• 罗斯面积远大于海参葳现在那里只有三个贫穷的村庄一个军事据点

    Russian Island is larger than Vladivostok by square kilometers. But now there are only 3 miserable villages and a military unit on its territory.


  • 第二穿过博斯普鲁斯海峡连接海参葳罗斯就是峰会的举办地

    And the second one will be across the Eastern Bosphorus Strait between Vladivostok and Russian Island where APEC is going to take place.


  • 克拉迪群罗斯个陡峭山坡上,坐落着一座由石材建造住宅俯瞰爱琴海

    On the Cycladic island of Syros, a stone house is set into a steep hillside overlooking the Aegean Sea.


  • 希腊罗斯岛很大,而且多山屿四周盖满了白色的小房子,碧绿色海水海岸边轻轻荡漾

    The Greek island of Paros is vast and mountainous, its periphery1 dotted with crisp white buildings and all of it surrounded by clear turquoise2 water rolling gently against its shores.


  • 美国国家飓风中心飓风星期四早上逼近安德罗斯持续风速小时205公里

    The U. S. National Hurricane Center said Matthew had sustained winds of 205 kilometers per hour Thursday morning as the center of the storm approached Andros Island and Nassau.


  • 2000年3月,流新西兰南边罗斯冰架上脱落,现在罗斯富兰克林之间,南北长达93英里

    The icebergs broke from the vast Ross ice shelf, south of New Zealand, in March 2000 and are now sandwiched between Ross Island and Franklin Island, 93 miles to the north.


  • 风光秀美山城,山城上点缀着柠檬橄榄树的青翠葱茏中掩盖着清晰明亮白色屋檐

    Poros island is the seat of the beautiful scenery of the mountain city on the island, the mountain city dotted with citrus and olive trees of green, verdant cover in a clear bright white roof.


  • 最新一项研究显示,早发型帕金森病的高发区域67屿(班乃[Panay]和内格罗斯岛[Negros])。

    A recent study also showed that a spike in early-onset PD occurred in Regions 6 and 7 (Panay and Negros) islands.


  • 但是得到了不错升职父亲帮助下接受安全调查,并收到到麦可罗斯博士手下研究s DF - 1的委任书

    But she made good her promise, and with her father's assistance had received a security clearance and an assignment to Macross Island to work under Dr. Lang aboard the SDF-1.


  • 我们环绕罗斯(Ross Island)埃里伯斯火山飞行,然后西越过海峡云石(Marble Point)飞去。

    We made a circle around Ross Island and Mount Erebus and then headed west across the Sound toward Marble Point.


  • 如今筑巢罗斯阿德利企鹅企鹅被迫经过长途跋涉,翻越冰山获取食物,从而喂养它们十一二月份繁衍季节生育的孩子们。

    Adelie and emperor penguins nesting on the Ross Island are now forced to walk long distances over the icebergs to obtain food for their chicks, born during the November-December breeding season.


  • 罗伊兹岬(Cape Royds)南极洲罗斯(RossSea)罗斯(Ross Island)上的一部分。这里生活着位于世界南端的企鹅群落

    Cape Royds, which is part of Ross Island in Antarctica's Ross Sea, is home to the southernmost penguin colony in the world.


  • 麦克默多站(McMurdoStation)是位于罗斯(Ross Island)美国研究基地,研究记录显示过去三十年间,这里的夏季平均气温上升摄氏1.5超出全球平均升温幅度。

    The average summer temperature at McMurdo Station, the American research base on Ross Island, has inched up 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit in the past 30 years, records show, more than the global average.


  • 罗斯海军在距佛得角300英里塞内加尔以西群拦截了艘货船。周前该船失踪引发了国际骚动

    The Russian Navy intercepted the Arctic Sea 300 miles off Cape Verde, a group of islands west of Senegal, three weeks after it vanished and sparked international intrigue.


