• ·里奇(当那里奇儿子)。

    Rocco Ritchie (son of Madonna and Guy Ritchie).


  • 里奇奥克斯曼氏和他们同事们远离有限的、长久的功利建筑传统

    Ritchie, Oxman, Roche, and their colleagues split deeply from the finite, permanent, and utilitarian tradition of architecture.


  • 随着施密特森博格离开拉里·佩奇亮相设定公司方向绝佳时机至少投资者眼中是这样。

    With Schmidt and Rosenberg gone, it will be a good time for Larry Page to make an appearance and set the direction for the company, at least in the eyes of investors.


  • 使得跨进了由弗雷德·佩里-巴奇·拉沃尔、伊·埃莫森以及阿加西组成独揽大满贯赛冠军的行列。

    He also moved into a select group made up only of Fred Perry, Don Budge, Rod Laver, Roy Emerson and Andre Agassi as men who have won all four of the grand slam events.


  • 空转无效不要相信但是听听我的机械师美国康涅格,布里奇波特地区经营汽修厂.梅勒是怎么说的吧。

    Don't take my word about idling being ineffective, but do listen to my mechanic, Rob Maier, who runs Maier's Garage in Bridgeport, Connecticut.


  • 该片里奇执导,小唐尼主演一部喧闹福尔摩斯探案故事。

    ' 'Sherlock Holmes,' directed by Guy Ritchie and starring Robert Downey Jr. as a brawling version of the brainy Victorian detective.


  • 在那里怀尔德一家买下一小土地劳拉给这块地取了绰号叫“·里奇”,然后这块土地上建造了一房子,就是以后木屋”系列故事里的那幢小木屋。

    There, the Wilder family bought a plot of land dubbed Rocky Ridge by Laura, and built the home in which the "Little House" stories would later be written.


  • 人们认为 米特·尼(Mitt Romney)麦克·哈克比(Mike Huckabee)再次参与竞选,白宫发言人特·金里奇(Newt Gingrich)和今密西西比州州长黑利·巴伯(HaleyBarbour)也是备受支持,跃跃欲试。

    Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee are thought likely to run again, with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Haley Barbour, currently governor of Mississippi, also tipped to stand.


  • 但是迪克本场比赛的优异表现,要感谢教练拉里·斯特凡

    But with a refined game thanks to coach Larry Stefanki, Roddick made Federer work hard for his record 15th major.


  • 对于里奇粉丝数量怀疑从来不绝于耳因为相比其他候选人萨拉林(大约62万粉丝)米特•尼(6.4万粉丝),金里奇的就显得过于水分了。

    There was often speculation because Gingrich’s numbers were rather inflated compared to other candidates such as Sarah Palin (with about 620, 000 followers) and Mitt Romney (with 64, 000 followers).


  • 我们走上保护人主持的布克·布里奇教堂去。

    We had to walk two miles to Brocklebridge Church, where our patron officiated.


  • 阿尔扬·本、迈克尔·巴拉克安德烈·舍甫琴科韦恩·里奇依旧在莫里尼奥球员名单之外。

    Arjen Robben, Michael Ballack, Andrei Shevchenko and Wayne Bridge are all still missing for Jose Mourinho's men.


  • 《凤凰社》中一次通过省略同时对赫敏恩说谎可以从242-243找到(他没有告诉他们被乌姆里奇关禁闭整个事情)。

    One instance where Harry "lies by omission" in OoP to both Hermione and Ron can be found at: 242-243 (he doesn't tell them the full story about his detentions with Umbridge).


  • 美国广播公司新闻分析人士马修·道认为共和党人的角逐现在基本上只剩下姆尼和金里奇之间的竞争了。

    Political strategist Matthew Dowd, an analyst for ABC News, sees the Republican race evolving into a two-man field.


  • 以为清楚候选人巴拉克·奥巴马米特·尼,或者尼家族员,纽特·金里奇

    You think you know that the candidates will be Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, or perhaps one of the non-Romneys such as Newt Gingrich.


  • 包括首席执行官脱口秀主持人赫尔曼·凯恩,前美国众议院议长里奇,美国众议员·,前州长加里·约翰逊伦蒂。

    That includes former CEO and talk show host Herman Cain, former U. S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich, U. S. Representative Ron Paul and former governors Gary Johnson and Tim Pawlenty.


  • 其他名参选人目前没有积极竞选他们包括美国众议院议长纽特·金里奇、前犹他州州长洪博培处于领先地位的尼。

    Three more are on the ballot but are not actively campaigning. They include former U. S. House speaker Newt Gingrich, former Utah governor Jon Huntsman and the frontrunner, Mitt Romney.


  • 与此同时美国国会众议院议长纽特·金里奇麻萨诸塞州州长米特·尼两人看来正在进行较量

    Meanwhile, the Republican field is looking more like a showdown between former U. S. House of Representatives Speaker Newt Gingrich and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.


  • 被关时间妮可·里奇林赛·加起来还多。她只是被诬陷手镯名媛

    She's already served more time Than nicole richie and lindsay lohan combined. She's a socialite mistakenly accused of stealing a bracelet.


  • 电影中重要角色得特写,有哈利赫敏卢娜、纳不利多、乌姆里奇教授金妮德拉克卢修斯·马尔福父子。

    Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Professor Dumbledore, Professor Umbridge, Ginny, Draco and Lucius Malfoy will each be featured on their very own stamp.


  • 1800年,里奇洛乌斯基王子每年提供给贝多芬600一直延续贝多芬找到一份薪水更高的固定工作为止。

    In 1800 Prince Lichnowsky settled an annual salary of 600 florins on him, which was to be continued until Beethoven found a permanent position paying more.


  • 享受NH收集威尼斯旧巴传说中的威尼斯运河里亚托观点一个无与伦比起始位置探索雄伟城市

    Enjoy the views of the legendary Venice Canal Grande and Rialto Bridge from NH Collection Venice Palazzo Barocci, an unparalleled spot starting location to explore the majestic city.


  • 这个重要缺席还要再加上本,不过仍然好的消息,就是韦恩.里奇接受过膝部手术后已伤愈归队。

    That important absence is added to by Arjen Robben but there is better news with Wayne Bridge's return to availability following his own knee operation.


  • 出售包括著名里奇生产厂,宝马将保留利润颇丰的陆地以及迷你车型系列

    The sale would include the Longbridge production plant, with BMW retaining the profitable Land Rover and Mini businesses.


  • 爸爸部里大多数人都路网上班,”恩说,“所以我们看到乌姆里奇不会走路的,她那么妄自尊大。”

    "Dad always told us most Ministry people use the Floo Network to get to work, " Ron said. "That's why we haven't seen Umbridge, she'd never walk, she'd think she's too important.


  • 爸爸部里大多数人都路网上班,”恩说,“所以我们看到乌姆里奇不会走路的,她那么妄自尊大。”

    "Dad always told us most Ministry people use the Floo Network to get to work, " Ron said. "That's why we haven't seen Umbridge, she'd never walk, she'd think she's too important.


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