸡肉

    Strains with resistance to more than three antimicrobials were most common in Turkey, followed by pork, beef and chicken, according to the research.


  • 销售医护人员提供的一液体蛋白质

    He sold liquid protein served by a staff of doctors and nurses.


  • 定义自闭症要包括一些特定行为模式疾病不同个体不同影响,影响的程度也各个不同。

    While it is defined by a certain set of behaviors, it is a spectrum disorder that affects individuals differently and to different extents.


  • 经受着“负担症候”(心理疾病),她感到自己并没有真的想到主意,她认为那些主意只是意外得到的,并没有经过努力工作

    She says that she also suffered from "imposter syndrome, " feeling as if she hadn't earned a right to her ideas; she had somehow ended up where she was accidently, not through hard work.


  • 经受着“负担症候”(心理疾病),她感到自己并没有真的想到主意,她认为那些主意只是意外得到的,并没有经过努力工作

    She says that she also suffered from "imposter syndrome, " feeling as if she hadn't earned a right to her ideas; she had somehow ended up where she was accidently, not through hard work.


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