• 我们能够听到更多所有环绕在我们身边的美妙声音

    Sounds, like singing birds, meowing cats, buzzing bees, beeping horns, musical instruments, ringing bells, and much more, are all around us.


  • 许多过去了,女孩美妙声音认为价值百万美元

    Many years has passed, the girl's wonderful voice was believed to worth million dollars.


  • 系列更为注重材料甄选,高超的工艺唤醒天然木材蕴含美妙声音

    The wood for C series which is with more rigourousselection can arouse its beautiful and inherent sound.


  • 所以等了一会,想一些那些敲击星星上音叉发出的美妙声音

    So he waited, listening for a moment longer to the tuning-fork that had been struck upon a star.


  • 这样,整体音调似乎在细致地波动,就像一些铜钟撞击之后发出的美妙声音

    Sometimes the overall pitch seemed to go slightly up and down, somewhat the way the pitch of certain bells seems to rise and fall after they have been struck.


  • 沿着蜿蜒小道一路走下山坡,可以听到路旁树林传出鸟儿动翅膀的美妙声音

    Winding down the flank of the mountain, there is a graceful fluttering in the woods off to the side of the road.


  • 一个非常神奇故事,其中充满了刺激,冒险喜剧真情精美动画不可思议美妙声音

    It has a fantastic story full of action, adventure, comedy, heartfelt emotion with cutting-edge animation and incredible voice talent.


  • 斯隆欢迎……加入“互助会”,拿着本来属于父亲甚至能够制造出有如交响乐美妙声音

    Sloan: Welcome... to the Fraternity. This gun you're holding belonged to your father, he could conduct a symphony orchestra with it.


  • 或是拥有舞台上球场上大放异彩的天赋,或是拥有征服世界美妙声音或是天生一好相貌名人爸爸公司将会拥有完美名人代孕父亲

    Whether it is talent on the stage or pitch, having a world beating voice, or just being very beautiful, Fame daddy will have the perfect celebrity surrogate daddy.


  • 很痛告诉:“肯德尔颗纯净的心、美妙声音、和坚强意志。”

    My heart hurt, but I told her, "Kendall, you have a pure heart, a fantastic voice, a strong mind."


  • 屋内立体声音美妙夏季舞曲

    Cool summer dance sounds are drifting from the stereo indoors.


  • 加法尔爱上美妙声音五颜六色的服装精彩的表演等等

    Ghaffar said he fell in love with the beautiful voices, colorful costumes, excellent shows and so on.


  • 想到岸上生活渴望寻找于是个“魔鬼做了一笔“交易”,“出卖”了自己美妙声音或者干脆就是灵魂”。

    She wanted to live onshore and find love so bad that she made a "deal" with a "devil" and "sells" her beautiful voice, or "soul" so to speak.


  • 过了一会儿再也不到意大利人美妙浪漫声音了。

    After a while, I heard no more of the romantic-sounding Italians.


  • 声音美妙极了!你知道它可能是什么吗?

    It sounded amazing! Do you know what it could be?


  • 新西兰森林美妙声音便是垂耳鸦纯净、银铃般的叫声。

    One of the most beautiful sounds of the New Zealand forest is the clear, bell-like call of the Kokako.


  • 我们声音,你经验到一种美妙放松的经验会发生你的身上。

    And if you listen to our voices, you will find a wonderful relaxing thing happen to you.


  • 带有纹理触摸板触感相当美妙下触摸板所发出的声音,明显但不吵杂,算是主站编辑满意处。

    The textured pad feels wonderful and makes a satisfying low-pitched sound when you press it — one of our favorite details.


  • 帮助波塞建造特洛伊城墙时,里拉弹奏声音美妙,以致于石头都有节奏自动各就位。

    The music from his lyre was so wonderful that stones marched into their own places in rhythmic time when he helped Poseidon build up the walls of Troy.


  • 文章容易为读者提供声音意义美妙结合

    Good writing is easier to read; it offers a pleasant combination of sound and sense.


  • 凡经作品,他留下美妙感受印记——种非凡的个人风格;一种自己的气味声音色彩

    Upon whatever he had come in contact with, he had left a beautiful record of the experiencea sort of ethereal signature; a scent, a sound, a color that was his own.


  • 肃然起敬,”声音颤抖,“今天地球美妙面前。”

    "I stand in awe," he said, his voice quivering. "Standing in front of the most wonderful person on earth today."


  • 现在脑袋里一个小声唠叨着声音,有点顽皮有点美妙

    And yet, there was always that nagging little voice in the back of my head judging it a bit naughty but nice...


  • 半夜里从床上爬起来一件很美妙事情,房间里没有一点声音,静的出奇,可以慢慢品尝约翰泡的

    It was nice to be up in the middle of the night, when there was no sound in the house, and sip the tea John would make.


  • 笑着吻了直到依然拥有这个时代美妙声音

    Smilingly, she kissed it; and, until old age, the most wonderful Voice in a generation never deserted her.


  • 变化着的语调诉说着那些只能声音传达的,无法隐藏文字之后的美好记忆然而糟糕信号有时使美妙声音失真

    She spoke with inflections that couldn’t hide behind text, sweet memories that translated only by hearing her voice, however distorted and fractured a poor signal might cause it to be.


  • 美妙声音代替现在没有到来夏日树叶飒飒声,等到树上果子,声音就湮没了田庄附近那种音乐

    It was a sweet substitute for the yet absent murmur of the summer foliage, which drowned that music about the Grange when the trees were in leaf.


  • 驴子听见蚱蜢唱歌,美妙动听歌声所打动,自己也发出同样悦耳动听的声音,便羡慕地他们些什么才能发出如此美妙声音来。

    An ass having heard some Grasshoppers chirping, was highly enchanted; and, desiring to possess the same charms of melody, demanded what sort of food they lived on to give them such beautiful voices.


  • 驴子听见蚱蜢唱歌,美妙动听歌声所打动,自己也发出同样悦耳动听的声音,便羡慕地他们些什么才能发出如此美妙声音来。

    An ass having heard some Grasshoppers chirping, was highly enchanted; and, desiring to possess the same charms of melody, demanded what sort of food they lived on to give them such beautiful voices.


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