• 电影小鱼》中,凯特·布兰切特饰演的一家音像商店经理申请了一银行贷款用来收购这家公司将业务扩展网络游戏

    In the movie Little Fish, a video store manager played by Cate Blanchett applies for a bank loan to buy the business and expand into online gaming.


  • 亚马逊收购之前在Quidsi工作Lodish说道公司围绕最流行的信息技术开发了高效分销网络

    Lodish, who served on the board of Quidsi before its acquisition by Amazon, says the firm developed highly efficient distribution networks revolving around state-of-the art information technology.


  • 另外,就是第二微软就宣布85亿美元收购网络视频通话公司Skype。

    The next day Microsoft said it was buying Skype, an internet calling and video service, for $8.5 billion.


  • 中国网络游戏开发商盛大游戏12正式宣布,收购全球领先的网页游戏分销平台——美国麻吉传媒公司,朝建立全球网游媒体平台的目标又迈进了一步。

    Shanda Games, a Chinese online gaming company, said Tuesday it will acquire US-based Mochi Media, a leading platform for distributing browser-based games, in its latest move to expand worldwide.


  • 收购战略- - -我们成功收购网络公司两家公司成功公司已有网络业务部门相结合

    Acquisition Strategy - we have made successful acquisition of two Internet companies that were successfully integrated to our existing Internet division.


  • 甲骨文收购FatWire帮助公司通过网络移动社交渠道改进在线参与功能,从而增加客户黏性忠诚度。”

    Oracle says that with FatWire it will help companies "drive customer retention and loyalty through improved online engagement – across Web, mobile and social channels."


  • 收购SlideJambool是两家社交网络制造应用虚拟商品以及货币公司,以及Angstro这家制造工具进行社交服务之间信息交换公司

    It acquired Slide and Jambool, which made apps and virtual goods and currency for social networks, and Angstro, which built tools to exchange information among social services.


  • 上周德沃尔夫又收购社交游戏网络(Social Gaming Network)Hallpass Media两家公司,以扩充员工,并且公司网络产品线中增加移动游戏内容。

    Last week, he scooped up Social Gaming Network and Hallpass Media to augment staff and add mobile games to the company's Web products. (New York Times)


  • 中国网络媒体公司新浪(SinaCorp.)监管机构审批时间太长,收购分众传媒控股有限公司(FocusMedia Holding Ltd.)交易可能更改

    Chinese online media company Sina Corp. said it may alter its deal to acquire the advertising assets of Focus Media Holding Ltd. amid a drawn-out regulatory approval process.


  • 马萨诸塞州剑桥一家网络基础设施公司Akamai Technologies的首席财务官j.d .Sherman表示目标公司收购方的战略符合比以往任何时候都重要

    A target's strategic fit with the acquirer is as important as ever, says J.D. Sherman, CFO of Akamai Technologies, a Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Web infrastructure company.


  • 这家挪威浏览器公司刚刚宣布已经收购网络邮件公司FlashMail .fm

    The Norway-based browser company announced this morning that it has acquired webmail service FastMail.fm.


  • 中化集团将28亿澳元(约合24亿美元)价格收购Nufarm公司,以扩大其全球分销网络

    Sinochem Corp, China's largest chemicals trader, offered to buy Australia's Nufarm Ltd for A$2.8b ($2.4b) to gain a global distribution network.


  • 雅虎360雅虎公司社交网络网站的经营不像前面几个网站那么景气,所以雅虎正在进行收购Facebook的谈判,后者正是美国许多大学生使用的社交网络网站。

    Yahoo! Has fared less well with its social-networking site, Yahoo! 360, and is now negotiating to buy Facebook, a networking site used by many American college students.


  • 现在,在宽带网络提供方面具有强大市场竞争力的软体银行公司已经收购沃达丰日本移动业务部门这样对于软体银行公司同样具有了提供固定-移动融合之后业务的能力

    Now that Softbank, an aggressive broadband provider, has acquired Vodafone's Japanese mobile unit, it too will be able to offer fixed-mobile convergence.


  • 塞梅尔错过了网络搜索赢利机会,此后收购一家搜索引擎公司Inktomi。2003年,并购付费搜索广告先驱overture公司

    Having belatedly grasped the money-making potential of web-search, Mr Semel then bought Inktomi, another search engine, and in 2003 he bought Overture, the pioneer of paid-search advertising.


  • Weblogs公司一家这样网络博客杂志公司,它在去年刚刚被网络巨人时代华纳集团收购。 Weblogs的老板杰森.卡拉卡尼斯先生称,这样博客杂志是“当今利润最高媒体业务”。

    Such blogs are “the most profitable media business today,” says Jason Calacanis, who runs Weblogs Inc, another stable of popular blogs that he sold to AOL, the web arm of Time Warner, a year ago.


  • 网络搜索广告公司雅虎去年夏天拒绝了微软(Microsoft)每股42美元的收购报价,现在股价已经跌到了13.11美元。

    The Web search and advertising company last summer rejected Microsoft's $42-a-share bid and its shares were trading recently at $13.11.


  • 六月针对Nortel Net works北电网络公司破产留下6000个专利拍卖会点燃了专利收购热情。

    The auction of some 6, 000 patents from the bankrupt Nortel in late June lighted the fuse.


  • 去年11月份,赫德再次出手,斥资27亿美元收购3comCorp .,使公司成为能够思科竞争网络设备制造商。

    This year, Hurd acquired 3com Corp., stepping up competition with Cisco Systems Inc. in networking equipment.


  • 刚刚林签订了收购一家有线网络公司合同,也就是说作为律师的我,现在就有了10%的股份

    Will: I just closed the deal for Harlin to buy a cable company, which means, as his attorney, that I am now 10% of rolling in it.


  • 巨人网络公司一个系列公司收购

    The giant networking company, is a serial acquirer of companies.


  • 公司完善收购网络快速完成各种东北特产及药材收购满足客户需要

    I have to improve the acquisition of the company network, can quickly complete a variety of Northeast Hill medicinal products and acquisitions to meet customer needs.


  • 微软公开报价收购网络公司雅虎

    Microsoft made a public offer to buy the Internet company Yahoo.


  • 微软已经撤销雅虎收购案﹐决定寻求敌意并购网络公司

    Microsoft has withdrawn its proposal to acquire Yahoo and will not pursue a hostile bid for the Internet company.


  • 过去年间诺基亚进行收购三分之一针对的总部位于硅谷的公司重点网络计算领域

    A third of Nokia's acquisitions during the past 10 years have been Valley-based and focused on networks and computing.


  • 这些公司大多把资金投入已经收购现有团队上,由他们建立网络安全研发中心

    They invest money mostly in already acquiring existing teams to setup cyber security research and development centers.


  • 山东金宇轮胎有限公司并未意大利MAI集团收购部分杂志网络媒体报道事实严重不符

    Shandong Jinyu Tire CO. , Ltd is not acquired by MAI group. Some magazines and internet media's reports are definitely inconsistent with the fact.


  • 山东金宇轮胎有限公司并未意大利MAI集团收购部分杂志网络媒体报道事实严重不符

    Shandong Jinyu Tire CO. , Ltd is not acquired by MAI group. Some magazines and internet media's reports are definitely inconsistent with the fact.


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