  • 另一纠纷就是斯匹卑尔根之争,罗斯宣称1920年开始有用那里的开矿,俄挪威挪威拥有那里大陆架地区。

    Another dispute is around the island of Spitsbergen, on which Russia has had mining rights since 1920. Norway says it owns the continental shelf around it.


  • 罗斯堪察加延伸日本北部的由火山组成的

    The Kuril island chain is built from a line of volcanoes, an island arc, that extends from Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula to northern Japan.


  • 十多年来,英荷皇家壳牌公司及其日本合作伙伴三井公司三菱公司一直试图劝诱罗斯远东萨哈(库叶二号项目)附近冰封海上开采石油天然气

    FOR over a decade Royal Dutch Shell, along with its Japanese partners, Mitsui and Mitsubishi, has been struggling to coax oil and gas out of the frozen seas off Sakhalin Island, in Russia's far east.


  • 弗兰格尔罗斯管辖,是个人迹罕至北极屿。3 700年前,弗兰格尔还是矮猛犸象家园

    The inaccessible Arctic territory - belonging to Russia - was home to a population of dwarf woolly mammoths until as recently as 3, 700 years ago.


  • 保护区覆盖玛丽安娜巴尔米拉罗斯环礁周边珊瑚礁屿海洋

    Reefs, islands, and the ocean around the Mariana islands, Palmyra Atoll and Rose Atoll will be covered.


  • 位于日本北海道北端罗斯堪察加的南端。

    They lie to the north of Japan's Hokkaido island and to the south of Russia's Kamchatka peninsula.


  • 一浮规模上立志超越其他上浮比如上文穆尔以及德国罗斯托克漂浮花园

    The islands are meant to rival and outsize those in the rivers of other cities, such as the Murinsel, featured here, and the Floating Garden in Rostock, Germany.


  • 位于日本北海道北端罗斯堪察加的南端。

    The islands lie to the north of Japan's Hokkaido island and to the south of Russia's Kamchatka peninsula.


  • 维拉-卡累利加珍珠罗斯象征

    Valaam - the pearl of Karelia, the real symbol of the northern Russia.


  • 尽管广大北欧地区,罗斯以及美国南部诸居民们对于2010年年初的那场严寒依旧记忆犹新,但是其它的地区却倍感温暖,尤其是加拿大以及格陵兰地区。

    While the beginning of 2010 is remembered by northern Europeans, Russians and inhabitants of America's southern states as very cold, it was warm elsewhere, peculiarly so in Canada and Greenland.


  • 日本首相麻生太郎访问罗斯萨哈,讨论开设天然气工厂

    Taro Aso, Japan's prime minister, visited the Russian island of Sakhalin for the opening of a liquefied natural-gas plant.


  • 英属维尔京的纯净气息湛蓝海水一直让世界上的富豪和王室贵族趋之若鹜,罗斯沃德迪克斯酒店理查德·布兰森的私人屿力克以及彼得,就是这些皇亲贵胄经常光顾的地方。

    The pristine BVI has long attracted yachties and royalty to its turquoise waters, thanks to posh resorts like Rosewood Little Dix Bay, Sir Richard Branson’s Necker Island, and Peter Island.


  • 七月一日,汉斯·罗斯在林会议进行到最后一天全球健康专家组讨论中说。

    Hans Rosling at a panel discussion on global health on July 1st, the last day of the Lindau meeting.


  • 3米高种猛犸象种群一直罗斯弗兰格尔存活3700年前它们现代大象有很近的血缘关系

    A population of 3 metre-tall dwarf mammoths survived on Russia's Wrangel Island until 3, 700 years ago. They were closely related to the modern elephant.


  • 3米高种猛犸象种群一直罗斯弗兰格尔存活3700年前它们现代大象有很近的血缘关系

    A population of 3 metre-tall dwarf mammoths survived on Russia's Wrangel Island until 3, 700 years ago. They were closely related to the modern elephant.


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