• 健康角度分析了健身运动女子作用

    The author analysed the role of healthy exercises to the women for keeping fit from the viewpoint of health.


  • 汉语中,某些语法手段词汇一样起到构造语言美的作用

    Like some grammatical means and vocabulary, Chinese language can play the part of language aesthetic.


  • 实际上如果美的定义限制人类产生一定作用东西”,同时意识到人类的共性,那么就会发现其实归根结底还是物件一种属性

    But in fact if you narrow the definition of beauty to something that works a certain way on humans, and you observe how much humans have in common, it turns out to be a property of objects after all.


  • 然而印刷作用页面已经说明许多药物消极影响,请阅读药瓶上标签作用

    However, the page of fine-print side effects already explains the negatives of many medicines. Read the bottle labels and the side effects.


  • 同一区域例如一些地区东亚,植物的蒸发作用引起超过25%的全球暖化。

    But in some regions, such as parts of North America and eastern Asia, it can be more than 25% of the total warming.


  • 果真如此困惑作用就是带来知识鼓励社会关系也许成为21世纪情感

    If so, confusion serves to bring new knowledge and encourage social relationships, making it, perhaps, the perfect 21st-century emotion.


  • 即便运营没有马上受到影响,还是一些消极因素作用已经紧张财政。”联证券调查报告说道

    "Even if Gome's operations are not affected immediately, there could be some negative impact on its finances, which are already tight," CIMB Securities said in a research note.


  • 假设自己美的相信潜意识作用

    Visualize Yourself as Perfect: I believe in the power of the subconscious mind.


  • 我们无法大脑找到一种美的理性,能够十分肯定告诉我们物质如何作用

    We cannot look inside our minds and find there a perfect faculty of reason that's gonna tell us with certainty how things will behave.


  • 尽管富有国家幸福显而易见的,收入与幸福的相互关系不是美的也就是说可能一些别的因素像文化,起着作用

    Although richer countries are clearly happier, the correlation is not perfect, which suggests that other, presumably cultural, factors are at work.


  • 身体需要学习如何做动作也就是说肌肉可以做到完相互作用

    Your body needs to learn the movement so to speak, for the muscles to be able to interact perfectly. You can? T think of all the advice above when you? Re.


  • 两条银河容纳大量星星重力作用下,他们舞蹈动作相互摇摆旋转。

    The galaxies, containing a vast number of stars, swing past each other in a graceful performance choreographed by gravity.


  • 阐述景观植物美的形式作用、景观植物配置原则方法列举不同景观类型常用景观植物。

    The aesthetic form, function, and the arrangement principles, methods of landscape plants were elucidated, and plants commonly applied in different landscape types were listed.


  • 谈天说地辨析名物时,思想教育生活知识享受有机地结合起来充分发挥文学作用

    In talking and distinguishing everything, it has integrated with ideological education and life knowledge and beauty appreciation organically, and fully implemented the role of literature.


  • 光谱符合光合作用曲线,产生美的红光促进植物生长

    The energy of light spectrum is consistent with photosynthesis efficiency curve, and radiating perfect red light to promote the growth of the plant.


  • 只有提倡使用美的教学语言,才能发挥作用功能

    Only by advocating and using the nice teaching language can we give full play to its slatus and function.


  • 审美当前社会应有地位给予客观评定,审规范作用不可忽视。

    It gives an objective assessment on the due role that aesthetic theory plays in the current society, the norm function of aesthetic can not be ignored.


  • 文章通过分析武术运动节奏特点论述了节奏在武术运动表现美的过程中的作用人们提供了一个认识节奏的视角

    Analysing the characteristics of rhythm, this essay expounds the affects of the beauty of rhythm in Wushu sports, it gives people a fresh view to understand rhythm.


  • 杂剧唱曲起定型作用为之提供了基本的乐调和曲牌奠定了本色美的艺术特征

    It helped fix the form of the Qu of the Zaju and provided primary tunes and names for the Zaju, which laid the foundation for the artistic feature of original beauty.


  • 因此美的启示解决问题的思维过程中能起到宏观指导的决策作用

    Therefore, the enlightening of beauty can play policy-making decision role in solving the problems.


  • 第二部分深入探讨音乐诗歌关系音乐性诗歌中的作用以及音美与诗歌中的其它两个重要因素-意美美的关系;

    The second part deals with the basic concepts such as the relationship between music and poetry, the function of musicality in poetry, and the trinity of sound, sense, and form in poetry;


  • 工业设计形式法则设计师以及设计思想理念指导性作用

    In the industrial design in the laws of formal beauty and the design ideas of the designer idea of guiding role.


  • 缺陷汽车产品召回通知整个召回过程起到重要作用设计召回通知可以直接导致较高的召回响应

    Perfectly designed recall notices play an important role in the whole process of vehicle product recalls, the good recall notices can directly cause higher recall response rate.


  • 文章实现库存警告预测模型结合推进库存智能化管理有着极其重要作用

    The article realizes stock warning and estimate model of perfect combination, and make an insignificant effort in promoting the stock intelligent management.


  • 他们计划在理论上美的实际上不起作用

    Their plan is perfect theoretically, but in practice it doesn't work at all.


  • 象征主义作为一个曾经风靡文学流派中国现代诗歌有着巨大的作用与影响。

    Symbolism, as a literary school, once swept over Europe and America and exerted a great influence on modern Chinese poetry.


  • 象征主义作为一个曾经风靡文学流派中国现代诗歌有着巨大的作用与影响。

    Symbolism, as a literary school, once swept over Europe and America and exerted a great influence on modern Chinese poetry.


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