• 怀特曼报导美国空运格鲁吉亚救援物资二百公吨主要是帐篷被褥食品医疗物资

    Whitman reports U. s. aid deliveries to Georgia by air have reached nearly 200 metric tons - mainly tents, bedding, food and medical supplies.


  • 云南省会昆明例,在第二次世界大战,飞越“驼峰”的美国空运线这里终点,当地人赚了美国大兵的不少美元。

    This city had been the terminus for the American air supply route over the "Hump" during World War II and it was filled with American dollars left there by American soldiers.


  • 美国在为一次1200名美国公民大规模空运准备

    The United States is making preparations for a large-scale airlift of 1,200 American citizens.


  • 一概念大大降低美国陆军美国运输司令部战略空运以及对地区总司令的战区内空运保障依赖性

    This concept would reduce dramatically the Army's dependence on the US Transportation Command for strategic airlift and on the geographical commander in chief for intratheater airlift support.


  • 美国承诺缅甸风灾提供2千万美元援助,同时还向仰光空运必需品。

    The United States has committed more than $20 million to Burmese cyclone relief, and has been airlifting basic supplies to Rangoon.


  • 空运事件结束时候,柏林共有惊人的225万货物空中运出,其中超过3/4用的是美国飞机

    By the end of the airlift, an astonishing 2.25m tonnes of cargo had flown in and out of the city, more than three-quarters of it on American planes.


  • 它们指出另一位对手FedEx美国邮政服务公司空运快件。

    They also point out that FedEx, another competitor, carries express packages by air for the US Postal Service.


  • 他们的胚胎保存美国实验室检测细胞空运牛津进行分析。

    Their embryos stayed in the U.S. laboratory but the test cells were flown to Oxford for analysis.


  • 为了提升美国国家宇航局希望2020年前,飞机现有“777”号减少40%燃油2030年,减少70%。

    Tasked with improving the nation's air transportation, NASA wants airplanes to burn 40 percent less fuel than a 777 by 2020 and 70 percent less by 2030.


  • 然后还有工厂交货期限不重视造成延迟交货,使Krywko父子不得不花费大笔的钱采用空运将货物运到美国

    Then there were the delivery delays caused by the factory's lackadaisical approach to deadlines, which forced the Krywkos to spend a fortune air-freighting products to the us.


  • 国际协会(International Air Transport Association)透露,去年同期相比,飞入和飞离美国人数有所减少

    Fewer people are flying into and out of America than at this point last year, according to the International Air Transport Association.


  • 上世纪70年代,TheLimited (一家淑女服装专卖店)也用了相似战略支持试销通过空运亚洲批量的运送美国店面中。

    In the 1970’s, The Limited used a similar strategy to support its test marketing, air expressing small quantities of new styles from Asia to U.S. stores.


  • 然后还有工厂交货期限不重视造成延迟交货,使Krywko父子不得不花费大笔的钱采用空运将货物运到美国

    Then there were the delivery delays caused by the factory’s lackadaisical approach to deadlines, which forced the Krywkos to spend a fortune air-freighting products to the US.


  • 多数航空公司国内航班数量减少了一成至两成。美国协会预测美国航空公司今年将进一步压缩运力3%至10%。

    Most have already eliminated 10% to 20% of domestic flights and the air Transport Association projects the seven largest U.S. airlines will cut another 3% to 10% this year.


  • 飓风艾琳过后美国东部遭遇了40cm暴雨一些城镇切断救援人员正在向这些地方空运食物

    Rescue workers in the eastern United States are airlifting food and water to towns cut off by flooding after up to 40cm of torrential rain fell in the wake of Hurricane Irene.


  • 并且五角大楼利用诈骗的这些财富想世界空运组织得知消息是不能使美国强大的,因为物价值交易

    And you don't have to be from Waco to know that when the Pentagon makes crooks rich and doesn't make America strong, that it's a bum deal.


  • 2002年生物恐怖袭击影响,任何进口食物美国的进口商在其进口食品通过陆运空运海运到达美国需要通知fda

    Under the Bioterrorism Act of 2002, anyone importing food into the United States is required to notify the FDA of the shipment before it arrives by land, air or sea.


  • 他们旅行经常延误以至于他们必须接受美国基地空运食物

    Their journey was so often delayed that they had to receive food from a helicopter from the US base.


  • 哥伦比亚厄瓜多尔秘鲁还有荷兰空运而来的花草集装箱通过空运冰冻卡车再次运往美国各个地区。

    Boxes arrive in Miami from Columbia, Ecuador and Peru as well as Holland, and then travel by plane or by refrigerated truck to the rest of the US.


  • 就会空运美国了。

    I'll go to America by airmail.


  • 美国好施集团接到一个紧急订单,空运出口浴缸国外的客户那里。

    On one occasion, Hirsch air-freighted a tub to an export customer with an immediate need.


  • 南极飞机空运美国本土需要付出较大费用因而其制成的冰淇淋身价倍

    South Pole the ice is transported by air to the American mainland by the airplane, needing to pay a bigger expenses, as a result ice-cream make into with it also the prestige rises doubly.


  • 尽管需要很少的空运时间但是它们美国安全起飞之前必须进行全面的检查。

    Despite their low flying time, they need complete overhauls before they can safely take wing in the US.


  • 按照这个协定的规定美国飞机可以中国到处飞行装卸和运转,完全控制中国空运事业。

    According to its provisions, U. S. aircraft were allowed to fly, load and unload or trans-ship anywhere within China, and the United States gained complete control of the country's air transport.


  • 公司拥有美国NVOCC货代保税仓储报关等相关资质,拥有面积10000平方的,是迈阿密保税区内最大的公共保税

    The company has the qualification of NVOCC, freight forwarder, Air freight, bonded warehouse, customer broker, and a 10000 sq meter bonded warehouse in Miami Free Trade Zone.


  • 公司拥有美国NVOCC货代保税仓储报关等相关资质,拥有面积10000平方的,是迈阿密保税区内最大的公共保税

    The company has the qualification of NVOCC, freight forwarder, Air freight, bonded warehouse, customer broker, and a 10000 sq meter bonded warehouse in Miami Free Trade Zone.


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