• 除了三个大满贯赛冠军还有一些其他大牌球员错过了,包括老虎伍兹罗麦克新的世界排名第一维斯特伍德喜欢等。

    Aside from the three major champions, there are a host of other big names also set to miss out, including the likes of Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy and new world No. 1 Lee Westwood.


  • 加州卡斯特劳拉·麦克就是这么当时有人打电话告诉,她当时13岁儿子另一个男孩食物吐口水。

    That's what Laura McHugh of Castro Valley, California, did when a caller told her that her then 13-year-old son had spit in another boy's food.


  • 这部戏剧作品集的作者中,保·格林、苏珊·格拉斯佩尔、麦克斯韦·安德森、桑顿·怀尔德、威廉·萨扬和田纳西·威廉姆斯都因其对戏剧的贡献而获得普利策奖。

    Among the writers of the plays in this collection, Paul Green, Susan Glaspell, Maxwell Anderson, Thornton Wilder, William Saroyan, and Tennessee Williams have all received Pulitzer Prizes for their contributions to the theater.


  • 匈奴王阿提拉最为世人所那狂暴野蛮行为(此人英国广播公司最新的名人传记影片中·麦克扮演,见上图)。

    Attila the Hun (played in the BBC's latest biopic by Rory McCann, pictured above) is best known for his furious savagery.


  • 麦克尼西亚联合——个由超过600个岛屿组成岛国改建条道路作为一个例子

    She gave the example of improving a road in the Federated States of Micronesia, an island nation made up of over 600 islands.


  • 在去年秋天60岁生日时候,麦克博士三位成年孩子一起宣誓成为了美国公民

    Last fall, on his 60th birthday, Dr. McRobbie took the oath of allegiance as an American citizen, along with his three grown children.


  • 今年和该市广告合作关系城市再创新高,其中就包括麦克摩尔纪录片中充当阴森背景弗林特市。

    The state's advertising partnership extended to a record number of cities this year, including Flint, the grim setting for Mr Moore's documentary, “Roger & Me”.


  • 此次年老自身弱点而没落的主人公西蒙·埃克斯勒。是一名演员轮演剧目扮演普洛斯比麦克惨遭失败。

    This time the man felled by age and infirmity is Simon Axler, an actor who suffers a breakdown while portraying Prospero and Macbeth in repertory.


  • 已经任命麦克r米奇,司法部检察官监督长,重组机构使之成为更严厉监管

    He said he had named Michael r. Bromwich, a former Justice Department prosecutor and inspector general, to restructure the agency to make it a tougher regulator.


  • 史蒂芬·l·麦克尼拥有哈佛大学神经生物学博士学位,任神经研究所行为神经生理学实验室主管

    Stephen L. Macknik is director of the Laboratory of Behavioral Neurophysiology at the Barrow Neurological Institute and earned a Ph.D. in neurobiology from Harvard University.


  • 作家查尔斯·西伯特摄影师麦克·尼克尔斯本月探索达芙妮孤儿康复中心——大卫。歇尔德瑞野生动物基金会托儿所

    This month, writer Charles Siebert and photographer Michael Nichols explore Daphne's orphan elephant rehabilitation center, the Nairobi nursery of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.


  • 对此非常坦诚。”骑士主教练麦克·弗拉说。

    "He was really very honest about it," former Cavs coach Mike Fratello recalled.


  • 众所周知雅虎杨致远大卫,费麦克戴尔已经他们计算机热情转化成为成功商业行为了。

    Famously, Jerry Yang and David Filo of Yahoo (YHOO - news - people) and Michael Dell all turned their passion for computers into successful businesses.


  • 曾经诺贝尔奖获得者肯尼斯·长久共事,也是另一位诺贝尔奖获得者丹尼尔·麦克研究生导师

    He worked long ago with one previous winner, Kenneth Arrow, and was the graduate adviser to another, Daniel McFadden.


  • 麦克先生对手之前到达收银通道的队列之后,他突然发现位超市职员这时出现了,打开另一个收银通道,让伯格先生就占了上风,而这也让麦克先生发狂。

    After arriving in the checkout queue just ahead of his opponent, Mr McEnroe is distraught to see an employee appear and open another till, giving Mr Borg the upper hand.


