• 这些解决方案提交证券交易委员会美国地方法院批准

    Any such settlements would be subject to approval by the SEC and a U.S. District Court.


  • 查封美国地方法院波多黎各高级法官萨尔瓦多卡塞拉斯开具

    The seizure warrant was issued in the U.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico by U.S. District Senior Judge Salvador E. Casellas.


  • 1902年今天,美国地方法院判定托马斯·爱迪生没有发明电影摄像机

    1902 - a United States court of appeals rules that Thomas Edison did not invent the movie camera.


  • 出价美国地方法院提出破产法院特拉华来自清盘出售公司资产。”

    Two earlier bids presented to U. s. District Bankruptcy Court in Delaware are from liquidators who would sell the company "s assets."


  • 同性恋伴侣提出诉讼宣称选民投票通过禁令侵犯了他们民权美国地方法院首席法官沃恩·沃克为此做出裁决

    Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker made his ruling in a lawsuit filed by two gay couples who claimed the voter-approved ban violated their civil rights.


  • 诺基亚要求特拉华美国地方法院发布禁令PDF),禁止销售iPhone诺基亚作出数额尚未确定的赔偿

    Nokia is asking the U.S. District Court in Delaware for an injunction (PDF) on sales of iPhones and for unspecified damages.


  • 同性恋伴侣提出诉讼宣称选民投票通过禁令侵犯了他们民权美国地方法院首席法官沃恩·沃克为此做出裁决

    Chief U. s. District Judge Vaughn Walker made his ruling in a lawsuit filed by two gay couples who claimed the voter-approved ban violated their civil rights.


  • 美国地方法院法官杰拉尔德李小龙有义务星期一说重新评估情况得出结论认为,以往危险释放阿布阿里

    US District Judge Gerald Bruce Lee obliged on Monday, saying he had reevaluated the case and concluded that the danger of ever releasing Abu Ali is too great.


  • 调查的联邦公共访问法院电子档案PACER数据库数据库包含美国地方法院上诉法院破产法院档案。

    My next stop was the federal Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) database, which contains U.S. District, Appellate and Bankruptcy court records.


  • 美国地方法院法官南希·阿特拉斯主持庭审,是否保险公司——伦敦·劳埃德保险社继续支付他们数以百万美元律师费

    U. s. District Judge Nancy Atlas is holding a court hearing on whether the insurer, Lloyd's of London, will continue paying their millions of dollars in legal fees.


  • 美国地方法院法官批准了一项临时禁令允许一家物业管理公司不用雇员提供避孕费用,这家公司属于美乐批萨创始人

    US district judge granted a temporary restraining order, allowing a property management company owned by the founder of Domino's Pizza to avoid providing contraception to employees.


  • 特-迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Co .)行政助理男友周一曼哈顿美国地方法院承认,其参与了一起在公司收益报告出炉前出售报告内容的密谋。

    The boyfriend of a former Walt Disney Co. administrative assistant admitted to engaging in a scheme to sell early access to the company's earnings report in U.S. district court in Manhattan Monday.


  • 法庭希望亚马逊采取一切可能步骤最大化地增强消费者作出明智决定能力,”美国地方法院法官西亚·芭姗(CynthiaBashant)的决议书中写道。

    "This court may hope that Amazon would take every possible step to maximize consumers' ability to make informed decisions," United States District Judge Cynthia Bashant wrote in her decision.


  • 同时,代表无线通讯产业美国无线通讯协会CTIA-The Wireless Association),于7月23日美国地方法院提出反对诉讼阻止这项法律的实行。

    In response, CTIA-The Wireless Association, which represents the wireless communications industry, filed suit July 23 in U. S. District Court in San Francisco to block enforcement of the new law.


  • 诉讼案已经提交给了美国国际贸易委员会以及特拉华地方法院

    The action has been filed in a district court in Delaware and also at the US International Trade Commission.


  • 3月29日,纽约一个联邦地方法院做出判决。 单从这个判决来看,颠倒了美国处理基因专利权保护的一贯立场。

    On March 29th a federal district court in New York made a ruling that, taken at face value, turns America’s approach to the patent protection of genes on its head.


  • 而后就职美国联邦地方法院作为一个审判官,她在那里工作了6主持上百案例

    She was appointed to the U.S. District Court, serving six years as a trial judge where she presided over hundreds of cases.


  • 除了这起官司之外,Rambus公司美国加州圣何塞地方法院指控三星其它几家内存厂商侵犯了自己的专利权

    Rambus also has patent infringement litigation against Samsung and other defendants pending trail in U.S. District Court in San Jose, Calif.


  • “谁想成为百万富翁”游戏节目创始人英国电影公司Celador提起的诉讼美国加利福尼亚州河滨地方法院陪审团作出了对迪士尼公司不利判决

    A U.S. District Court jury in Riverside, Calif., ruled against the entertainment conglomerate in a case brought by the British firm Celador International, creator of the show.


  • 本次破产申请由BeaconPower公司提出,由特拉华州地方法院美国破产法庭受理,诉讼编号为11- 13450。

    The case is Beacon Power Corp, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, District of Delaware, No. 11-13450.


  • Facebook美国加利福尼亚地方法院起诉PowerVenture旗下社交网络聚合服务商Power.com。

    Facebook is suing Power Ventures in Northern California District Court for its social network aggregator, Power.com.


  • 美国联邦地方法院法官Robertw .Sweet宣读了这份长达152的判决书,该判决书使BRCA1BRCA2相关七种基因专利无效,而BRCA1和BRCA2这两种基因癌症关系

    United States District Court Judge Robert W. Sweet issued the 152-page decision, which invalidated seven patents related to the genes BRCA1 and BRCA2, whose mutations have been associated with cancer.


  • 美国新泽西地方法院已经做出裁决,认定来公司2017年过期的Strattera药物专利无效的。

    The U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey ruled Lilly's method-of-use patent for Strattera, which had been set to expire in 2017, was invalid.


  • 今天新奥尔良地方法院美国九家被告提起民事诉讼

    Today, the United States has filed the civil lawsuit in the United States District Court in New Orleans against nine defendants.


  • 专利拥有人可以美国发生专利侵权行为诉至联邦地方法院

    A patent owner can file suit in a district court for ACTS of patent infringement that occur in the U. s.


  • 纽黑文,康涅狄格州——美国律师协会声称康涅狄格州关于联邦地方法院人选没有资格胜任工作

    NEW HAVEN, Conn. -the Connecticut's governor's choice to fill an open seat on the federal bench is not qualified for the job, the American Bar Association says.


  • 周末苹果请求美国地方法院暂缓赔偿判决的实施,表示说仍然问题解决。

    Over the weekend, Apple asked the U. S. District Court to hold off on imposing the jury award, saying there were still issues that needed to be addressed.


  • 周末苹果请求美国地方法院暂缓赔偿判决的实施,表示说仍然问题解决。

    Over the weekend, Apple asked the U. S. District Court to hold off on imposing the jury award, saying there were still issues that needed to be addressed.


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