• 美国国家地理学会摄影大赛中国的本土化运作

    The Photo Contest hosted by National Geographic Traveler was the localization operation by National Geographic Society.


  • 就是鲸鱼美国国家地理学会密歇根大学的考古学家发掘

    This is the "Whale Valley". It was discovered and excavated by the archaeologists from "American National Geographic Society" and Michigan University.


  • 现场RichardFreund教授()美国国家地理频道制片人遗址地

    On location: Professor Richard Freund (right) and a National Geographic Channel filmmaker at the site.


  • 自然是《美国国家地理》杂志评选出的2010年最古怪10发现生物啦!

    National Geographic has made a list of the 10 weirdest newly discovered animals.


  • 121地球天际笑脸成为美国国家地理新闻2008年受关注太空照片

    The heavens smiled down on Earth December 1 in National Geographic News's most viewed space photo of 2008.


  • 为了向吴泓先生致敬,美国国家地理学会位于华盛顿总部葬礼当日下半旗致哀。

    In Wu Hong's honor, the flag of the National Geographic Society at its Washington, D. C. headquarters will be flown at half-mast on the day of his funeral.


  • 美国人则低居14个发达国家调查排名的最末。美国国家地理协会操作绿色名录排行结果。

    Americans scored the worst among consumers across the 14 developed countries surveyed, according to the National Geographic Society, which runs the new "Greendex" rankings.


  • 美国国家地理协会于上周二公布调查结果此协会启动了一个五年计划,旨在提高美国年轻人的地理知识水平

    National geographic released the survey on last Tuesday in launching a five-year campaign to improve geographic literacy among young people in the United States.


  • Nicklen作为一位美国国家地理杂志卓有贡献摄影师,正向我们传递来自两极动物的讯息:它们的生存面临威胁

    And Nicklen, a contributing photographer for the National Geographic, is passing along a message from the creatures he sees in the Arctic and Antarctica: They're in trouble.


  • 失落之亚特兰蒂斯又一次发现美国国家地理频道制作特别节目报道,亚特兰蒂斯真的存在过吗?柏拉图的记述是真实的吗?

    Has the real lost city of Atlantis finally been found... buried under mud flats in Spain?


  • 根据美国国家地理杂志表示,组织利用受过专门训练并系皮带老鼠坦桑尼亚莫桑比克安哥拉以及柬埔寨雷区清理超过13200枚未爆炸的炸弹

    APOPO has used specially trained rats on leashes to clear more than 13,200 unexploded bombs from minefields in Tanzania, Mozambique, Angola and Cambodia, according to the National Geographic.


  • 美国国家地理调查局的调查,这次地震震央距离智利首都200英里(325公里)圣地亚哥,地震源深度22英里(35公里)的地下,发生时间是格林威治东部时间上午1点34分。

    The quake hit 200 miles (325 kilometers) southwest of the capital, Santiago, at a depth of 22 miles (35 kilometers) at 3:34 a.m. (0634 GMT; 1:34 a.m. Est), the U.S. Geological Survey reported.


  • 国家地理通过一系列触目惊心的照片个人故事讲诉美国有史以来具有破坏性暴风造成巨大破坏。

    With stunning photographs and personal stories, National Geographic recounts the devastation of what was then America's most destructive storm.


  • 埃德·约斯特(EdYost)横渡大西洋前夕,圣劳伦斯湾(Gulf ofst .Lawrence)上空,“银狐”号热气球漂浮,美国国旗国家地理学会旗帜迎风招展。

    Displaying the American flag and the flag of the National Geographic Society, the Silver Fox drifts above the Gulf of St. Lawrence at the start of Ed Yost's record-breaking transatlantic journey.


  • 当地时间17日,秦始皇兵马俑美国华盛顿国家地理博物馆亮相

    An exhibition featuring the largest number of terra cotta warriors ever to travel to the US for a single show arrived at the National Geographic Museum in Washington Tuesday.


  • 艰难题材因为山脉的海拔险峻,”这位美国摄影师告诉国家地理,“夜里温度零下30度(华氏温标)(摄氏温度约为零下34度,译者注)。”

    "This is the hardest story I have ever done because of the altitude and the steepness of the mountains," the U.S. photographer told National Geographic. "At night it was 30 below zero [Fahrenheit]."


  • 国家地理频道提供了助于研究基金一部纪录片中叙述南达科他州saga发现DinoAutopsy星期日129日,在美国东部时间晚上9点(播放)。

    The National Geographic Channel, which helped fund the research, will recount the saga of Dakota's discovery in a documentary, Dino Autopsy, Sunday, Dec. 9, at 9 p.m. EST.


  • 美国国家地理杂志》刊登了组图片,讲述了美国印第安领地正在发生的一些引人注目的环境修复壮举。 印第安部落所拥有的土地曾经被人夺走,在重新获得的土地上,他们正用实际行动世人树立一个如何修复环境的榜样。

    Somethingremarkable is happening in Indian country; Tribes whose lands were once takenfrom them are setting an example for how to restore the environment.


  • 国家地理野生频道》极少海外制作再进口美国电视网例子

    Nat Geo Wild is a rare example of a network that was developed abroad and imported to America.


  • 美国犹他大学火山专家鲍勃史密斯接受国家地理采访时说,“上升非比寻常,因为它覆盖的领域很广,可上升的速度极快。开始,我们就担心它可能造成火山喷发。”

    The University of Utah's Bob Smith, an expert in Yellowstone's volcanism told National Geographic: ‘It's an extraordinary uplift, because it covers such a large area and the rates are so high.


  • 客户包括名利场国家地理奥杜邦美国博物馆,美国运通美国力登弗吉尼亚旅游局

    Clients include Vanity Fair, National Geographic, Audubon, Smithsonian, American Express, Dominion and Virginia Tourism.


  • 客户包括名利场国家地理,奥杜邦美国博物馆,美国运通美国力登弗吉尼亚旅游局

    Clients include Vanity Fair National Geographic Audubon Smithsonian American Express Dominion and Virginia Tourism.


  • 【消息来源:国家地理杂志】(美国哥伦比亚广播公司“60分钟”节目播出了精彩的节目叙述了居住在水上的摩根是如何运用他们与海洋密切联系预测海啸的。)

    CBS' "60 Minutes" produced a remarkable story explaining how the seafaring Moken people used their close connection to the ocean to detect the tsunami before it happened.


  • 国家地理报道,美国饮用的瓶装世界上任何一个国家多,每年购买令人咂舌的290亿

    According to "National Geographic," Americans drink more bottled water than any other nation, purchasing an impressive 29 billion bottles every year.


  • 国家地理慷慨分享15图片新闻机构以及美国国家航天局提供照片组成一个作品集——都是我们地球上有关的。

    National Geographic was also kind enough to share 15 of their images below, in a collection with other photos from news agencies and NASA - all of water, here at home - Earth. (43 photos total)


  • 国家地理慷慨分享15图片新闻机构以及美国国家航天局提供照片组成一个作品集——都是我们地球上有关的。

    National Geographic was also kind enough to share 15 of their images below, in a collection with other photos from news agencies and NASA - all of water, here at home - Earth. (43 photos total)


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