• 明日不知》、《永远草莓地》生命中的天》这样的歌曲,其革命性音效马丁美国同行们眼花缭乱,迷惑不解

    Songs like "Tomorrow Never Knows", "Strawberry Fields Forever", and "A Day in the Life" featured revolutionary sound effects that dazzled and mystified Martin's American counterparts.


  • 他们第一次交换信件马丁到达美国段时间持续了

    It lasted six years from their first exchange of letters to Martin's arrival in the United States.


  • 美国农业部加州大学戴维斯分校菲利普·马丁研究机械化趋势预测美国农场的发展状况

    Department of Agriculture, and Philip Martin at the University of California, Davis, have studied trends in mechanization to predict how US farms might fare.


  • 民权领袖马丁·路德·金曾经说过:“我有一个梦想。”

    American civil rights (民权) leader Martin Luther King once said, "I have a dream."


  • 上述的一切可能需要时间才能实现,现有美国法律禁止轻型飞行器飞跃建筑但是马丁这一切最终变成现实

    That vision may take some time to come to fruition, as current US laws bar ultralights from flying over built up areas, but Martin said it would eventually become reality.


  • 尽管康州大学未支持美国国际留学中心的计划,但是学校欢迎马丁学校提供生源

    While UConn officials didn't endorse American International Student Centers, they told Martin that his recruits were welcome to apply.


  • 不管哪里,马丁·路德·金博士一定会在天上看着我们。他在讲话,以及美国所经受的一切磨难最终带来了现在的这些变化。

    "Wherever he is, Doctor Martin Luther king is looking down on us and saying, the speech I made and with all the struggle in America, it has finally come to where there are some changes," she said.


  • 米歇尔·奥巴马呼吁美国马丁·路德·金纪念日家人一道提供一天服务

    Michelle Obama has urged Americans to join her family in a day of service on the Martin Luther King Day holiday.


  • 科学美国人的马丁·加德纳专栏获益良多

    He grew up obsessively reading Martin Gardner's columns in Scientific American.


  • 美国海军/海军陆战队/洛克希德·马丁公司演示飞行测试计划一系列测试之首。

    This was the first in a series of tests as part of the U.S. Navy/Marine Corps/Lockheed Martin demonstration flight test program.


  • 多年科学美国长期专栏作家马丁·加德纳卡罗尔万年历算法

    Many years later longtime Scientific American columnist Martin Gardner read about Carroll's calendar algorithm.


  • 公司官员今天根据合同洛克希德·马丁公司负责美国盟国海军设计集成测试安装新的弹道导弹防御性能

    Under the contract, Lockheed Martin will design, integrate, test and install further Aegis BMD capability for U. S. and allied navies, company officials said today.


  • 马丁致歉康州大学美国国际留学中心支付了22,200美元食宿费。

    More than three months after Martin’s apology, Lin was billed $22,200 to pay American International Student Centers for room and board at the inn, according to an invoice reviewed by Bloomberg News.


  • 美国金融市场纪念马丁·路德生日,于周一关闭

    Financial markets in the United States were closed on Monday in observance of Martin Luther King's Birthday.


  • 马丁·路德·金1960年代美国民权运动先驱。

    Martin Luther King was in the forefront of the American civil rights movement in the 1960s.


  • 马丁致歉康州大学的美国国际留学中心支付了22,200美元的食宿费。

    More than three months after Martin’s apology, Lin was billed $22, 200 to pay American International Student Centers for room and board at the inn, according to an invoice reviewed by Bloomberg News.


  • 4年前一项建议要求送往美国洛克希德·马丁公司波音公司EADSIlyushin ofTashkent公司。

    Four years ago, a request for proposal was sent to U.S.-based Lockheed Martin and Boeing, EADS and Ilyushin of Tashkent.


  • 数个公司部署过基于ExtJS应用万豪国际洛克希德·马丁摩根大通美国金融监管

    He has deployed Ext-based applications in large corporations such as Marriott International, Lockheed Martin, JPMorgan Chase, and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.


  • 50年前午饭可以喝三杯马丁尼酒,各个办公室可以吸烟辉煌时代美国汽车公司受到普遍的羡慕

    FIFTY years ago, in the glorious age of three-martini lunches and all-smoking offices, America's car companies were universally admired.


  • 或许正是这种敏锐的听觉,再加上一些想象力才使得马丁罗伊弗雷成为美国伟大作曲家之一

    Maybe it was keen sensesplus a touch of[14] imagination—that enabled Martin Loeffler to become one of America's great composers.


  • 洛克希德马丁公司是美国一家防务承包商(注1),该公司开发了一套可以使未受过任何专门训练士兵轻松就能进行无人机操控的软件明年该公司将进行该软件最终测试

    Next year Lockheed Martin, an American defence contractor, begins final testing of software to make flying drones easier for troops with little training.


  • 2007年1月15日美国哈维圣马可大教堂马丁·路德。金生日纪念日发表演讲,巴拉克·奥巴马给民众签名

    January 15 2007, Harvery, US: Barack Obama signs autographs after speaking at the Dr Martin Luther king Jr birthday celebration at St Mark cathedral.


  • 美国波音公司F/A-18洛克希德·马丁公司的F-16战机拒绝。印度官员称两家公司在竞标中失败是因为没有达到技术标准

    The U.S. fighters, Boeing's F/A-18 Super Hornet and Lockheed Martin's F-16, were rejected for what Indian officials describe as failure to meet technical criteria.


  • 美国空军授予洛克希德·马丁公司一份价值3000万美元合同,洛·马公司将进行自我意识空间态势感知SASSA技术验证计划开发阶段研究。

    The U.S. Air Force has awarded Lockheed Martin a $30 million contract for the development phase of the Self-Awareness Space Situational Awareness (SASSA) technology demonstration program.


  • 美国重要卫星制造公司包括洛克希德马丁公司、波音公司和诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司。

    Major U.S. satellite makers include Lockheed Martin Corp .


  • 公司官员今天根据合同洛克希德·马丁公司负责美国盟国海军设计集成测试安装新的弹道导弹防御性能

    Under the contract, Lockheed Martin will design, integrate, test and install further Aegis BMD capability for U.S. and allied navies, company officials said today.


  • 正如斯坦福大学莫妮卡派阿泽斯马丁施奈德所说,房产泡沫集中于市场低收入区隔,这美国典型的房产繁荣是不同的。

    The housing bubble, as Monika Piazzesi and Martin Schneider of Stanford University have argued, was focused in the lower-income segments of the market, unlike in the typical U.S. housing boom.


  • 马丁周一旧金山美国地球物理联盟会议上介绍了最新海洋研究结果

    Martinson presented his latest ocean heat results on Monday at the meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco.


  • 正如斯坦福大学莫妮卡派阿泽斯马丁·施奈德所说,房产泡沫集中于市场低收入区隔,这美国典型的房产繁荣是不同的。

    The housing bubble, as Monika Piazzesi and Martin Schneider of Stanford University have argued, was focused in the lower-income segments of the market, unlike in the typical U. S. housing boom.


  • 正如斯坦福大学莫妮卡派阿泽斯马丁·施奈德所说,房产泡沫集中于市场低收入区隔,这美国典型的房产繁荣是不同的。

    The housing bubble, as Monika Piazzesi and Martin Schneider of Stanford University have argued, was focused in the lower-income segments of the market, unlike in the typical U. S. housing boom.


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