• 美国信贷赠与的方式捐助了40亿美元。

    The U.S. is contributing $4 billion in loans, credits, and grants.


  • 美国拥有公司出名

    America is famous for its big companies.


  • 估计现今美国有约八十万个帮派成员

    It has been estimated that the United States now has nearly 800,000 gang members.


  • 美国年均季度增长率发布

    But Americans annualise quarterly growth, so an identical increase would be announced as a more impressive-sounding growth rate of 3.6%.


  • 美国的形式销售

    It's sold as Sweet 'n Low in the United States.


  • 这种关切完全视为美国忠告为名谋求自身利益错误的。

    But it would be a mistake to portray this concern solely as U.S. self-interest masquerading as advice.


  • 法国失业率最高——9.6%——美国9.5%的失业率紧随其后。

    France has the highest unemployment rate-9.6 percent-followed by the United States at 9.5 percent.


  • 其他国家全神贯注打仗的时候,美国他们的付出为代价巩固了自身出口市场

    While the others were preoccupied with fighting, America strengthened its export markets at their expense.


  • 美国每月24%的速度摆脱失业,高于最近几十法国(8%)、德国(6%)意大利(4%)的速度。

    America's exit rate from unemployment, at 24% a month, is still far faster than rates in recent decades in France (8%), Germany (6%) and Italy (4%).


  • 现在美国失业率却是异乎寻常美国以营利目的大学开始担心其生存状况的原因之一。

    But unemployment rates are still higher than usual, and that's part of what has triggered concern over the benefit of college.


  • 没错相比美国以个人债务为主,日本泡沫经济主要体现多数地产物业抵押公司过重债务。

    True, Japan's bubble economy was much more about corporate-debt excesses, most of it borrowed against land or property collateral, rather than personal debt, as is the case in the U.S..


  • 案件审理时,行政部门通过批准绿卡申请使他们继续留在美国帮助那些美国公民注册的配偶亲属

    And the administration should help the undocumented spouses and relatives of U. S. citizens by allowing those who have applied for green CARDS to remain in the U. S. while their cases are reviewed.


  • 著名案例1803年美国1500万美元(相当于今天的3亿1200万美元)拿破仑手中购得路易斯安那土地

    The United States’ 1803 purchase of the Louisiana territory from Napoleon for $15m (now $312m) is the most famous case.


  • 然而,必须有人先走出一步,美国以世界百分之五人口消耗了世界上百分之二十五的汽油,显而易见的成了应该迈出第一步的国家候选者

    Yet someone has to make the first move.america-whose population is only 5 percent of the world but consumes 25 percent of the world's gasoline-is the obvious candidate.


  • 然而,必须有人先走出一步美国以世界百分之五人口消耗世界上百分之二十五的汽油,显而易见的成了应该迈出第一步的国家候选者

    Yet someone has to make the first move. America-whose population is only 5 percent of the world but consumes 25 percent of the world's gasoline-is the obvious candidate.


  • 英国网球头号种子选手昨天7-6和6-3轻松击败美国选手布莱恩·盖罗。

    Britain's tennis No 1 yesterday overpowered American Brian Garrow 7-6, 6-3.


  • 美国肯定无望成功为由否决这项提案。

    The United States is certain to reject the proposal as a nonstarter.


  • 询问美国多少日托中心开始

    I started by asking how many day-care centres were located in the United States.


  • 基金会美国艺术博物馆举行晚宴,庆祝他们节目开幕。

    The Foundation is holding a dinner at the Museum of American Art in honour of the opening of their new show.


  • 每年6月14美国国旗日,纪念美国国旗。

    Flag Day is celebrated on June 14 each year to honor the United States flag.


  • 此外几乎所有美国公司都在某种方式成为科技公司。

    Plus, virtually all major American companies are becoming tech companies, one way or another.


  • 1938年,政府召开全国卫生会议上有组织劳工成为立法主要支持者保证美国全民医疗保健

    In 1938, at the government-convened National Health Conference, organized labor emerged as a major proponent of legislation to guarantee universal health care in the United States.


  • 老派阿曼殖民时期来到美国海岸现代世界独特群体形式生存下来。

    The Old Order Amish, who arrived on American shores in colonial times, has survived in the modern world in distinctive, small communities.


  • 富士通接管另一家美国公司安岛,帮助美国生产销售IBM兼容机器

    Fujitsu took over another American firm, Amdal, to help it to make and sell machines compatible with IBM in the United States.


  • 富士通接管另一家美国公司安岛,帮助美国生产销售IBM兼容机器

    Fujitsu took over another American firm, Amdal, to help it to make and sell machines compatible with IBM in the United States.


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