• 艾滋病疫苗当今人类面临最难攻克急需疫苗,最近,美国默克公司疫苗的失败引起舆论的高度关注

    AIDS vaccine is the most difficult today, in the face and overcome the most urgent need of the vaccine, recently, the United States Merck vaccine caused the failure of the media attention.


  • 许多人认为,默多克先生美国整个新闻传统威胁

    For many, Mr Murdoch is a threat to the whole American journalistic tradition.


  • 默多克先生批评者想象像是美国大报的所有者。

    Mr Murdoch is much more like America's great newspaper proprietors than his critics imagine.


  • 美国国内新闻集团及其董事长鲁珀特·默多克的指责声也日益高涨。

    There is increased scrutiny in the United States of News Corp. and its chairman, Rupert Murdoch.


  • 2007八月,鲁珀特·默多克新闻集团买下了华尔街日报》。班克罗夫特家族长达105年的控制宣告终结,美国新闻业撼动了。

    In AUGUST 2007 Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation bought the Wall Street journal, ending 105 years of control by the Bancroft family and shaking American journalism.


  • 美国人们对老默多克以及新闻集团看法与世界上其他地方他们的看法大为不同。

    Rupert Murdoch and News Corporation are viewed differently in America from the way they are seen elsewhere.


  • 新闻集团在2007年收购了美国发行量最大的《华尔街日报》,该报早在默多克入主之前就倾向于保守派了。

    Since 2007 News Corporation has owned the Wall Street Journal, America's biggest-selling paper. But the Journal was editorially conservative long before Mr Murdoch took it over.


  • 作为汉普顿各种电影首映式的常客,邓文迪默多克大部分时间居住美国纽约加利福尼亚

    A common sight in the Hamptons and at movie premieres, Deng and Murdoch live mostly in the United States, where they divide their time between New York and California.


  • 2007年,鲁珀特·默多克大手笔地买下华尔街日报时,后者还是美国唯一成功实行网上收费制的报纸

    When Rupert Murdoch wildly overpaid for the Wall Street Journal in 2007, it was the only American newspaper that had enjoyed reasonable success charging for access online.


  • 美国制药巨头默克公司2004年因安全丑闻将其恶名昭著的止痛药召回,随后,迪克·克拉克出任公司董事长

    The chairman of Merck, a giant American drugs firm, got the top job after a safety scandal caused Vioxx, the firm's blockbuster painkiller, to be pulled from the market in 2004.


  • 欧洲国家生产率70年代80年代潇洒地上升,在过去15年,生产率每年只是蜗牛般地前进0.9%,相比之下,美国却达到1.7%,默艾克先生

    After rising smartly in the 1970s and 1980s, productivity in the last decade and a half has inched up 0.9 percent annually in Europe, compared to 1.7 percent in the United States, Mr. Moëc said.


  • 公众或多或少在担心默多克天空新闻变成美国保守派福特斯新闻频道在英国哨所,这种担心也是不合时宜的。

    The more-or-less openly-voiced fear that Mr Murdoch would turn Sky News into a British outpost of America's conservative Fox News Channel is also misplaced.


  • 亚特兰大默克大学英文教授Mark Bauerlein曾著愚蠢时代数字时代美国年轻人发昏,毁掉我们未来》一书。

    Mark Bauerlein, professor of English at Emory University in Atlanta, has just written the Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardises Our Future.


  • 一家2008年转向生物仿制制药美国制药公司---默克公司认为进入生物仿制制药这个领域的障碍如此之大以至于只有家”公司能力成功进入。

    Michael Kamarck of Merck, an American drugs firm which moved into biosimilars in 2008, thinks the barriers to entry are so great thatonly a handful” of firms will be able to pull it off.


  • 为了符合美国法律上要求美国电视台的拥有人必须美国人的要求,默多克1985年加入了美国国籍

    In order to conform to the legal requirement that U.S. television stations be owned only by American citizens, Murdoch obtained U.S. citizenship in 1985.


  • 星期三欧洲一些报纸报道美国通用汽车公司鲁珀特·默多克新闻集团达成协议合并两者的卫星电视生意

    There are newspaper reports in Europe on Wednesday that General Motors has reached an agreement with Rupert Murdoch's news Corp to merge their satellite and television businesses.


  • 默多克先生美国最受尊敬的报纸之一收入囊中。

    Mr Murdoch has pocketed one of the country's two best-respected newspapers.


  • 默多克亲自造访布莱尔为了劝说为了布什支持美国入侵伊拉克

    Murdoch visited Blair three times personally in order to pressurise him on behalf of George Bush to support the Iraq invasion.


  • 出生于澳大利亚新闻集团董事长鲁珀特·默多克获得了美国公民身份,从而资格美国拥有媒体的所有权。

    News Corp. chairman Rupert Murdoch, an Australian by birth, acquired U.S. citizenship to be eligible for media ownership in the United States.


  • 默多克美国第一个产业在1973年收购安东尼奥快讯开始随后他又在1976年收购了纽约邮报

    Murdoch's first property in the U.S. came with his purchase of the San Antonio Express and News in 1973, followed by the New York Post in 1976.


  • 默多克昨晚(周三)承认,他先前制定有关他旗下包括英国《太阳报》、《泰晤士报》、美国纽约邮报》以及澳洲的《澳洲人报》等报章的在线内容收费计划被迫推迟。

    Murdoch admitted last night that the schedule was slipping for the start of online charging at papers including the Sun, the Times, the New York Post and the Australian.


  • 包括辉瑞默克在内美国公司试图专利到期几个推出自己的“授权仿制药”,减轻仿制药带来的竞争影响

    American firms, including Pfizer and Merck, are trying to launch their own "authorised generics" a few months before patents expire to try to blunt the impact of competition.


  • 特拉维斯这个事件损害了默多克英国也或许美国的地位。

    Travers says the fiasco has undermined Murdoch in Britain and may do so in the United States as well.


  • Nissen博士,这位美国知名心脏病专家,激烈的反对美国大型制药公司默克先灵葆雅Vytorin一种由这两家公司联合研制的重磅炸弹级别的抗胆固醇的处方药)的临床试验所采取的做法。

    Dr Nissen, a leading cardiologist, is up in arms over the way Merck and Schering-Plough, two American pharmaceutical giants, have handled a clinical trial of Vytorin, a blockbuster anticholesterol


  • 随着广告销售衰退,鲁珀特·默多克先生上个月宣布美国广告市场中度复苏迹象”。

    With AD sales still languishing, Mr. Murdoch declared last month that "there are some hints of a modest upswing in the U.S. advertising markets."


  • 1985年默多克根据他自己预计收购美国的21世纪福克斯电视台

    In 1985 Murdoch expanded his presence in the U.S. by acquiring 20th Century Fox.


  • 知情人称,美国国际集团首席执行官罗伯特·默切(Robert Benmosche)会议介绍了克。

    AIG CEO Robert Benmosche introduced Tucker at the gathering, the person said.


  • 周四默多克参加了美国爱达荷州举办媒体科技领导人会议没有记者发表评论

    Rupert Murdoch was at a conference of media and technology leaders in Idaho on Thursday, but had no comment for reporters.


  • 周四默多克参加了美国爱达荷州举办媒体科技领导人会议没有记者发表评论

    Rupert Murdoch was at a conference of media and technology leaders in Idaho on Thursday, but had no comment for reporters.


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