• 研究结果发表网络心理行为社交网络》一文里。

    Her findings were published recently in Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking.


  • 1014名大学生进行网络依赖网络心理需求社会支持使用量表进行测试

    For 1014 college students network dependence, network psychological needs, social support use scale test.


  • 目的本研究旨在探讨互联网过度使用导致网络成瘾网络心理依赖成因提出应对策略

    Objective to discuss Internet addiction and dependence caused by excessive use of Internet and to put forward corresponding strategies according to the causes.


  • 随着网络触角迅速延伸青少年网络心理问题日益凸显出来,严重影响了青少年学习生活

    With the fast extension of the network feeler, youth's network psychological problems are gradually increasing. They are seriously affecting youth's study and life.


  • 刊登网络心理行为社交网》上的这项发现表明自卑的人往往其他人频繁地登陆主页

    The findings, published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behaviour And Social Networking, also suggested that those with low self-esteem also checked their Facebook pages more regularly than normal.


  • 信息网络社会化一种必然发展趋势信息网络社会化的过程中,网络心理调适占有举足轻重的地位

    The regulation of network psychology can play an important role in the course of socialization of information networks, which is an inevitable trend.


  • 通过331名大学生网络心理问卷调查,反映部分大学生存在迷恋网络人际情感淡化影响正常学习生活等问题。

    The investigation of 331 students network psychology shows that some students addict to network, indifferent to emotional communication, which exert influence on their study and life.


  • 因此,如何在“网络时代”加强大学生网络心理问题及其成因分析研究成为一个无法回避亟待解决的重大课题。

    Hence, it becomes an inevitable and urgent issue for us to strengthen the study and analysis of the network psychological problems of college students.


  • 本文高职大学生网络心理需求分为积极网络心理需求消极网络心理需求,对高职大学生的网络心理需求进行了透析

    In this paper, Internet psychological demands of higher vocational students are classified into two groups: active Internet psychological demands and passive ones, which are then incisively analyzed.


  • 最近网络心理行为社交网络杂志发表研究哥本哈根大学研究人员进行参与者超过1000人,主要是女性

    The study, published recently in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, was conducted by researchers at the University of Copenhagen on over 1000 participants, mostly women.


  • 周一网上发布篇名为《网络心理行为社交网络研究》论文指出电话的内容哪一方主动拨打电话可能影响双方的关系

    A paper published online on Monday in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking suggests that both the nature of the calls and who initiates the calls may affect relations.


  • 使社交媒体的社交生活有助于心理健康应当作为现有健康社交网络一个补充

    In order for it to play a psychologically healthy role in your social life, social media should supplement an already healthy social network.


  • 心理健康专家说:虽然很有趣甚至是诱惑——可以找回久违爱情友谊途径——但社交网络还是无法替代现实世界。

    While fun, even alluring - a way to connect with long-lost loves and friends - social networks are no replacement for the real thing, say mental health experts.


  • 然而启发了我们也许有效心理干预方式——将关注点放在那些社交网络边缘最孤独人们身上,然后帮助他们修复他人人际关系。

    This also, however, suggests new interventions that may be more effective - targeting the loneliest people on the edge of their social networks and helping them repair their relationships with others.


  • 回到网络成瘾测验,奇怪的很少有效心理测量被用到这个测试中来。

    Getting back to the Internet Addiction test, there's surprisingly few psychometric validity studies conducted on this test.


  • 切断病人网络联系然后给予他们心理辅导再辅之小组互动活动病人现实社会进行交流

    Cutting off patients' connection with the Web before offering them psychological counseling and complementing that with group interactive activities to teach patients how to socialize in real society.


  • 凯尔不是第一个提出网络可能人类造成心理作用

    Carr isn't the first person to recognise the possible psychological effects that the Internet might be having on us.


  • 调查研究第一明确表明网络病态的迷恋”会引发心理健康疾病

    For the first time, a study claims that "pathological" web use causes mental health problems.


  • 有专家认为漂流在年轻人中流行起来是因为这种新颖的网络方式可以排解深层心理孤独压抑

    Experts say the virtual floating bottle is popular because it can release people's deep-rooted psychological loneliness and depression.


  • 就是因为喜欢电脑心理,才经营应用网络技术心理学的生意

    I used to love computers and psychology very much and that's why I was very happy to end up running a psychology related Internet business.


  • 主要报纸网站外,deVolkskrant针对旅游健康心理约会交友历史、以及网络电视等都开发了相应网站。

    In addition to its main newspaper site, DE Volkskrantdeveloped websites for travel, health and psychology, dating, history, web TV among others.


  • 没错可以将之称为从众心理充斥网络”,但是既然现实如此,那就是现实!

    Yes, you could call it the herd mentality spilling over to the Internet, but if it works, it works!


  • 自1992年撰写网络行为心理健康心理问题方法心理十字路口等作品。

    He has been writing about online behavior, mental health and psychology issues, and the intersection of technology and psychology since 1992.


  • 然而对于美国这么一个心理治疗网络结缘的国家来说,此类故事不足为奇。

    But in America, which has long had a love affair with both therapy and the Net, these stories are common.


  • 最后记住通过网络保持关系很困难的,因为彼此感觉到心理距离所以要不时的个电话。

    Finally, remember it can be difficult to maintain relationships online because people feel psychologically distant from one another, so make a call every now and then.


  • 另一学派心理学家包括加州大学芭芭拉分校研究人员认为两个网络作用即时任务

    Another school of psychologists, which includes the Santa Barbara researchers, theorizes that both networks are working on agendas beyond the immediate task.


  • 然而社交网络就是分享

    However, the core idea of a social network is sharing.


  • 就是两个心理称为在线去抑制”例子指的网络上的人们会感受到更少社会习俗的制约。

    These are two examples of what psychologists call the 'online disinhibition effect', the idea that when online people feel less inhibited by social conventions.


  • 现在曾经边缘化冶疗手段产生对于心理疾病新的视角心理疾病是因为对于脑中互相连接网络的某种影响不是特定区域化学物质的不平衡

    This once fringe treatment is now creating a new view of mental illness as a condition affecting an interconnected network rather than arising from chemical imbalances in specific regions.


  • 这个网络应该包含能够帮助CEO对付工作压力帮他们站游戏顶端心理学家人格培训师。

    That network could include psychologists and personal trainers who can help a CEO cope with the pressures of the job and stay at the top of their game.


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