• 非洲坦桑尼亚罗恩·自然公园进入名单因为这个地点人类进化特别记载,”UNESCO

    In Africa, the Ngorongoro natural park in Tanzania entered the list as a cultural treasure "because of the extraordinary record of human evolution at the site," UNESCO said.


  • 只妖兽在罗恩身上施展了法术,使他看到哈利赫敏兰杰在一起幻象,而此时的罗恩疯狂地赫敏。

    The creature uses magic to show the images of Harry with Hermione Granger, played by Watson, to Ron, who is madly in love with her.


  • 一行金恩总裁等陪同下参观了联合包裹服务公司总部,出席了金恩迪罗副总裁举行晚宴

    Consul General Gao also visited the headquarter of UPS and attended the dinner hosted by Vice President Victoria King and Vice President Jerry Del Gaudio.


  • 约翰·霍尔蒂万罗恩,哈维尔·米兰达最近一个严肃惊人研究数据表明创业产生最多工作机会。

    Recently, some seriously awesome research by John Haltiwanger, Ron Jarmin, and Javier Miranda has concluded that the greatest number of new jobs are created by startups.


  • 哈利来到沃兹认识罗恩赫敏

    Harry goes to Hogwarts. He meets Ron and Hermione.


  • 发言参议员有萨姆·纳约翰·伦、恰克罗伯利伯曼、约翰·布鲁杰伊·洛克·菲勒艾尔·戈尔

    Among the speakers were Senators Sam Nunn, John Glenn, Chuck Robb, Joe Lieberman, John Breaux, Jay Rockefeller, and Al Gore.


  • 麦克恩先生对手之前到达收银通道的队列之后,他突然发现位超市职员这时出现了,打开另一个收银通道,让伯先生就占了上风,而这也让麦克恩罗先生发狂。

    After arriving in the checkout queue just ahead of his opponent, Mr McEnroe is distraught to see an employee appear and open another till, giving Mr Borg the upper hand.


  • 芝加哥西北大学费恩柏医学院科学教授迈克尔·罗森博士说,时间观看3d电影可能会导致头痛

    But prolonged viewing may result in an aching head, according to Dr Michael Rosenberg, an ophthalmology professor at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago.


  • 时任总裁罗恩麦克道尔负责起名事宜,为此他找来了好几家广告公司一家外部企业形象设计公司共同参谋,举办了一内部的征名竞争

    Then-president and CEO Ron McDougall led the selection effort, enlisting ad agencies, an external corporate identity firm, and an internal contest.


  • 罗恩工厂本意是想打造三万辆具有未来主义外形的汽车不幸的是,这些最终证明动力不足笨拙不堪,蒂这样评论。

    The Delorean factory was supposed to crank out 30,000 of these futuristic looking cars. Unfortunately, the cars turned out to be underpowered and overweight, Hagerty said.


  • 就是说开始在沃茨上学三个星期之后就过了十二岁生日,也就是说哈利罗恩大了几乎一整岁。

    That would mean that she turned twelve three weeks after starting Hogwarts and that she is almost a year older than Harry and Ron.


  • 紧接着,《哈利·波特密室1998出版,故事记录了哈利、赫敏罗恩沃茨第二年的生活。

    Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets followed in 1998 and charted Harry, Hermione and Ron's second year at Hogwarts.


  • 看到·沃茨什么地方了吗?”罗恩问道爬了起来。

    "Did you see where in Hogwarts it is?" asked Ron, now scrambling to his feet too.


  • 沃茨女生哈利波特两个好友中的罗恩在一起。

    She is a young female student at Hogwarts and, with Ron , one of Harry Potter 's two best friends there.


  • 罗恩·韦斯莱?你赫敏·兰杰做了啥子?

    Ron Weasley: Who are you and what have you done with Hermione Granger?


  • 想要找的人小屋的哈利罗恩赫敏

    He was specifically looking for Harry, Ron, and Hermione to go down to Hagrid's.


  • 对于罗恩克来说,谨慎财政头脑或许当初下定决心注资因素之一

    Yet for Kroenke, Wenger's careful husbandry of his financial and playing assets may well have been one of the factors that attracted him to invest in the first place.


  • 罗德再次顺从意愿,迷惑的表情变成了礼貌淡漠罗恩急忙起了装有金属工具的小皮包

    Bogrod submitted once more to his will, his befuddled expression changing to one of polite indifference, as Ron hurried to pick up the leather bag of metal tools.


  • 羁押阿兹卡班的时候,罗恩哈利不止一次去看望牙牙

    When Hagrid was locked up in Azkaban, Ron and Harry looked in on Fang at least once.


  • 不如直接斯拉·霍恩办公室记忆搞到手。”门厅那儿罗恩赫敏透露计划时,赫敏

    "You'd do better," said Hermione, when he confided this plan to Ron and her in the entrance hall, "to go straight to Slughorn's office and try and get that memory from him."


  • 斯莱先生修复那些破烂,大声每个说话的人道歉哈利匆匆回到入口处发现罗恩一个模样十分古怪的巫师面对面站着。

    While Mr. Weasley repaired the damage and Hagrid shouted apologies to anybody who would listen, Harry hurried back to the entrance to find Ron face-to-face with a most eccentric-looking wizard.


  • 罗恩赫敏一起参观·默德村的唯一办法了。

    It's the only way I'll be allowed to visit Hogsmeade with Ron and Hermione.


  • 等待罗恩的黑点出现·沃茨走廊上,证明他回到了舒适城堡里受到血统身份的保护。

    He was waiting for the moment when Ron's labeled dot would reappear in the corridors of Hogwarts, proving that he had returned to the comfortable castle, protected by his status of pureblood.


  • 最后送给罗恩,变成了罗恩宠物在霍沃茨与哈利波特-主人敌人-同一宿舍

    Eventually, he was passed on to Ron Weasley and spent several years as Ron's pet, even living at Hogwarts in the same dorm room as Harry Potter, the enemy of his master.


  • 吉凯恩终端给予进入利森系统软件罗彻斯特,美国他们齿轮设计他们利用瑞士厄利空系统,这合适

    GKN have a terminal giving access to the Gleason system software in Rochester, USA, for designing their gears, though they also use the Swiss Oerlikon system where this more appropriate.


  • 赫敏不想其他人发现罗恩哈利小屋学校的途中雪地上所留下脚印时,她就一个擦除咒。 ( 《凤凰社》第20章)

    Hermione used an Obliteration Charm as she walked to make it look as though she, Ron, and Harry hadn't walked back from Hagrid's hut in the snow (OP20)


  • 罗恩加入兰芬多球队作守门员第一次训练紧张过度,把球鬼飞球抛给时用力过大,没有住,球脸上,流起了鼻血

    During his first practice as Gryffindor Keeper, a nervous Ron passed her the Quaffle so hard that she missed the catch and was hit in the face, causing a nosebleed.


  • 罗恩加入兰芬多球队作守门员第一次训练紧张过度,把球鬼飞球抛给时用力过大,没有住,球脸上,流起了鼻血

    During his first practice as Gryffindor Keeper, a nervous Ron passed her the Quaffle so hard that she missed the catch and was hit in the face, causing a nosebleed.


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