• 罗斯纳见过东德客户他们着闪闪发亮的新款梅赛德斯-奔驰轿车离开时,喜笑颜开。

    Iris Rossner has seen eastern German customers weep for joy when they drive away in shiny, new Mercedes-Benz sedans.


  • 报道称,塞拉利昂新星”号货船濒临日本海罗斯霍德卡附近沉没

    The Sierra Leone-flagged dry cargo vessel New Star began to sink in the Sea of Japan near Russia's far-eastern port of Nakhodka on Sunday morning, the report said.


  • 即使是以资金运作要求高而著称的埃克森石油公司也也已冒着更大的风险罗斯罗斯纳尔福德公司签订了大西洋黑海的开采合同

    Even Exxon, renowned for its capital discipline, has struck riskier-than-usual deals in the Arctic and the Black Sea with Russia’s state oil firm, Rosneft.


  • 太空行走世界纪录罗斯宇航员托利·索洛维耶夫保持。

    The world record of spacewalks is held by Russian astronaut Anatoly Solovyev.


  • 是全球四大导航网络之一,其他三个是美国的全球定位系统、俄罗斯的格洛斯和欧盟的伽利略。

    It's one of four global (全球的) navigation networks, including the United States' GPS, Russia's GLONASS and the European Union's Galileo.


  • 研究人员本月登上了正在罗斯巡航美国破冰船撒尼尔·b·尔默号,寻找这类洋流系统特征。

    This month, researchers aboard the U.S. icebreaking ship Nathaniel B. Palmer are cruising in the Ross sea in search of the signatures of this current system.


  • 研究人员本月登上了正在罗斯巡航美国破冰船撒尼尔·B·尔默号,寻找这类洋流系统特征。

    This month, researchers aboard the U. S. icebreaking ship Nathaniel B. Palmer are cruising in the Ross Sea in search of the signatures of this current system.


  • 可是扎尔·蒂诺注意到,过去六个月罗斯市场几乎没有获得任何新的海外资本

    But Timur Nazardinov notes the Russian market has not had any influx of fresh capital for about six months.


  • 莱昂·奥斯特里克上台,先罗斯经典老歌,然后再把声音变低,模仿一位著名黑人爵士歌手

    Lyona Ostricker would assume the stage and sing Russian classics and then coarsen his voice and do an imitation of a famous black jazz singer.


  • 并且通用本身对于被迫将欧宝出让麦格及其罗斯伙伴很不开心

    And GM itself is far from happy about being forced to sell to Magna and its Russian partner.


  • 有点庞贝毁灭一刹那,只是没有燃烧痕迹,”米切尔·罗斯。米切尔怀顿大学人类学家铜器时代专家没有参与此次考察。

    "It's sort of a Pompeii moment, except without the burning," said Mitchell Rothman, an anthropologist and Chalcolithic expert at Widener University who is not involved in the expedition.


  • 设在底特律通用汽车总部主要担心欧宝大量知识产权泄露罗斯嘎斯汽车公司去(公司也是麦格联合收购方员)。

    At GM's headquarters in Detroit, the main worry was that much of Opel's intellectual property would leak to Gaz, a Russian carmaker which was a partner in the Magna consortium.


  • 非洲最大传媒集团斯帕斯购买罗斯互联网公司数码天空科技28.7%的股份,后者拥有脸谱”的股份。

    Naspers, Africa's biggest media group, said it would take a 28.7% stake in Digital Sky Technologies, a Russian Internet company that also owns a share of Facebook.


  • 非洲最大传媒集团斯帕斯购买罗斯互联网公司数码天空科技28.7%的股份,后者拥有脸谱”的股份。

    Naspers, Africa’s biggest media group, said it would take a 28.7% stake in Digital Sky Technologies, a Russian internet company that also owns a share of Facebook.


  • 什说:“西方那么重要了。罗斯来说,西方没有几年那么重要了。

    The West is just not that important, not so overwhelmingly important as it was several years ago for Russia.


  • 维利先生话中暗指塞尔·布兰德森·罗斯安德鲁·萨克斯打恶作剧电话招致了几家报纸愤怒反应

    Mr Mulville was alluding to the anger with which newspapers reacted to the prank telephone calls made to Andrew Sachs by Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross.


  • 即使一系列的宝贵经验可能使奎罗斯将西芒安排到首发尼的表现仍然不能忽视。

    While this experience could be a decisive factor for Queiroz in choosing Simao for the starting spot, Nani’s performances cannot be ignored.


  • 我们多么崇拜妒忌他们,他们是我们大学生偶像——海明威福克罗斯艾略特玛丽·麦卡锡,弗兰里·奥康多拉·威尔蒂! ”约翰·厄普代克写道

    "How we did adore and envy them, the idols of our college years-hemingway and Faulkner, Frost and Eliot, Mary McCarthy and Flannery o 'connor and Eudora Welty!" wrote John Updike.


  • 罗斯国防部使用早期警戒系统,于是雷达基地成为这么多年华盛顿莫斯科谈判工具

    Russia's Defense Ministry, however, continued to rely on Skrunda's early warning system, and as a result the radar base was for years used as a negotiation tool between Washington and Moscow.


  • “美味老爸”5得主中,紧随贝克汉姆皮特之后明星厨师贾米·奥利弗电视剧明星森·罗斯和身为人父汤姆·克鲁斯

    Rounding out the top 5 in the dishiest dad competition after Beckham and Pitt was celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, TV star Jonathan Ross and recent father Tom Cruise.


  • 但是实质问题上相比罗斯扎尔巴耶夫近期倾向于中国

    But in matters of substance, Mr Nazarbayev has in recent days done more favours to China than to Russia.


  • 卡,事实上发现”的意思,是罗斯帆船队1859年登陆美洲时发现

    Nakhodka, which actually means "discovery", was discovered by the Russian sailing ship America in 1859.


  • 上周六斯托克城一役中,阿森拉姆齐主队的肖克罗斯断腿事后这些争论更是达到了白热化的程度。

    The issue has been brought into uncomfortably stark focus by the broken leg suffered by Arsenal's Aaron Ramsey last Saturday following a tackle from Stoke City's Ryan Shawcross.


  • 本周欧盟罗斯领导人罗斯城市举行峰会

    This week EU and Russian leaders were meeting in the Russian city of Nizhny Novgorod for a summit.


  • 罗斯木斯克市的阿托利·克恩科最新的杰出创作

    The extraordinary creation is the latest by Anatoly Konenko, from Omsk, in Russia.


  • 便携式厕所43机械师心血,由位于美国印第安波利斯的男孩公司的同事们共同开发制作完成。

    The speeding outhouse is the brainchild of mad-cap mechanic Paul Stender, 43, who created the toilet with his team at Indy Boys Inc, based in Indianapolis, USA.


  • 罗斯组合德米特里·萨乌丁/尤里·库科夫421.98乌克兰组合伊利娅·克瓦沙/阿列克西·普雷格罗夫以415.05摘

    Russians Dmitry Sautin and Yuriy Kunakov took the silver with 421.98 points, and Ukrainians Illya Kvasha and Oleksiy Prygorov bagged the bronze with 415.05 points.


  • 替身俄克拉何马州众议员迈克.西尔,罗斯的口头禅口音模仿得惟妙惟肖

    Perot’s stand-in was Congressman Mike Synar of Oklahoma, who had Ross’s sayings and accent down pat.


  • 替身俄克拉何马州众议员迈克.西尔,罗斯的口头禅口音模仿得惟妙惟肖

    Perot’s stand-in was Congressman Mike Synar of Oklahoma, who had Ross’s sayings and accent down pat.


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