• 这个显而易见保护主义规章就是美国保险管理系统拙劣不公平一个例子

    This blatantly protectionist rule is but one example of the country's cumbersome and unfair system of insurance regulation.


  • 美国国土安全部需要了解商用电子绩效管理系统实用性用于人力资源管理

    The Homeland Security Department wants information about the availability of a commercial electronic performance management system for its human resources functions.


  • 零散保险管理系统阻碍风险集中分保能力产生,同时也让美国消费者难以收益。

    A fragmented regulatory system that hinders the pooling of risks and obstructs the creation of new reinsurance capacity has done American consumers no favours.


  • 毕竟过去多年中,美国超市连锁店安装库存管理软件冷藏系统以及其它供应链配套设施

    After all, American supermarket chains have spent the past ten years or so installing inventory-management software, cold-storage systems and other supply-chain paraphernalia.


  • 美国应该好好改善一下陈旧保险管理系统

    America should ditch its outdated system of insurance regulation.


  • The Hechinger Report:那么如何看待现在美国聘请毫无教育经验人来管理大型城市学校系统趋势呢?

    The Hechinger Report: So what do you make of the recent trend in the United States of hiring non-educators to run large urban school systems?


  • 1997年改变了Pepy先生掌管之后,他引进美国航空为了填满座位以及低成本运营产出管理系统以及许多现代营销

    That changed in 1997 when Mr Pepy took charge, introducing a dose of modern marketing and a yield-management system from American Airlines to fill seats and take on the low-cost airlines.


  • nCipher公司位于英国剑桥,主要英国美国市场诸如金融机构等公共事务机构出售管理系统密码系统

    The Cambridge-based company operates primarily in the U.K. and U.S. markets delivering management and cryptographic systems to civil-sector operations like financial institutions.


  • 公司管理者们知道如果他们适应迅速美国灵活金融系统提供廉价资本以为奖励

    Corporate managers knew that if they adapted fast, America's flexible financial system would reward them with access to cheaper capital.


  • 这些标准应用内部系统外部实体(比如美国食品药品安全管理局)之间通信

    These standards apply to communication between internal systems and external entities, such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.


  • 丹麦成功很大程度上它国土面积人口种族单一医疗系统管理较好有关 - 不管是从哪方面讲,美国的情况截然不同

    Denmark’s success has much to do with theits small size, its homogeneous population and its regulated health care system— on all counts, very different from the United States.


  • 这项来自美国总务管理联邦系统集成管理中心的订单要求SAIC帮助陆军人力资源司令部流线型化他的IT系统

    The award from the General Services Administration’s Federal Systems Integration and Management Center calls for SAIC to assist the Army Human Resources Command in streamlining its IT systems.


  • 食品药品管理现在必须设立一个第三方审计员保障系统,这些审计员生产商检查他们货品运往美国之前是否合格。

    The FDA now has to set up a system for certifying third-party auditors, whom food producers will have to hire to inspect their goods for approval before it's shipped to the United States.


  • 美国适应汽车需求大规模道路停车场系统相比,智能交通系统更好管理非洲的交通

    Smart transit systems could manage traffic far more efficiently than the massive road and parking-lot systems required by vehicles in the U.S., for example.


  • 这项计划美国AFRL信息情报开发分部信息处理部门管理分部也参与了AFRL计算机防御免疫系统CDIS工作。

    This program is managed by the U.S. AFRL Information Handling branch within the Information and Intelligence Exploitation Division as part of the AFRL Computer Defense Immune System (CDIS) initiative.


  • 美国东部时间商务724分,航天飞机项目管理人员作出了决定,原因是因为外部燃料箱加注燃料一个燃料传感器系统发生故障

    Shuttle program managers made the decision at 7:24 a.m. EST after a failure occurred in a fuel sensor system while Atlantis' external fuel tank was being filled.


  • 美国食品药品管理首次发出警告,使用含有镀银材料儿童孕妇神经系统造成危险

    For the first time, the FDA has issued a warning that the mercury contained in silver dental fillings may pose neurological risks to children and pregnant women.


  • 联邦航空管理表示2018年次世代美国全面运行时,系统减少35%40%飞行延误,同时省下将近十亿加仑燃料

    The FAA says that by 2018, as NextGen is rolled out around the U.S., the new system will reduce flight delays 35% to 40% and save almost a billion gallons of fuel.


  • 本文美国风景资源管理系统及其内容方法作了结构性介绍

    This paper structurally introduces the content and method of the American scenery resource management system.


  • 这两个地方法令——在美国称为国家市场系统管理规则RegNMS),欧盟则被称为金融工具市场法规(MiFID)——都在推动交易所更加透明度、更具竞争力

    New laws in both regions—a rule known as Reg NMS in America, and MiFID in the European Union—are pushing them toward greater transparency and competition.


  • 美国食品以及药物管理委员会在去年4月份通过了对Provenge的审核,这个癌症疫苗强化身体免疫系统,使免疫系统会主动攻击肿瘤

    The Food and Drug Administration last April finally approved Provenge, a prostate cancer vaccine that stimulates the body's own immune system to attack tumors.


  • 美国本土大约4500个保险公司大部分支持这个极其复杂系统因为他们系统管理之间的关系很亲密

    This absurdly complicated system is inevitably supported by local insurers (as most of America's 4,500 or so underwriters are) : they gain from chummy relationships with the regulators.


  • 美国本土大约4500个保险公司大部分支持这个极其复杂系统因为他们系统管理之间的关系很亲密

    This absurdly complicated system is inevitably supported by local insurers (as most of America's 4, 500 or so underwriters are) : they gain from chummy relationships with the regulators.


  • 防部12月17日宣布,根据合同CACI完成工程技术帮助管理支撑服务支持NSWC机载光电系统分部

    Under the contract, CACI will furnish engineering, technical assistance and management support services to support NSWC's Airborne Electro-Optic Systems Branch, DOD said Dec. 17.


  • 未来之内,美国数万千米高速公路进行重建,对机场航空交通管理系统进行升级

    Over the next six years, he said, tens of thousands of kilometres of highway would be rebuilt, and airports and air traffic control systems upgraded.


  • RR - AIRSS计划美国空军空间导弹系统中心发起,由美国空军研究实验室空间车辆理事会管理

    The RR-AIRSS program is sponsored by the U.S. Air Force Space and Missiles Systems Center and managed by the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory Space Vehicles Directorate in Albuquerque, n.m..


  • 根据美国食品药品管理局(FDA)的妊娠用药安全评级系统(共五级,link),绝大多数精神病药物胎儿存在潜在危险

    According to the FDA's letter-grade system for drug safety during pregnancy, most psychotropic drugs pose a potential risk to the fetus.


  • WorldMate表示,WorldMate的行程管理服务适用于与美国运通公司系统建立连接的黑手机以及其它移动设备

    The WorldMate itinerary services will be available to Amex-connected road warriors on Blackberrys and other mobile devices, WorldMate says.


  • WorldMate表示,WorldMate的行程管理服务适用于与美国运通公司系统建立连接的黑手机以及其它移动设备

    The WorldMate itinerary services will be available to Amex-connected road warriors on Blackberrys and other mobile devices, WorldMate says.


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