• 他们希望这项技术明年应用美国法庭

    They hope that the technology will be cleared for use in American courts by early next year.


  • 那时一起诉讼已经递交至美国法庭

    By then, the first lawsuit was already being argued in U.S. courts.


  • 这本书包括了看上去似乎美国法庭文件记录

    It also includes copies of what appear to be u.


  • 美国法庭里百分之五十以上时间用于处理汽车案件

    More than 50% of time spent in U. s courtrooms is over automobile cases.


  • 有嫌疑出纳员克里斯托弗·梅特索斯没有出现美国法庭

    Suspected paymaster Christopher Metsos didn't appear in an American court.


  • 无论如何,大多数素材11月份美国法庭案件揭露了

    In any case, most of the material had been disclosed by an American court in November, in a separate case.


  • 一位索马里男子承认犯下海盗行为美国法庭判处33有期徒刑。

    Somali man who pleaded guilty to piracy has been sentenced in the US to more than 33 years in prison.


  • 如果真的告上美国法庭觉得任何一位法官都会没有可取信证据

    If you took him to any real Americancourt, I think any judge would say there is no admissible evidence.


  • 法语中,“自由公正阴性所以自由女神像美国法庭正义女神都是女性形象。

    In French, "liberty" and "justice" are each female, and thus the Statue of liberty is a female, and so is the blindfolded lady of justice in American courtrooms.


  • 是否拒绝把身为美国公民但身处美国境外子女监护权移交美国法庭享有监护权的

    Have you ever withheld custody of a U. S. citizen child outside the United States from a person granted legal custody by a u.


  • 多年以来,诸如1913年戈特伯里亚学院的诉讼案例美国法庭一直支持代替父母”。

    For years, American courts upheld in loco parentis in cases such as Gott versus Berea College in nineteen thirteen.


  • 审判时,美国法庭考虑审问他们目的日本法庭基于君子是否他丈夫这样一个原则来进行审判。

    At the trial, where an American court would consider questions of intent, the Japanese court based its ruling on whether Kimiko was in love.


  • 通过很难赢得禁止令加强是否发明确实非显而易见标准美国法庭裁决开始掉“姜太公胡须”。

    Court rulings in America have begun to clip the trolls' beards by making it harder to win injunctions and by strengthening the criteria for whether an invention is truly "non-obvious".


  • 是否曾经拒绝把身为美国公民但身处美国国外子女监护权移交给美国法庭判定享有监护权的

    Have you ever withheld custody of a U. S. citizen child outside the United States from a person granted legal custody by a U. S. court?


  • 根据美国法庭文件记载,这名嫌疑被指非法人士”,长期执行俄罗斯对外情报局的潜伏任务

    U.S. court papers describe 10 people arrested Sunday as "illegals" carrying out long-term, deep cover assignments in the United States for the Russian foreign intelligence service, SVR.


  • 根据美国法庭文件的记载,这嫌疑人被指非法人士”,长期执行俄罗斯对外情报局的潜伏任务

    S. court papers describe 10 people arrested Sunday as "illegals" carrying out long-term, deep cover assignments in the United States for the Russian foreign intelligence service, SVR.


  • 设法避开埃尔多安急不可待要求解释美国法庭要求在将名嫌疑人送交另外一个国家之前必须有确凿的证据。

    He tried to head off Erdogan's impatience by explaining that American courts require firm evidence before a suspect is surrendered to another country.


  • 法官Thomas Griesa主持很多诉讼,他用“不道德”来形容阿根廷伎俩,这些伎俩使得美国法庭文书成了一纸空文。

    Judge Thomas Griesa, who has presided over much of the litigation, has branded Argentina's manoeuvres "immoral", turning the writ of American courts into a "dead letter".


  • 近年最大私人交易曝光只是因为其中的一些细节美国法庭追踪BernardMadoff丑闻案时被同时揭发出来。

    One of the biggest private deals in recent years came to light only because the details were disclosed in an American court following the Bernard Madoff scandal.


  • 美国法庭公正性很高标准判决一起件中的婚前协议无效此案中,新郎前往婚礼庆典途中强迫新娘在婚前协议书上签字

    But American courts also have a high standard of fairness: she judged a case in which the groom made his bride sign the prenuptial on the way to the marriage ceremony; that invalidated it.


  • 根据《外国人侵权索赔法案》——该法案允许外国人涉嫌侵犯国际法部分带到美国法庭此类司法管辖权欺诈某种程度上可能的。

    Such jurisdictional jiggery-pokery is made possible in part by the Alien Tort Claims Act (ATCA), which lets foreigners bring alleged violations of international law before American courts.


  • 西方石油公司正在美国法庭面临多项指控,指控包括1972年- 2000年期间,当地作业石油公司在亚马逊地区倾倒90亿有毒废物

    Occidental Petroleum are currently facing charges in US courts of dumping an estimated nine billion barrels of toxic waste in the regions of the Amazon where they operated from 1972 to 2000.


  • 原告律师StephenPreziosi坚持要求案子美国法庭进行听证。百度美国公司出售广告积极保护美国商标

    The plaintiffs’ lawyer, Stephen Preziosi, insists the case be heard in an American courtBaidu sells advertising to American firms and aggressively protects its American trademark, he says.


  • 根据美国法律如果某人指控犯罪,在法庭证明此人有罪之前无罪的。

    According to American law, if someone is accused of a crime, he is considered innocent until the court proves the person is guilty.


  • 根据美国法律如果某人指控犯罪,在法庭证明此人有罪之前无罪的。

    According to American law, if someone is accused of a crime, he is considered innocent until the court proves the person is guilty.


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