  • 麦克里最后警告那些醉酒之后绝对必须攻击鳄鱼”的醉鬼们:首先确保面对的鳄鱼约翰迪尔鳄鱼系列货物多功能那样反应敏捷雄壮无比。

    And McCrory warned drunkards who "absolutely must assault an alligator while inebriated" to first make sure it is not a John Deere Gator cargo utility vehicle.


  • 令人印象深刻演员当属奥斯卡获得者弗兰西斯·麦克多蒙德以及资深演员约翰·特托

    The most memorable performances come from Oscar winner Frances McDormand and veteran actor John Turturro.


  • 撒拉玛说,“因此,现在不得不每天麦克,供家人绵羊山羊马使用。”

    now I have to buy a tank of water every day from Mekorot to supplymy family and to water my sheep, goats, and horses.


  • 张照片密友手中,即演员摄影师麦克·多沃尔(RoddyMcDowall)。

    The picture was taken by one of her closest friends, actor and photographer Roddy McDowall.


  • 布朗伯格沿着奥贾泉走,经过带刺铁丝网后面水泵水管形成的综合设施——麦克特的一口井,钻了2000英尺,进入含水层

    As Bromberg and I followed the Auja spring east, we passed a complexof pumps and pipes behind a barbed-wire fencea Mekorot well, drilled2, 000 feet deep to tap the aquifer.


  • 年轻北爱尔兰高尔夫选手里•麦克6月19夺得美国公开赛冠军,整个城市准备庆祝

    The city was gearing up to celebrate the success of Rory McIlroy, the young Northern Irish golfer who won the US Open on June 19th.


  • 时任总裁麦克格尔负责起名事宜,为此他找来了好几家广告公司一家外部企业形象设计公司共同参谋,举办了一内部的征名竞争

    Then-president and CEO Ron McDougall led the selection effort, enlisting ad agencies, an external corporate identity firm, and an internal contest.


  • 律师·利·麦克布赖德(RogerLea MacBride)被她称为领养孙子”,受她激励创作木屋系列”的一系列续集,有关莱茵的“玫瑰岁月”(Rose Years)。

    Her attorney Roger Lea MacBride, who she called her "adopted grandson, " was inspired by her to write a series of sequels to the "Little House" books, "The Rose Years, " about Lane.


  • Elevation公司的另一创始人杰·麦克纳米似乎颇为乐观

    Roger McNamee, another of Elevation's founders, seems to share his optimism.


  • 麦克·格克特(Mike Grocott),这次探险活动领导者这项同事休·蒙哥马利Hugh Montgomery)在几年发起的研究提出基因变异可能和这个问题有关

    Mike Grocott, the expedition's leader, says that research published a few years ago by his colleague Hugh Montgomery suggests genetic variability may, indeed, be involved.


  • 人们认为 米特·尼(Mitt Romney)麦克·哈克比(Mike Huckabee)再次参与竞选,白宫发言人特·金里奇(Newt Gingrich)和今密西西比州州长黑利·巴伯(HaleyBarbour)也是备受支持,跃跃欲试。

    Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee are thought likely to run again, with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Haley Barbour, currently governor of Mississippi, also tipped to stand.


  • 麦克(Womack,J.)、琼斯(Jones,D .)鲁斯(Roos, D .)合著的《改变世界机器》,纽约森联合出版社牛津麦斯威尔·麦克米伦国际出版社,1990年第一版。

    Womack, J., Jones, D. and Roos, d., "the Machine that Changed the World", Rawson Associates, New York, and Maxwell Macmillan International, Oxford, 1990.


  • 相似生活方式和思维有点像32岁凯利.麦克思特斯形容的2000年10月和她现任40岁丈夫马克.米尔依的生活。

    Lifestyle like-mindedness is part of what drew Kelly McMasters, 32, to her now-husband, Mark Milroy, 40, back in October of 2000.


  • 相似生活方式和思维有点像32岁凯利.麦克思特斯形容的2000年10月和她现任40岁丈夫马克.米尔依的生活。

    Lifestyle like-mindedness is part of what drew Kelly McMasters, 32, to her now-husband, Mark Milroy, 40, back in October of 2000.


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