• 这次车展上,梅赛德斯·奔驰、本田宝马日产克莱斯勒表示他们意向进军美国柴油机汽车市场

    At the motor show, Mercedes-Benz, Honda, BMW, Nissan and Chrysler all revealed their intentions to make diesel engines available in their American cars.


  • 尽管最近日产美国市场份额取得了显著的增长,你们在这一市场的基础仍然过于薄弱。

    Although Nissan has been making some nice market share gains in the U.S. lately, its base here is anything but solid.


  • 日本对手日产展示了一电动充电轿车名叫叶子日本市场销售今年将会美国展示,2012年进入英国

    Its Japanese rival, Nissan, displayed a pure electric plug-in car called the Leaf, which is already on the market in Japan and will hit US showrooms this year, arriving in Britain in 2012.


  • 日产公司大多数车型都是在美国以外研发的,并没有这种优势。

    That's not true of companies like Nissan that perform most of their car development overseas.


  • 另一方面,丰田日产美国经销商通告:最快7月或是9月),汽车的运送才能恢复正常

    Toyota and Nissan have told their American dealers that deliveries of cars will not be back to normal until July at best, maybe September.


  • 美国日产基本上可以叫做Altima汽车公司

    Nissan in America is basically the Altima Car Company.


  • 10月4日通用这个美国汽车巨擘,宣布中止加入雷诺-日产联盟谈判

    On October 4th General Motors (GM), a struggling American car giant, said it had broken off negotiations with Renault and Nissan about joining their alliance.


  • 日产位发言人称地震已经有600辆全新纯电动汽车Leaf运往美国

    A spokesman for Nissan said a shipment of 600 brand-new all-electric Leafs had set sail for the U. S. prior to the earthquake.


  • 尼桑日本产额总产量的25%,日产尼桑尹芬底JX模型的目标产地转向美国

    Nissan makes only 25% of its cars in Japan, and is shifting production to America for its Rogue and Infiniti JX models.


  • 日产汽车配备加热座椅是与美国航天局共同研制的,可以改善血液循环减少长途驾驶而产生腰背疼痛

    Nissan cars will also come with heated seats that incorporate NASA research to enable better blood circulation and reduce the chances of back pain during long drives.


  • 到目前为止日产NSANY美国销售额去年同期增长12.8%,然而本田HMC丰田TM)的销售业绩却纷纷下跌。

    So far this year, Nissan's (NSANY) U.S. sales have jumped 12.8% percent ahead of last year, while Honda (HMC) and Toyota (TM) both declined.


  • 天狼星”号油轮当时装运了相当于沙特阿拉伯日产油量四分之一石油美国的途中劫持。

    The Sirius Star, whose cargo represents a quarter of Saudi Arabia's daily oil production, was en route to the US when it was hijacked.


  • 也将使日产公司难以补充美国地区存货目前美国市场,英菲尼迪汽车只剩一个的库存了。

    That will make it difficult to replenish inventories in the U.S, where only a month's supply of some Infiniti models is on the ground in the U.S..


  • 美国的州长并不总是接受日产汽车上市发布会邀请尼桑全电动Leaf车型提供了优于任何本国企业的环境证明。

    It's not every day that a U.S. governoraccepts an invitation to the launch of a Japanese-built car, but Nissan'sall-electric Leaf offers environmental credentials that top any nationalisticconcerns.


  • 日产美国市场表现优异,由于丰田本田将凯美瑞(Camry)和思域(Civic)进行改造重塑,日产今年仍需面对激烈竞争

    Nissan has also outperformed in the U.S. market but is set to face tougher competition this year as Toyota and Honda remodel top-selling cars such as the Camry and Civic.


  • 日产来说,虽然8年中实现了奇迹般的复兴,但几个月增长势头有所减弱而且销售有所下滑,美国市场尤其如此。

    Although Nissan has staged a miraculous turnaround over the past eight years, it has lost some momentum in recent months and sales, particularly in America, are slipping.


  • 日产位发言人称地震已经有600辆全新纯电动汽车Leaf运往美国

    A spokesman for Nissan said a shipment of 600 brand-new all-electric Leafs had set sail for the U.S. prior to the earthquake.


  • 公司自动化情绪分析工具客户包括美国在线万豪日产沃尔玛温迪美国联合航空公司以及其他十几财富1000公司

    The company's automated sentiment tools are used by AOL, Marriott, Nissan, Wal-Mart, Wendy's, United Airlines and a dozen other Fortune 1,000 firms.


  • 公司自动化情绪分析工具客户包括美国在线万豪日产沃尔玛温迪美国联合航空公司以及其他十几家财富1000公司

    The company's automated sentiment tools are used by AOL, Marriott, Nissan, Wal-Mart, Wendy's, United Airlines and a dozen other Fortune 1, 000 firms.


  • 周五东风日产声明将要给骐达超小型汽车加载1.6发动机,价格9990美元任何美国销售新车价格都要低。

    On Friday Nissan said it would add a Versa subcompact with a 1.6-liter engine starting at $9990 -- the lowest sticker price of any new car sold in the United States.


  • 美国索尼公司”圣地亚哥建立了一家工厂,基科曼酱油公司威斯康星州日产丰田汽车制造厂西海岸相继建立各自的工厂。

    Sony Corporation has set up a plant in San Diego, the Kikkoman Shoyu Company in Wisconsin, and the automobile manufacturers Nissan and Toyota on the West Coast.


  • 汽车销售疲软美国尤为突出。日元迅速升值迫使日本汽车制造商日产降低2009财年销售计划。

    Weaker auto sales, particularly within the US, and a rapidly appreciating yen forced Japanese automaker Nissan to lower its fiscal year 2009 guidance.


  • 就好像日本竞争对手本田汽车集团丰田汽车集团,日产尼桑已经由于美国销量下跌受到了重创

    Like its Japanese rivals, Honda Motor Co. and Toyota Motor Corp., Nissan has been hurt by the slump in U. s. sales.


  • 就好像日本竞争对手本田汽车集团丰田汽车集团,日产尼桑已经由于美国销量下跌受到了重创

    Like its Japanese rivals, Honda Motor Co. and Toyota Motor Corp., Nissan has been hurt by the slump in U. s. sales.


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