• 就是美国儿子天天都有人倒下他们每人都一个家庭友人孩子们等候他们归来

    Here are the sons of America, falling everyday, each have a family, friends and kids waiting for their return.


  • 这些要求限制了申请正式庇护的人数,加州只有5个家庭主动响应(本周另一起知名案件里名墨西哥妇女她生于美国儿子驱逐出境,之前他们已芝加哥一家教堂藏身一)。

    Only five families have come forward in California. (in another famous case, a Mexican woman with an American-born son was this week deported after sheltering in a Chicago church for a year.)


  • 1990年移居美国1967年巴尔的摩的儿子一起住。

    He moved to the United States in 1990 to live with his son, who had been resident in Baltimore since 1967.


  • 亲非常失望,大骂儿子和那条狗,因为他不想失掉去美国旅行的机会。

    The father was very disappointed and cursed both his son and the dog because he didn't want to lose the chance to travel to the United States.


  • 儿子美国愉快地定居了

    His son has settled happily in America.


  • 回家第一父亲最钟爱儿子村里庆祝了一场,因为他美国家里了光。

    On his first day home, his father organized a celebration in the village for his favourite son, who had brought honour to the family by going all the way to America.


  • 文中这个儿子,就是美国著名音乐家凯里

    He is exactly Carey, a famous American musician!


  • 恩的儿子去年4月伊拉克阵亡。此后,这位来自加利福尼亚州普通母亲成了美国著名的反战人士。

    Since her son was killed last year in Iraq, Sheehan, a common mother from California, has become an anti-war icon in the United States.


  • 见到克里索夫家人的时候,告诉了我一个惊人消息:他告诉为了缅怀儿子,他希望加入美国海军医疗

    When I met Dr. Krissoff and his family, he delivered some surprising news: He told me he wanted to join the Navy Medical Corps in honor of his son.


  • 是的还会来因为即使认为自己永远不能拿到签证,但是他的两个儿子美国,他们将来有可能成为律师或者作家光明正大地生活

    Yes, he would, because even though he doesn't think he'll ever get papers, he has two sons who are American and could be lawyers or writers one day, living openly.


  • 奥族部落儿子上学时候爸爸放羊;而,是一个来自美国中部的白人新教徒草原民族的女儿。

    He was a son of the Luo tribe who, when not in school, had herded his father's goats; she was the daughter of white Protestant prairie folk from the American heartland.


  • 佩林儿子正在美国陆军服役而且很快伊拉克去。

    Palin said her son has enlisted in the Army, and will be deploying soon to the region.


  • 尼日利亚之圣诞轰炸机报告了儿子美国大使可能采取极端手段。

    The father of the Nigerian "Christmas bomber" reported his son's radicalism to the U.


  • 亚当·达林卫理公会牧师儿子充满了高尚的理想勇气。他1992年进入我们生活,那时候自行车周游美国,为克林顿·戈尔联合竞选拉选票,一时成为新闻

    Adam Darling was the idealistic and spunky son of a Methodist minister who had entered our lives in 1992 when he made news by riding his bicycle across America to support the Clinton-Gore ticket.


  • 美国德斯·普兰斯马可·庞德斯说高中20岁儿子16岁女儿平均每天都要花费2.5小时来做家庭作业

    Mark Pundurs of Des Plaines said his son and daughter, now 20 and 16, averaged 2.5 hours of daily work through high school.


  • 阿布杜勒·穆塔拉布父亲大使馆谈话转述给华盛顿反恐官员当时美国并没有取消儿子美国旅行签证

    An account of the embassy conversation was relayed to counter-terrorism officials in Washington but the son's U.S. travel visa was not rescinded.


  • 作者父亲深感骄傲儿子,他父亲是一位中美合作所服役过的美国海军军官

    Written by the proud son of a Navy officer who had served in SACO, the text expressed admiration for Miles and Tai Li i.e.


  • 1959年返回美国纽约得到儿子监护权开始了写作编辑教书的职业生涯。

    In 1959 she returns to the United States, to New York City, where she gains custody of her son and begins writing professionally, editing and teaching.


  • 赫鲁晓夫儿子谢尔盖来到美国国家档案馆参加有关冷战古巴导弹危机座谈会时,卡尔森缠住做了采访

    And when Khrushchev's son, Sergei, came to the National Archives to participate in a panel discussion on the cold war and the Cuban missile crisis, Carlson cornered him for an interview.


  • 菲利克斯儿子维克多会说米斯特克西班牙语英语三种语言,而且他还有正宗的美国发小。

    Felix's older son, Victor, is trilingual in Mixtec, Spanish and English and has the naughty cheek of a boy who is legal.


  • 菲利克斯儿子维克多会说米斯特克西班牙语英语三种语言,而且他还有正宗的美国发小。

    Felix's older son, Victor, is trilingual in Mixtec, Spanish and English and has the naughty cheek of a boy who is legal.


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