• 罚球稳稳地球踢入网

    He walked up to the penalty spot and struck the ball firmly into the back of the net.


  • 裁判迈克尔·里德毫不犹豫地罚球

    Referee Michael Reed had no hesitation in awarding a penalty.


  • 詹金斯第十三分钟罚球不中,打在门柱上

    Jenkins missed a penalty, hitting the post in the thirteenth minute.


  • 上半场比赛还未过半,他们否决了一次明显罚球机会

    They were denied an obvious penalty before the midway point of the first half.


  • 罚球区内对方队员对犯规

    He was fouled inside the penalty area.


  • 罚球重要

    One big thing is free throws.


  • 罚球让对方把球抢断。

    He was tackled just outside the penalty area.


  • 除了常规训练总是早早体育馆独自练习罚球

    On top of regular practice, he always went to the gym early and practiced foul shots alone.


  • 决心成为罚球线上表现最好球员之一

    He was determined to be among the best form of the foul line.


  • 正在横滨各主要新闻中心执行采访任务记者们机会一试身手,他们可以在罚球踢“飞火流星”,目标是球网上的指定位置。

    Journalists at the main press centre in Yokohama have been given the chance to try out the Fevernova from the penalty spot, with the aim of hitting special targets in the goal.


  • 比赛还剩40的时候靠罚球取得了的本场的唯一两分来说可能会解脱,起码证明还是些事情的。

    It was a relief when he made two free throws for his only points with 40 seconds left just to show it was still possible for him to make anything.


  • 激烈的对抗。有些球员粗暴地犯规,有时甚至流血,但他们并抱怨只是简单地地板上站起来,投中两个空心罚球

    Players who are fouled extra hard -and even bloodied -then, without complaining, simply pick themselves up off the floor and sink both free throws.


  • 如果防守罚球命中率能够有所提高的话,绝对成为NBA最好球员

    Should his defense and free throw shooting improve to anywhere north of average, he'll have an argument to be the best player in the NBA.


  • 骑士队将要与他们的第二对手波士顿凯尔特人比赛的前一天也就是周五詹姆斯当天训练中仅仅进行中距离跳投罚球联系。

    James shot midrange jumpers and free throws at Friday's practice, a day before the Cavaliers opened their second-round series against the Boston Celtics.


  • 得知这个提议时有些吃惊,还是马上一个篮球,站上罚球线,运了两次球后沉着球罚进。

    Allen was momentarily taken aback by the proposal but then picked up a basketball, strode up to the free-throw line, dribbled twice and coolly made the shot.


  • 上赛季洛瑞篮板数控位排名第二,在罚球——投篮比上排名第一。

    Lowry came in second among point guards in rebound rate last season and led the position in free-throw attempts per field goal attempt.


  • 奥多姆阿里扎得到20分和17分,湖人队得到所有24罚球分。 掘金队卡梅隆得到最高分25分,JR史密斯则得到24分。

    Lamar Odom and Trevor Ariza had 20 and 17 apiece, and the Lakers made all 24 of their free throws.


  • 罚球free throw,foulshot):篮筐15英尺的无竞争的投篮,

    Free throw: An uncontested shot from 15 feet, worth one point.


  • 没错,这个一个复杂情况但是所要就是考虑以下情况:罚球队员明确的,收到指令,并且将向前了。

    A tricky situation, but all you need to consider is this: the player taking the kick must be clearly identified, and having received your signal, he must kick the ball forward.


  • 英格兰队正在进入良好状态只是缺少最后干净利落进球或者真正移动罚球区加以利用

    England were getting into good positions but lacked the crisp final ball, or indeed the movement in the box, to capitalise.


  • 虽然点球很多技巧比如踢向正好守门员不着的死角,但说到底点球更是罚球守门员心理较量。

    Although there is plenty of physical skill involved in placing the ball just out of the goalie's reach, a penalty shot is ultimately a mind game between player and goalkeeper.


  • 防守球队排成四人一队人墙,攻击球队队长两个主要任意球罚球球员讨论选择。

    As the defending team lines up a four-man wall, the captain of the attacking team discusses the options with his two main free-kick takers.


  • 唯一阻挡霍华德的也许就是德怀特·霍华德了——还有罚球线吧。

    The only thing that can stop Dwight Howard is, well, Dwight Howard — and the free throw line.


  • 养成习惯,在每次罚篮,先球温习一下罚篮动作,这样,一旦形成系统罚球的时候得心应手

    Develop a routine that you will go through before each free throw, therefore creating a solid system for you to follow.


  • 动作立即他吃一张红牌,也缺失半决赛同时吉安送到了罚球线。

    That drew an immediate red card for the striker, who will miss the semifinal, and sent Gyan to the penalty spot.


  • 做的很好。能够让自己造成对手犯规并且罚球线上得分?

    Ability to get to the foul line AND make free throws?


  • 与此不同是,迪亚兹了解罚球者在踢球身体动作是否流露出他何方

    Taking a different approach, Diaz wanted to find out if any of the kicker's body movements before the kick might betray where the ball will go.


  • 对手总是罚球线附近给我们施加强大压力

    They were getting to the (free throw) line and putting a lot of pressure on us.


  • 对手总是罚球线附近给我们施加强大压力

    They were getting to the (free throw) line and putting a lot of pressure on us.


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