• 舒舒服服地坐在椅子双眼想象走进了一个房间除了白色粉墙外没有任何装饰,只有一张桌子桌对

    Have a seat in your favorite chair and close your eyes. Now imagine walking into a bare room, with plain white walls with a small table and two folding chairs facing across from each other.


  • 知道座小小的房子,房子养一一台手提电脑、一步手机一些,那样我会相当快乐——但是我还并不打算做的那么彻底。

    I know I would be perfectly happy in a tiny house living a simple life with just the cat, a laptop, my iPhone and a few books - but I don't plan on going that extreme yet.


  • 而这还多亏了一叫做闪烁对比高科技法宝;不同夜晚拍摄天空同一的照片放在这个仪器然后快速地来回浏览

    He did it with a high tech marvel called a blink comparator; he put two photographs of the same patch of sky taken on different nights into the contraption and flipped back and forth between them.


  • 这个比萨食谱和以往不同,要求面团冰箱一夜

    This pizza crust recipe is different than others that I have made as it proofs overnight in the fridge.


  • 为有一个完整旅行体验钱德勒建议晚上当场豪华帐篷。这还有一些被忽视的原始湖。

    For a complete safari experience, Chandler recommends spending the night in one of the on-site luxury tents.


  • 将面粉橄榄油加入一半温水匀,10分钟

    Step 1. Mix the flour, salt and olive oil together in a bowl, add half the warm water and let sit for 10 minutes.


  • 翻译差不多翻译成:蓝天之上天国斗转星移当身更高的地方,不要形影相随,归属地球[大地],且永远也是。

    Above the blue, Wherethe tides of heaven flow, You are destined for higher ground, Not to linger with me, to the earth I am ever bound, Eternally.


  • 尺度这个乌托邦式的梦想世界变得无关紧要,乱物件主宰天际线可识别形体不再遵循原来功能

    Scale is irrelevant in the utopian dreamworld where misplaced objects dominate the skyline and recognizable forms bear not relation to their original functions.


  • 中国古典园林既有富有深刻的象征意义严谨具象的艺术雕塑,具纯美学观赏价值的飘逸、抽象

    Chinese classical gardens, both rich profound symbolic stringent, with the landscape as sculpture, and the value of becoming a purely aesthetic view — the abstract Purchase stone.


  • 位查尔斯顿北部25赛普斯,曾诺亚艾丽双双沉迷的湖泊景点,也可以参观不要季节

    Cypress Gardens, 25 miles north of Charleston, was the setting for Noah and Allie's swoony lake scene; you can visit, but not during 'gator season.


  • 帕德拉亚斯是个卑鄙、阴险之徒,决心巴尔博亚支持者于困境

    But Badrarias was a mean, spiteful man and determined to make life difficult for Balboa and his supporters.


  • 东西放在入口处

    Please put your belongings in the lockers by the entrance.


  • 制作幼鼠,你要把天大老鼠米酒,静

    To make baby mice wine, stuff rodents no more than three days old into a bottle of rice wine and let stew for a year.


  • 在六的诉讼58岁的心脏病专家拉德·医生过失杀人罪陪审团认为杰克逊生死于不顾。

    Following a six-week case, cardiologist Dr Conrad Murray, 58, was convicted of involuntary manslaughter after the jury decided his treatment of the singer had been criminally negligent.


  • 免税商品型前方椅背

    NO07, The duty-free catalog is in the seat pocket in front of you.


  • 其它进程另外特殊对象(叫做存根对象)接收这个缓冲包出来参数调用参数第一指定函数

    In the other process, another special object (called a stub object) receives this buffer, unpacks the parameters again, and calls the function that the caller meant to call in the first place.


  • 当加入杰克之间现实世界领域镜子企图捉住猎物

    Join Jack as he jumps between the real world and the inverted realms inside of mirrors in an attempt to catch his quarry.


  • 段电热带油管结合密封套筒1以防油液接触

    Each electrical heater band can be arranged in a sealing bush 1 which is combined with the oil tube in case of the contact with oil.


  • 段电热带油管结合密封套筒1以防油液接触

    Each electrical heater band can be arranged in a sealing bush 1 which is combined with the oil tube in case of the contact with oil.


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