• 如果我们海外导游员的话,你希望哪个工作亚洲欧洲还是美洲

    If we engage you as a guide in Overseas Department, which section do you expect to work in, Asian section, or European section, or American section?


  • 沃斯拉丁美洲发现目前已知最大恐龙发现的西班牙恐龙创造新的欧洲记录

    The largest known dinosaurs have been found in Latin America and the new Spanish dinosaur claims the record for Europe, Cobos said.


  • 属于闪,分布美洲名片就是那绝对耀眼闪亮并且在合适角度看去带有光泽翅膀

    They are from the category Morpho, they are found in South America and their calling card is their absolutely dazzling iridescent wings which from the right Angle has the sheen of aluminum.


  • 玉米螟虫,原产于美洲美洲,1999年首次欧洲索活出现,很有可能美国维和人员带来的。

    The corn-borer moth, native to Central and North America, first appeared in Europe in 1999 in Kosovo, presumably on the boots of American peacekeepers.


  • 美洲世界冠军其中包括动物——可以说他们是人类朋友

    But North America too has given the world its champions, including the dog, camel, and horse families-arguably man's best friends.


  • 气候突然变化使原本逐渐消融冰川再次凝结,同时美洲哺乳动物35个完全灭绝

    The change in climate caused retreating glaciers to advance once again, and coincided with the extinction of 35 families of North American mammals.


  • 那时生活美洲而且看来美洲动物好像都起源于北方

    At that time, maned wolves lived in North America, and it seems that all of South America’s canids originated in the north.


  • 杜尔美洲单打双打方面的头号球员事实上也是所在的大陆唯一一名单打双打都150强内的球员(单打52,双打第4)。

    Dulko is South America's No.1 in player in both singles and doubles - in fact she is her continent's only Top 150 player in either discipline (No.52 in singles, No.4 in doubles).


  • 口中的环保主义者”,以美洲山核桃为生曼切人约翰•德兰尼客气地

    "I don't know what you mean by conservationist," says John DeLaney, a pecan farmer from Comanche, politely.


  • 美洲美洲体型巨大独角仙仍旧金龟的。

    The enormous rhinoceros beetles of Central and South America are scarabs.


  • 拉斯兹洛夫亚马逊无雨:美洲气候如何影响全球》的作者帕尔格雷夫,2010年)。

    Nikolas Kozloff is the author of No Rain in the Amazon: How South America’s Climate Change Affects the Entire Planet (Palgrave, 2010). Visit his website, nikolaskozloff.


  • 尽管狮子一类的大型动物也会发出呼噜般的声音研究表明动物,比如狮子老虎美洲豹、美洲雪豹云豹并不能发出真正的呼噜声。

    Although some big cats like lions exhibit a purr-like sound, studies show that the Patherinae subfamily: lion, tiger, leopard, jaguar, snow leopard, and clouded leopard do not exhibit true purring.


  • 美洲尤耶亚火山世界最高活火山,其最高峰海拔6739(22110英尺)。

    The summit of South America's Llullaillaco volcano has an elevation of 6, 739 meters (22, 110 feet) above sea level, making it the highest historically active volcano in the world.


  • 11月8日,费尔南德.阿梅斯托也将哈佛大学作一场演讲,题为“唐.弗朗西斯的护鼻盔甲:文艺复兴时期美洲创建帝国”。 在美国的100古物研究学会会员中有许多人都在这所大学任职。

    On November 8th at Harvard, home to many of SAL's 100 American-based fellows, Felipe Fernández-Armesto tackles “Don Francisco's nose-piece: forming new empires in Renaissance America”.


  • 美洲的尤耶亚火山海拔6739,世界上有史以来最高活火山

    The summit of South America’s Llullaillaco Volcano has an elevation of 22,110 feet above sea level, making it the highest historically active volcano in the world.


  • 热带美洲薯蓣植物,有黄皮可食块茎。

    Tropical american yam with small yellow-skinned edible tubers .


  • 银鲈几种银鲈鱼银鱼主要是热带美洲海产极为突出

    Any of several species of small, silvery, mainly tropical American marine fishes of the family Gerridae, having extremely protrusile mouths.


  • 琳达画廊·亚克·图斯卡的“发动,调入退离汇集来自拉丁美洲艺术家,但并没有界定成为特殊运动艺术界对话

    At Linda Gallery, Nicoykatiushka's "Tune in, Turn on, Drop out" brings together artists from across Latin America without delineating a specific movement or dialogue in the art.


  • 新的火山会突然出现板块边缘美洲位置吗?

    Will new volcanoes suddenly appear where the edge of the Cocos plate is under new locations in Central America?


  • 后来知道特立尼达岛美洲北部海岸奥里诺河口

    I learnt later that it was the island of Trinidad, and that my island was in the mouth of the River Orinoco on the north coast of South America.


  • 堇菜堇菜全世界约有525?600分布除南极洲之外广大地区,大部分种类分布于北温带地区美洲安第斯山脉地区。

    Viola L. (Violaceae) is a genus of 525?600 species mainly distributed in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere and the Andes in South America.


  • 响尾蛇亚洞蛇毒蛇类,遍布美洲热带各种生境耕地热带森林

    Extremely venomous pit viper (genus Bothrops), found in diverse tropical American habitats, from cultivated lands to forests.


  • 乔木通常具有可食用坚果; 灰胡桃; 胡桃; 山胡桃树;美洲山核桃树。

    A hickory tree(Carya cordiformis)of eastern North America, having thin - shelled nuts with bitter kernels.


  • 美洲圭亚那亚马逊奥里诺海岸河流域。

    Gazetteer South America: Amazon, Orinoco, and coastal river drainages of the Guianas.


  • 对引起世界各地尤其是美洲欧洲鹿动物寄生虫病的多种内寄生虫外寄生虫进行了介绍。

    In this article, many kinds of Cervidae animal entozoic and ectozoic parasite are summarized throughout the world, especially in North America and Europe.


  • 属茄烟草属,原产美洲,现广植于全世界温带热带地区

    Origined from South America, planted in temperate zone and tropical belt in the world.


  • 玛雅众多城镇占据美洲大部分地区古城其中强大的城镇之一,它所在的区域后来称为洪都拉斯

    There are many different Mayan states covering a large part of Central America. Copan - in the country which will later be called Honduras - is one of the most powerful.


  • 越来越墨西哥人和拉丁美洲美洲|纳尔贩运者已经成为标志性歹徒新的名望和成功的模式

    To a growing number of Mexicans and Latinos in the Americas| narco traffickers have become iconic outlaws and the new models of fame and success.


  • 越来越墨西哥人和拉丁美洲美洲|纳尔贩运者已经成为标志性歹徒新的名望和成功的模式

    To a growing number of Mexicans and Latinos in the Americas| narco traffickers have become iconic outlaws and the new models of fame and success.


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