• 1731年,安布·伯勒将年轻白鹭介绍著名的克里博士

    In 1731, Ambrosius Beurer introduced young Ehret to the celebrated Dr. Christopher.


  • 迈克尔·里达州大学历史科学哲学下一本书关于人类进化引起哲学问题

    Michael Ruse teaches the history and philosophy of science at Florida State University. His next book is on philosophical questions arising out of human evolution.


  • 迈克尔·里达州大学历史科学哲学

    Michael Ruse teaches the history and philosophy of science at Florida State University.


  • 研究人员朗西教授'这项研究所用设备基本上全球诊所医院使用相同

    Researcher Professor Francesca Cordeiro said: 'The equipment used for this research is essentially the same as is used in clinics and hospitals worldwide.


  • 贞猜测莫里只是在收拾夹子眼镜看到这些东西

    Gourjian suggested Murray had been collecting his wallet and glasses, but Senneff said he could not see the items.


  • 朋友·伦·南丁格尔一起工作

    And she worked with her friend Florence Nightingale.


  • 在现今美国西部南部地区生活,最到达里达州,接近墨西哥的契亚省。

    It inhabited the western and southern portion of the U.S. as far south as Florida, and nearly to Chiapas in Mexico.


  • 上个月刚过完70岁生日的朗西·福特·科波拉:《泰特年轻时就开始计划的一部影片,当时还没有名气运气也没降临到他身上。

    FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA, who turned 70 last month, says that "Tetro" is the kind of film he set out to make as a young man, before fame and fortune sidetracked him.


  • 周五添加了里达的大沼泽地马达加热带森林使名单增加31个,增强人们的环保意识。

    On Friday it added Florida's Everglades and Madagascar's tropical forest to the 31 sites already on the list, which aims to boost environmental protection.


  • 莎琳德富兰克林詹姆士沃森朗西克里克跳跃到了下一步DNA变异和遗传结构机制

    Rosalind Franklin, James Watson and Francis Crick bestowed the next leap: DNA, the structure and mechanism of variation and inheritance.


  • ·刚生下来这个婴儿因为没有母亲喂养面临着危险

    The life of Florence's last baby is now at risk too, with no mother to feed her.


  • 作者埃德加··布作品封底图书俱乐部版本多次再版,极大提高了兰克·雷·泽塔大胆风格整个一代读者影响力。

    Reissues of the works of author Edgar Rice Burroughs in paper back and book club editions did much to bring Frank Frazetta's bold style to the attention of a whole new generation of readers.


  • 首场比赛1 - 2不敌匈牙利后,英格兰成功反弹,凭借·拉·沃查尔顿吉米-格里维的进球,英格兰3 - 1击败了阿根廷

    England recovered well from a 2-1 defeat against Hungary in the opening game as goals from Ron Flowers, Charlton and Jimmy Greaves sealed a 3-1 victory against Argentina.


  • 里达州共和党在州长查理·克里任命前任参谋长加入参议院填补梅尔·马丁内退休所留下空缺

    Charlie Crist, Florida's Republican governor, appointed his former chief of staff to fill the Senate seat left vacant by the retirement of Mel Martinez.


  • 这个研究发起人马修﹒赖安博士,他是盖恩维尔里达大学急诊医学助教,他人们貌似了解肥胖造成健康问题

    Women seemed more attuned tothe health issues posed by obesity, said study author Dr. Matthew Ryan, an assistant professor of emergency medicine at University of Florida,Gainesville.


  • 一个特别寒冷的冬天一对住明尼阿波利夫妇决定达避寒。

    A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during a particularly icy winter.


  • 目前英国婚龄最长结婚80珀西·艾史密夫妇,可珀西·史密去年辞世。

    With their relationship as strong as ever, the couple hope to beat the record for Britain's longest-ever marriage of 80 years, set by Percy and Florence Arrowsmith.


  • 在那里遇见著名护士·伦·南丁格尔

    There, she met the famous nurse Florence Nightingale.


