• 基克拉迪群岛群岛包括拖车希腊流行的,圣托里尼米克·斯。

    The Cyclades islands include tow of Greece's most popular, Santorini and Mykonos.


  • 2008年,澳大利亚矿业公司新西兰不远克马德克群岛群岛附近水下1250地方,申请处采矿

    One is Neptune Minerals, an Australian-based company that applied for a mining licence in 2008 for two deposits in about 1, 250 metres of water near the Kermadec islands off New Zealand.


  • 后来他们了解到,在战争爆发之前PanAm着飞行水上飞机穿过了大西洋途径百慕大之间测试路线葡萄牙亚速尔群岛群岛

    Then they learned that before the war Pan Am had been flying seaplanes on an Atlantic test route between Bermuda and the Portuguese archipelago of the Azores.


  • 人类大约在7000年前到达加里群岛3000年内生活加里科群岛森林中的大型哺乳动物物种大部分灭绝

    Humans arrived in the Kaliko Islands about 7,000 years ago, and within 3,000 years most of the large mammal species that had lived in the forests of the Kaliko Islands were extinct.


  • 平洋群岛由11个不同的地区组成:有马绍尔群岛、富士群岛、萨摩亚群岛等。

    The Pacific Islands are made up of 11 different countries: the Marshall Islands, Fuji, Samoa, and others.


  • 海峡群岛加利福尼亚州海岸不远群岛,它是别地方所没有的、多种多样动植物的产地。

    The Channel Islands are an archipelago off the coast of Southern California home to a variety of plants and animals found nowhere else.


  • 我们准备瓦尔巴德群岛匹次卑尔根群岛西北方向那些无人居住小岛露营划船

    We were going to camp and paddle around a section of the uninhabited north west of Spitsbergen island in the Svalbard archipelago.


  • 帝汶岛印度尼西亚群岛一部分,也是努沙群岛最大最东部分。

    The island of Timor Leste is part of the Indonesian archipelago and the largest and easternmost of the Lesser Sunda Islands.


  • 除了这种狼之外实在没有一个单一哺乳类动物物种原产于克兰群岛的,该群岛位于南美洲东南端300英里外

    Indeed, not a single mammal species other than the Wolf was native to the Falkland Islands, located 300 miles off the southeastern tip of south America.


  • 群岛原本都火山方面它并非独一无二的——夏威夷群岛也都是火山,这些火山时间逐渐升高,最终突破了海平面。

    The Canary islands are all volcanic in origin, but are not unique in this respect - the Hawaiian islands are also volcanoes that built up over time and breached the surface.


  • 海洋群岛美国东南方大西洋沿岸南卡罗来纳州佐治亚州外海屿所组成。

    The Sea Islands comprise a group of islands just off the southeast U.S. Atlantic coast of South Carolina and Georgia.


  • 加强飓风“艾琳”正在接近特克斯开科斯群岛和巴哈马群岛,已经加勒比海其他地区造成破坏

    A strengthened Hurricane Irene is approaching the Turks and Caicos islands and the Bahamas, having caused destruction in other parts of the Caribbean.


  • 夏威夷群岛形成数百万年前,那时,由于海底火山暴发,大量炽热岩浆海底涌出而形成了夏威夷群岛

    Most people live on the four largest. The Hawaiian Islands were formed starting millions of years ago by hot liquid rock flowing from undersea volcanoes.


  • 奇认为坊间报告所称群岛已经淹没说法不正确的”,由于腐蚀作用改变群岛形状才迫使人们不得不搬迁。

    Kench says anecdotal reports that the islands have been submerged are "incorrect", saying that instead erosion has changed the shape of the islands, forcing people to move.


  • 作为太平洋群岛份子,库克群岛比起来访少得

    Another group of South Pacific islands, the Cook islands are considerably less visited than many of its island neighbors.


  • 英国官员表示克兰群岛本身周围水域法律适用问题岛上居民事情,英国毫无疑问享有福克兰群岛主权

    British officials say that the application of laws in and around the Falklands is a matter for the islanders, and that Britain has no doubt over their sovereignty.


  • 科摩罗群岛官员们表示海盗正从科摩罗群岛袭击经过莫桑比克海峡油轮

    Officials in the Comoro Islands say pirates are looking to use their country to attack tankers passing through the Mozambique Channel.


  • 库克群岛基里巴斯纽埃汤加所罗门群岛斐济瓦努阿图处于危险之中

    The Cook Islands, Kiribati, Niue, Tonga, the Solomon Islands, Fiji and Vanuatu could also all be at risk.


  • 事实上,哈瓦群岛动植物种群已经成为巴林卡塔尔两国因群岛所有权问题而造成的紧张关系受益者

    Indeed, the flora and fauna of Hawar have been the main beneficiaries of the stand-off between Bahrain and Qatar over the islands' ownership.


  • 第二岛链自小笠群岛算起,沿马里亚纳群岛关岛一路延伸到帕劳群岛日本菲律宾以东构成南北走向的岛链。

    The second chain of islands runs from the Bonins along the Marianas, Guam and Palau, forming a north-south line east of Japan and the Philippines.


  • 维尔京群岛英国加勒比领土一部分群岛坐落加勒比海东北角,位于美属维尔京群岛东北部

    The British Virgin Islands are part of the British Territories in the Caribbean. They are located northeast of the US Virgin Islands, on the northeast corner of the Caribbean Sea.


  • 至少英国其中一个要求可能更具争议性:涉及到1982年阿根廷发生战争的两个地方:马克兰群岛乔治亚群岛

    At least one of Britain's other claims could be even more contentious: it concerns the waters round the Falklands and South Georgia, the objects of a war with Argentina in 1982.


  • 欧洲人知道印度群岛交易货物尤其是香料即使他们知道哪些国家组成了印度群岛

    Europeans knew about trade goods, particularly spices, from the Indies even though they didn't have much idea about what lands these Indies constituted.


  • 同时,海峡群岛开曼群岛就如那些拖后腿国家一样,以匿名方式减少欧盟居民存款者的预所得税具体信息要求作出反应。

    In the meantime the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, like the foot-draggers, are deducting withholding tax from EU-resident savers anonymously, and answering specific requests for information.


  • 福克群岛在人类大肆捕杀下未能活到二十世纪。 然而,倒霉的福克兰群岛狼却在有生之年为年轻的达尔文揭开了一个生物学谜团帮助达尔文最终形成进化论

    Genetic analysis of the now-extinct Falkland Islands Wolf has answered a biological riddle that caught the attention of a young Charles Darwin, and helped shape his understanding of evolution.


  • 西班牙领土包括加纳群岛 (CanaryIslands阿里群岛 (Balearic Islands)。

    Spanish territory also includes the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands .


  • 无畏的八人男女混合划大西洋划船比赛开始群岛(Canaries)至西印度群岛

    Intrepid oarsmen and women begin the Atlantic Rowing Race, from the Canaries to the West Indies.


  • 俄占千岛群岛(注1)南端如此地临近日本群岛北端云雾散去之后,两座岛屿便能隔海相望

    THE southernmost of the Russian-occupied Kurile islands are so close to Japan’s northeastern tip that when the fog lifts, there they are.


  • 俄占千岛群岛(注1)南端如此地临近日本群岛北端云雾散去之后,两座岛屿便能隔海相望

    THE southernmost of the Russian-occupied Kurile islands are so close to Japan’s northeastern tip that when the fog lifts, there they are.


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