  • 讽刺,当年排在1116位的是兰·瓦兹·奎,亚拉夫科廖夫肖恩梅拉沙德·麦坎茨,安东尼·莱特乔伊·格拉汉姆

    The irony, of course, is that Fran Vazquez, Yaroslav Korolev, Sean May, Rashad McCants, Antoine Wright and Joey Graham were taken with picks 11 through 16.


  • 美国国务卿希拉里•德姆克林顿险胜阿拉加州州长萨拉·佩林电视节目主持人普拉·温瑞,连续第九被评为“最受尊敬的女性”。去年也是击败这两位竞争对手而荣登榜首的。

    Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is the most-admired woman for the ninth year in a row, edging out former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and TV host Oprah Winfrey, as she did last year.


  • 人物欢喜冤家西蒙·佩吉尼克·(《僵尸肖恩》)携手为天外来客配音的赛·(《青蜂侠》),格雷格·莫拉托执导。

    Talent: Comedy duo Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (Shaun of the Dead) team up with Seth Rogen (The Green Hornet), who voices the extraterrestrial. Greg Mottola (Adventureland) directs.


  • 令人印象深刻演员当属获得者兰西·麦克多蒙德以及资深演员约翰·特托

    The most memorable performances come from Oscar winner Frances McDormand and veteran actor John Turturro.


  • 住在这里的时候,我们前去探访中世纪山城阿索,英国探险家利亚 达克诗人伯特·勃朗宁曾经在这里居住过

    From there we explored the medieval mountain town of Asolo, where Freya Stark and Robert Browning apparently lived.


  • 还知道喜欢的诗歌《回忆》,你最欣赏的画家米开朗基最爱歌曲是《谷》。

    It's how I know your favorite poem is' Recuerdo, 'your favorite painter Caravaggio, and your favorite song' Goofus. '.


  • 达州,有一万三千多人普拉·德雷安帕这样自愿巴马工作

    Mr Spradley and Mr Ampaw were among 13, 000 people who volunteered to work for Mr Obama in South Carolina.


  • 里达州35岁黑客Christopher Chaney10月12被捕向被侵犯隐私嘉丽-约翰逊米拉-库尼明星道歉。

    Christopher Chaney, a 35-year-old Fla. man, was arrested on Oct. 12, and has since offered an apology for violating the privacy of Scarlett Johansson, Mila Kunis, and others.


  • 第一史蒂夫·乔布()苹果的另一位创办者史蒂夫·沃兹奈克一起,他们工作造型是1976年风靡一时的“埃·林和一个矮人”(Errol Flynnand a hobbit)。他们创办苹果公司的第一天。

    Day one: Steve Jobs (right) with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak on the day they founded the company, working the "Errol Flynn and a hobbit" look that was all the rage in '76.


  • 玛利亚·德尔·萨里奥·卡耶塔娜·阿尔冯萨·维多利亚·尤金妮亚·朗西卡·菲茨-詹姆 ·图尔特··席尔瓦西班牙最有女人之一

    Maria del Rosario Cayetana Alfonsa Victoria Eugenia Francisca Fitz-James Stuart y de Silva is one of the richest women in Spain. Photograph: Carlos Alvarez/Getty


  • 帮助朗西·皮萨(Francisco Pizarro)征服印加人许多西班牙人是财富猎人而非士兵,“所以没有刀剑造成的创伤一定程度上说得的。”墨菲解释道

    Many Spaniards who helped Francisco Pizarro conquer the Incas were fortune-seekers, not soldiers, "so the absence of sword injuries makes some sense," Murphy explains.


  • 奥尔索普子爵爱德华·约翰-宾瑟子爵夫人朗西鲁思·伯克(后来可敬FrancesShand Kydd为人所知)的女儿

    She was the daughter of Edward John Spencer, Viscount Althorp, and Frances Ruth Burke Roche, Viscountess Althorp (later known as the Honorable Frances Shand Kydd).


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